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January 31, 2014

Accident in a walk in fridge or a walk in freezer at work – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Walk in fridges and walk in freezes are common in many workplaces, particularly those in the catering industry. They can, for many reasons, be very dangerous to employees, so employers need to take as many precautions as possible to prevent a person from being injured in a walk in fridge or freezer.

If you have an accident in a walk in fridge or freezer, you may be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

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January 31, 2014

Slipped on a mat – advice from The Injury lawyers

Mats are normally there to prevent hazards – like water accumulating from rainfall at the entrance to a supermarket for example. But mats themselves can be a severe hazard if they are not secure to the ground. If they are loose and on a tiled surface, you could step on the mat and it could easily end up slipping from under you, causing an accident

So if you are the unfortunate victim of stepping on to a mat which is not secure and it has slipped, causing you an injury, do you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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January 30, 2014

Injury caused when pushing trolleys / stock cages / pallet trucks over uneven ground

Trolleys, stock cages, and pallet trucks are of course extremely useful for handling large quantities of items or heavy items that could cause injuries when lifting manually, or can’t be lifted manually at all.  Training, as always, should be provided to make sure that people can use equipment like this safely.

But one thing that can easily be overlooked is using equipment like this on uneven or sloped surfaces. If you have ever done this, or ever even pushed a shopping trolley down a hill or on uneven ground when it’s loaded with heavy items, it can make it much more difficult to do.

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January 30, 2014

Accident at Work Claim – how long does it usually take to settle?

This isn’t a straightforward question to answer – so to guide you in the best way I possibly can, I’ll explain the process and some general timeframes and tell you the main factors that affect the length of an accident at work personal injury compensation claim.

One important thing to know though is that the quality of your lawyer can affect the speed in which it takes to settle a claim, so make sure you go to the best like us!

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January 29, 2014

Scaffolding accidents at work – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Accidents at work involving scaffolding are common, and can often lead to serious injuries. We have represented many victims who have had to make a claim for personal injury compensation for the suffering and financial loss caused as a result of negligence in the workplace relating to scaffolding.

So if you have been injured at work in a scaffolding accident, you may have a claim – here are some examples where you may have a successful case.

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January 29, 2014

Restaurant work accidents – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Restaurants can be dangerous places to work in. Having worked in the catering industry as a student, dinner service can be a hectic and stressful time with servers and chefs rushing around to keep on top of orders and customers.

There are a number of potential health and safety hazards in general, so training and procedures are key in a restaurant to prevent people from being injured. So let’s take a look at some common examples where your employer may be liable to compensate you for your suffering and loss in the line of duty.

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January 29, 2014

Health and Safety – Trailing Wires Compensation Claims

Wires – an obvious tripping hazard that can cause serious injuries if a person lands hard on the ground having tripped over wires, or getting their foot caught and falling due to trailing wires. When it comes to public places in general, there is always a duty to make sure that there are no tripping hazards so there should never be trailing wires.

In an office where it is workers that are often covered by important workplace health and safety regulations, trailing wires can easy lead to an employer being liable to compensate an employee.

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January 28, 2014

Tripped on plastic shrink wrapping at work – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Any tripping accident can result in serious injuries – especially if you land on a hard floor. That’s why there are specific regulations that employers must abide by in order to protect their employees from being injured in the line of duty. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 have a specific section dedicated to the condition of floors and traffic routes.

This section states the following:

(3) So far as is reasonably practicable, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall.

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January 28, 2014

Injured by bad packaging / boxes at work – advice from The Injury lawyers

If you’re expected to lift and carry boxes and packages around the workplace, the last thing you expect is for the packaging / box to suddenly break, causing a sudden shift in weight or objects contained inside to fall out and cause you an injury.

So what if it does happen? Do you have any right to make a claim for personal injury compensation caused by the incident?

All employers do have a general duty to make sure that you’re safe in the workplace. So if they have failed to take steps to look after you, or cut corners or do things that could potentially be dangerous, you may able to claim from their insurance.

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January 14, 2014

Slipped Disc at Work Injury Claim Advice

back injury from liftingThe Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 are an important set of regulations that govern manual handling activities in the workplace. Any lifting and carrying in the workplace can be dangerous and lead to serious injuries; normally to the back.

Slipped disc injuries are amongst the worse as they often result in a lot of pain, a need for a lengthy period of rehabilitation, a lot of time off work, and possibly even surgery and lifelong problems. So if you have slipped discs at work due to carrying and lifting, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation against your employer?
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