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October 15, 2013

Shutter Injury Compensation Claims

shutter injury work claimsOne of the last things you expect is to be hit by shutters! Having dealt with these claims in the past we know it can be quite a shock to the victim and the injuries can be fairly serious as well; ranging from head injuries and neck / shoulder / back injuries similar to whiplash.

So if you are hit by a shutter, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

Your Rights as a Visitor

Generally speaking, if you are a member of a public at a supermarket or a shop or in another public place and you are hit by a shutter, the applicable law is the Occupiers Liability Act. This imposes a duty on people to have a responsibility to look after visitors to their premises. Being hit by a shutter can happen in a number of ways – the shutters are faulty and come down; they are not secured properly; or you are the victim of an employee’s negligence.
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October 14, 2013

Injured Due to No Guards on Machine or Equipment at Work

no guard on machine claimsThere are loads of rules and regulations that employers must abide by in order to protect their employees from being injured in the workplace. When it comes to work equipment, there are specific regulations to cover this: The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.

When it comes to guards on machines and equipment, the regulations that are most important state the following:

Dangerous parts of machinery
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supermarket claims
October 11, 2013

Injured by a shopping trolley in a supermarket can you claim?

People tend to be in such a rush nowadays that accidents and injuries are fairly common. When it comes to accidents in supermarkets, we take on a lot of claims for personal injury compensation. A fair few of these involve claims when a person is hit by a shopping trolley.

It can do a serious amount of damage; particularly if your leg or ankle is hit. We have seen fractures and serious ligament damage from being hit by a trolley. An impact with a trolley can also lead to a fall to the ground which can of course cause serious injuries as well.
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October 10, 2013

Hit by Falling Object on Building Site Claim – Injury Lawyers Advice

hit by a falling object on building site claimBuilding sites are inherently dangerous places to be. That’s why there are a number of health and safety rules and regulations that apply when working on a building site.

If you are hit by a falling object, you may be able to make a work injury claim for compensation if you are injured as a result. How the object fell is key to whether you have a claim or not. The following are scenarios in which you may have a good claim for compensation:
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October 07, 2013

Had an Accident after given the Wrong Type of Ladder? Some Injury Lawyers Advice!

accident at work claim proceduresThere are loads of rules and regulations that employers must abide by to keep you safe from injury at work. When it comes to ladders, there are typically two areas that play the primary part in establishing that your employer has been negligent. These are:

  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005

Under The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, Regulation 4 is key. This reads as follows:
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October 04, 2013

Nursing Home Workers Claims Injury Lawyers Advice

home workers compensation claimsWe take on a surprising amount of personal injury compensation claims for workers who have been injured whilst on duty in nursing homes. So if this has happened to you, here is a little advice about your rights to claim in common nursing home injury scenarios.

The vast majority of injuries sustained involve manual handling. It’s common for a lot of patients to have severe mobility problems, so a large part of a role in a nursing home is lifting and manoeuvring people in and out and around beds.
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October 03, 2013

Health and Safety Rules while Training at Work!

health and safety training at new jobAs a firm of lawyers who only represent victims for personal injury claims, we take on a lot of workers compensation claims for accidents and injuries that occur in the line of duty. We have expert knowledge to be able to advise you right from the start as to whether you have a claim for compensation, and to fight for your rights to claim.

We take on a surprising amount of claims for personal injury compensation where a lack of training has resulted in employees being injured in the line of day. So here is a little advice about your rights to claim.
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September 27, 2013

Had an Accident at Work? Advice on why You Should Claim!

accident at work claimsClaiming compensation from your employer can be a little daunting for many people. There is a worry about what your employer might think of you, or whether they will treat you any differently or even whether they may get rid of you!

This quick blog is here to put your mind at ease.

The law protects you

You cannot be sacked or treated any differently for making a claim for personal injury compensation. If you were, you may well have an employment claim to make against them as well! So don’t worry, you are fully protected; a fact that your employer should be fully aware of.
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September 24, 2013

Electric Shock at Work Compensation Claim

electrocuted claimsThere are loads of employment regulations that your employer is duty bound to follow. They exist to protect you from being injured whilst working. Let’s face it – all jobs come with hazards, and when it comes to working with electrical equipment and machinery, which is a part of almost every job, there are certain things that can go wrong.

The human body is a great conductor of electricity, so if you are exposed to something, you are liable to end up getting shocked. A piece of exposed wiring, or water near an electrical switch could end up with an injury. So what’s the duty, and can you sue your employer for personal injury compensation if you receive an electric shock at work?

Commonly its machinery that will shock you, so the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 apply. The great thing about these regulations is that Regulation 5 can impose a strict liability on your employer. This means they may have no choice but to pay you compensation if you are injured because a piece of equipment has somehow become defective. If you innocently use it and end up getting an electric shock, the regulations should apply.
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September 16, 2013

Foot Caught in Flooring at Work Accident Claims

workplace flooring accident claimsIt is the duty of your employer to ensure that the flooring of the workplace is safe for employers. Injuries and accidents can commonly occur due to poor or defective flooring in the work place.  Accidents can happen due to uneven flooring, broken tiles, rough ground, spillages or even a lack of matting or carpeting.

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) regulations 1992, set out that a floor “must be suitable for the purpose which it is used” and should be in good condition with “no hole or slope, or be uneven or slippery” so as to not pose a risk to the health and safety of employees.  The 1992 regulations also set out that “every floor in a workplace” must be kept free from “obstruction” and any “substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall“.
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