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July 30, 2014

Shop assistant accident claims advice

shop assistant injury claimsAs a shop assistant there can be many dangers that can cause you to be injured in the workplace. Your employer has a duty to keep you safe in the workplace and there are numerous health and safety rules and regulations that they must adhere to.

So read on for some advice about when you might be owed thousands of pounds in workers compensation.

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July 29, 2014

Injured as an agency worker – no training received!

agency training at new jobTraining is important in preventing accidents in the workplace. When it comes to general health and safety – such as using equipment, lifting and carrying, using protective equipment, or working at heights – training can be the difference between safety and danger.

As an agency worker you still need to be trained in how to do something safely to prevent an accident. So what if you weren’t?

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July 25, 2014

Fall injury from standing on a chair or stool at work – claims advice!

work injury chair compensation claimsThere are many forms of employment that require access to high up places. Even in your general office or shop you may need to reach high shelving units. But one thing we have seen time and time again is injuries caused by employees being instructed to use stools or chairs to reach high places.

This can breach health and safety legislation as it can be a very dangerous thing to do – so let’s look at the law and your rights for making a claim for personal injury compensation if this has happened to you.

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July 24, 2014

Delivery driver accident compensation advice

delivery driver claimsAs a delivery driver, there are a lot of ways you can end up injured in the line of duty. You’re out and about on the road much more which means there is a greater chance of being in a road accident; you’re probably going to be unloading or loading vehicles which can lead to manual handling injuries; and there could be injuries caused on a wagon itself.

So what are your rights if you are injured as a delivery driver? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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July 24, 2014

Have you used dangerous or defective equipment at work which your employer knew about?

defective equipment at workSometimes when you make a claim, winning or losing comes down to one simple thing – was your employer aware, or should they have been aware, of a danger or a hazard? Claims can only be successful where we can prove a breach of important health and safety legislation. Your employer has to have been negligent and has to have breached the duty of care they owe to you.

So what if your employer was, or should, have been aware of a dangerous or defective piece of equipment at work?

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July 09, 2014

Crush Injury Compensation Claims

crushing claimsCrush injury claims can be very severe indeed. As a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers who represent victims claiming for just a few thousand pounds to millions of pounds, we’re more than used to dealing with crush injury cases.

So when can you claim and what sort of payout can you expect? Read on for more advice…

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July 08, 2014

Work Apprentice Injury Compensation Claims Advice

work apprentice injury compensationWe take on a fairly high volume of workplace compensation claims involving apprentices for the simple reason that they are often more vulnerable to accidents and injuries. With far less experience as an apprentice in a dangerous environment like a factory or a construction site, apprentice employees can be at a greater risk of sustaining a personal injury.

Employers need to be on top of their game to make sure they adhere to the numerous workplace health and safety regulations we have in place. They cover everything from the prevention of slip and trip hazards, best manual handling practice, preventing injuries caused by work equipment, providing protective gear and clothing, and working at height – as examples.

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July 04, 2014

Factory Worker Compensation Claims

work injury claimsAlthough we are fortunate enough to have rather stringent health and safety laws here in the UK that are great at keeping accidents down to a minimum, they still happen. Unfortunately, working in a place like a factory can generally put you at a higher risk of injury. To reflect this, standards need to be high.

But what happens when you are failed by your employer and you are injured as a factory worker? What are you rights when it comes to making a claim after a factory accident?

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June 30, 2014

Warehouse worker injury advice to claim compensation

Working as a warehouse operative means you are putting your health at risk on an almost daily working basis. There are so many workplace health and safety risks in a warehouse, so it’s important for your employer to do things the right way to make sure you are not injured in the line of duty.

So what are your rights as a warehouse worker if you are injured in the workplace? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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June 30, 2014

Injured by Broken Box or Container at Work? Injury Lawyers Advice

lifting heavy objects at work adviceBoxes and containers are an everyday part of a lot of people’s employment – especially for those working in the warehouse and distribution fields. But whilst a box or a container is designed to make carrying loads together an easier task, it can become a nightmare if something goes wrong with the box or container.

So what happens if a box or container you are using breaks and this causes an accident? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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