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October 08, 2014

Foot caught on a workplace hazard – compensation advice from The Injury Lawyers

There are loads of workplace regulations that are designed to protect employees from being injured during their course of their employment. When it comes to slips, trips, and falls, the most prominent piece of legislation is usually The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations which has a specific section that covers the condition of floors and traffic routes.

So if you have been the victim of a trip and / or fall due to getting your foot caught on something in the workplace, what are your rights?

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October 03, 2014

Welding injury compensation claims

Welding can be a fairly dangerous task for rather obvious reasons. We have such stringent health and safety rules and regulations here in the UK to protect workers from being injured unnecessarily in the workplace.

Where a risk of injury can be reduced or completely avoided, an employer has a duty to take whatever reasonable steps are necessary to achieve this. So read on for more information about making a claim for personal injury compensation if you are injured in a welding accident at work.
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September 26, 2014

Tripped and injured by a bolt or screw protruding from the floor?

Over time there are things can happen to fixtures, fittings, and buildings – plastering can fail, ceilings can crumble, and screws or bolts are liable to become loose. So what happens if you are the victim of a tripping accident that is caused by a screw or a bolt protruding from the ground perhaps due to changes over time, or where it has been accidentally left in that way that poses a tripping hazard?
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September 24, 2014

5 reasons why you SHOULD make a work accident injury claim!

Many people are worried about making a claim for personal injury compensation for a workplace injury or accident for fairly obvious reasons. People are naturally worried whether making a claim will affect their job, cause ‘bad blood’ and prevent your career progression, or perhaps get anyone in to trouble.

So to put your mind at ease, here are 5 reasons why you should make a claim as an employee injured in the line of duty.
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September 19, 2014

Old machinery causing accidents in the workplace – where do you stand?

To protect employees in the workplace there are a lot of health and safety laws and regulations. Whilst many take for granted the need for such strict rules, statistics show that they help to keep accidents to a minimum, which is always a good thing.

But in an age of continuing economic difficulties there are situations where business are taking risks by not replacing and maintaining old machinery in the workplace – so where do you stand if you end up being the victim of an accident due to old machinery at work?

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September 09, 2014

Stepped on a tool at work and been injured? Workplace compensation claim advice!

Many workplaces can end up cluttered when workers are busily going about their jobs. In the case of construction sites and similar working environments it can be typical for tools and tackle to end up in all sorts of places in the working area.

But there is no excuse when it comes to the traffic route regulations and making sure that employees are safe when navigating the workplace. If you are injured having stepped, tripped or slipped on a tool at work then read on for some vital advice.

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August 27, 2014

Injured because gloves at work are too short or do not cover your arms

There is a duty in law whereby employers must provide suitable Personal Protective Equipment (or PPE as it’s known for short) where an employee may be exposed to a danger that they cannot eradicate. Gloves are one of the most common forms of PPE used in many workplaces; but the duty is not just about providing gloves, it is also about ensuring that they are suitable enough.

So in the case of gloves that fall short of protecting you (quite literally), where do you stand?
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August 26, 2014

Hand crush injury compensation claims

A crushing injury to the hand can be significantly debilitating and will often leave the victim with long term impairment. We deal with a lot of crushed hand injuries that largely arise from work accident claims so it is important to know your rights and instruct an expert injury law firm to represent you for a case.

We’ll take a look at some useful workplace health and safety law as well as what you can claim for when it comes to a hand crush injury claim.
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August 15, 2014

Falls in the workplace – where you stand!

There are plenty health and safety rules and regulations we have in place that employers are legally bound to adhere to. But despite our country’s fairly sterling reputation for safety we still take on and win large volumes of cases for falls from height in the workplace.

So let’s look at some of the regulations and where you may be entitled to make a workplace claim for personal injury compensation. You could be entitled to thousands of pounds from a falling accident in the workplace.

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August 08, 2014

Tail lift accidents at work – claims advice from The Injury Lawyers

A tail lift on the back of a lorry or wagon at work can be classed as work equipment. As such its use and condition is governed by The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations which place a number of duties on both employers and employees.

So if you are injured in an accident at work involving a tail lift, you may have a claim for a work injury compensation. Read on for further advice.
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