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March 31, 2014

100% Compensation for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Claims

We can offer 100% compensation for workplace compensation claims

The general duty of the employer is to take all reasonable steps to avoid an employee being injured in the workplace. Where certain dangers cannot be avoided, Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE as its commonly known, is the key to safeguarding employees from harm in the workplace.

So what are the duties on your employer, and where can you make a potential claim for personal injury compensation for being injured?

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March 28, 2014

Tripped on loose wires at work? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

100% compensation for work accident claims

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 places a duty on your employer to take all reasonable steps to prevent accidents from occurring in the workplace. The regulations actually have a specific section designated to the condition of floors and traffic routes that is designed to cover the issue of slips, trips, and falls in the workplace.

So if you trip over loose wires in the workplace, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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March 28, 2014

100% Compensation for Work Equipment Claims

Most solicitors take 25% from your payout – we don’t!

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 is an important piece of legislation that dictates the responsibility your employer has to you when it comes to providing and managing equipment in the workplace. It’s a very important law that places a significant duty on employers to take reasonable steps to keep employees safe.

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March 19, 2014

Workplace Accidents – Cranes and Plant Equipment Claims

100% compensation for workplace accidents

I saw a recent story in the Derby Telegraph about a worker who narrowly escaped what could have been a fatal injury when a crane toppled over whilst trying to lift a heavy object (source). According to the news story, the accident, which happened in my resident city of Derby this week, confirms that the worker managed to escape the crane unharmed.

But it could have been so much worse – so what happens if someone is injured in an accident involving cranes and plant equipment? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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March 19, 2014

Co-op Successfully Sued when boss told worker to put her hand inside a broken air conditioning unit

100% compensation for workplace claims – click here for more!

We take on a lot of workplace accident claims and we’re often astonished at some of the circumstances employees are injured in. Health and safety is significantly stringent in the UK, and whilst many workplaces can boast of good records when it comes to keeping accidents down, there are times when things happen that could have easily been avoided.

So here’s a story from the Matlock Mercury (source) about a local woman in chesterfield who is suing her employer, the Co-op, after she was told to put herself in danger in the workplace.

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March 11, 2014

Crossrail worker killed on site by falling concrete

According to reports from the BBC (Source), work on the huge Crossrail project site has been suspended following the death of a contractor who was hit by a piece of falling concrete at the end of last week. The victim was said to be a 43 year old contractor who was spraying concrete in the early hours of Friday morning when he was fatally injured.

The Health and Safety Executive has been informed, and a full investigation is due to be underway.

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March 11, 2014

100% Compensation for Work Accident Claims

Most lawyers will take 25% from your payout – we don’t!

Did you know that most law firms will now want to take 25% from your compensation payout to cover fees that the government have stopped law firms recovering? Now, we are subject to less fees than we used to be able to recover because the government stopped us from being able to recover our Success Fee from the opponent.

But we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement for work accident claims – read on to find out how!

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March 05, 2014

Forklift Truck Accident? Claim 100% Compensation TODAY

As part of our ongoing pledge to make sure our clients keep all 100% of their payout since the law changed last year, resulting in most other lawyers now taking 25% from payouts, we’ve been asked a fair few times if this is the case for forklift truck accidents in the workplace.

The great news is that we do offer 100% compensation agreements for most workplace accident claims, and forklift truck accidents are no different!

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March 05, 2014

Trolley / Stock Cage Wheel Gets Caught – Advice from The Injury Lawyers

Work Accident Claims – 100% Compensation!

Trolleys and stock cages are a common piece of work equipment in many roles and workplaces. There is a duty for employers to take reasonable steps to make sure that trolleys and cages are maintained and suitable for use under The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992.

But what if there is nothing wrong with the trolley or cage itself, but the floor is dangerous or defective and a wheel gets stuck or caught, resulting an injury? Perhaps the sudden stop has jerked you and caused a back or shoulder injury, or perhaps the shift in weight has caused the trolley or cage to fall over?

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March 05, 2014

Slipped on steps on a lorry / wagon / works vehicle? – advice from The Injury Lawyers

I think the vast majority of large work vehicles will have steps on them to allow employees to use them properly. Lorry cabs will have them; diggers will have them; even small vans may have them to access the back.

So what happens if you slip on vehicle steps and you are injured as a result? Whether you have slipped and twisted your ankle or knee, or fallen down and caused an impact injury, you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

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