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August 17, 2012

Slips and Trip Claims

Back in the days before Health and Safety was invented a fall in the workplace due to a trailing cable or wet floor was probably met with a response of “pick your feet up” or “watch where you’re going” or sometimes even laughter.

Even now some employers try and adopt the culture that falling over isn’t so serious (some comedians even make a whole career out of it) but for employees on the receiving end of these accidents it is no laughing matter.

Slips and trips in the workplace can result in anything from bruises to serious injuries. The fact of the matter is that your employer has a responsibility to keep you safe at work and if they have failed to ensure that there are proper procedures to look after your safety then they are at fault.
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hearing aid
August 15, 2012

Selective deafness could be industrial deafness in disguise!

It’s likely most people have all heard of selective deafness. Our wives, husbands, partners etc seem to be experts in the field, especially when football or the soaps are on TV! But have you ever considered that it may in fact be a case of industrial deafness rather than selective deafness?

Say, for example, that your husband constantly mishears or ignores what you have said to him. While you may believe it is a case of selective deafness, consider whether your husband has ever worked in a noisy environment, consider if your husband could be suffering from industrial deafness. The sufferer often does not realise that anything is wrong.

It is often a wife, partner or other family member or perhaps a friend that notices a hearing deficit. Industrial deafness does not mean complete deafness; it covers partial and sometimes relatively minor hearing deficiencies.
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By Editor
August 15, 2012

Scaffolding Accident Compensation Claims

The legal duty of an employer is take reasonable care for the health and safety of employees and to reduce the possibility of accidents and injuries at workincluding scaffolding accidents if you work with scaffolding.

In respect of scaffolding accidents, some of the main risks are if the scaffolding is on poor foundations, if boards are missing from the platform, or if boards are uneven or of poor quality etc. Of course there are many other risks with scaffolding and it is imperative that scaffolding is erected properly and safely.

The building industry has proven to be a dangerous environment for workers and for the general public. If you are the victim of a scaffolding accident then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
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By Editor
August 15, 2012

Work Related Traffic Accidents

When your job includes driving, you can be driving anything from a car, a van, a lorry, or some form or machinery or equipment – like a forklift truck for example. If the vehicle is owned by your employer then your employer should take out insurance on the vehicle which will also cover you as the driver in the event of an accident. It’s also their responsibility to maintain the vehicle as well.

As the vehicle will be used for work and business, the insurance policy is normally different to that of everyday motorists. Vehicles owned and used by companies are normally insured under what is called a ‘fleet policy’ which will usually cover all the vehicles owned and used by the company.

Now, normally Road Traffic Accidents usually involve the collision of vehicles and therefore a claim for personal injury will be made against the at fault party’s insurer. However, not all Road Traffic Accidents do involve other vehicles and an accident can often be caused by the employer’s failure to maintain a vehicle.
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August 06, 2012

Workplace Injuries

The vast majority of people have to work to earn a living, pay their bills and support their families. If, in doing so, you are unfortunate enough to sustain an injury at work, then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

People are often reluctant to make a claim for compensation following an accident at work – which is understandable as the case may be against a current employer with whom the Claimant wants to continue working for. However, as personal injury lawyers with a wealth of experience in dealing with work accident claims, we would like to point out that companies are required to have insurance in place for the sole purpose of paying out compensation to people who sustain injury during their work. So you are covered!

Employers may also not react as you might think. If you have sustained injury at work you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. You could also recover losses such as medical expenses and loss of earnings. Remember, if you have sustained injury at work then it is your right to make a claim for compensation. You have been injured in the line of duty through no fault of your own – why wouldn’t your employer want you to claim from the insurance they have in place for making a claim?
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By Editor
August 03, 2012

Pleural Plaques

Pleural plaques are a form of scarring of the lungs. Pleural plaques do not usually cause any symptoms but they are an indication of previous exposure to asbestos. People with pleural plaques often become anxious, understandably so, that they will develop a fatal asbestos related disease such as mesothelioma.

In 2006 the law changed in relation to pleural plaques. The Court of Appeal ruled that people who suffer from the asbestos related condition would no longer be entitled to recover compensation.

If you have pleural plaques you are at an increased risk of developing other asbestos related illnesses such as asbestosis and mesothelioma. While the ruling of the Court of Appeal still stands, people who are suffering from pleural plaques may not be entitled to recover compensation.
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By Editor
August 03, 2012

Mesothelioma Claims

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is more common in men than in women. This is not surprising as mesothelioma can be caused as a result of exposure to asbestos. Although a rare form of cancer, mesothelioma is actually on the increase and is expected to continue rising over the coming years.

If you have been exposed to asbestos in your working life you are at an increased risk of developing mesothelioma. You may have worked with asbestos and think that you have been lucky enough not to contract mesothelioma. Unfortunately, people generally find out that they are suffering from mesothelioma a number of years after the exposure to asbestos. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from mesothelioma you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

So, what is asbestos? How do you know if you have been exposed to asbestos fibres? Asbestos is an insulating material that was often used in the building industry.  Many older buildings may still contain asbestos and therefore people need to be extra vigilant when carrying out any demolition or renovation work.
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By Editor
August 03, 2012

Faulty Equipment Accidents

A faulty equipment claim can arise in a number of different circumstances. From equipment at work to equipment in your gym, faulty equipment can result in serious injury and consequential loss. If you have been injured whilst using equipment that is found to be faulty, you may be able to claim compensation to cover the cost of medical expenses and recover any loss of earnings.

Faulty equipment at work.

Employers owe a duty of care to employees to ensure any work equipment they are required to use is safe and properly maintained. It is also expected of employers to provide adequate training to employees to ensure equipment is used in the correct way and does not cause unnecessary injury.
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By Author
July 25, 2012

Office based Injuries

If you work in an office, like me, then you may consider yourself reasonably safe from incurring personal injuries.

However, personal injuries can and do happen in office environments more than most people think. You can do your bit to try and prevent personal injuries occurring in the office, which in reality is actually a very important requirement.

No doubt your employers will have given you a ticking off for leaving your belongings on the floor and causing a tripping hazard, for one example. By keeping the office tidy and employing a common sense approach, most office accidents could be avoided.
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By Editor
July 25, 2012

Scaffolding Collapse

This is anyone’s worst nightmare – being high up when the floor beneath you collapses. The injuries you can sustain from falling from a height, or hitting something as you fall from a low height, can be significant. Our bodies can endure a great deal of punishment, but there only so much twisting, turning, thudding, breaking, and bouncing our body parts can take.

We get a lot of these sorts of claims and they commonly relate to accidents at work. Employees are casually working on scaffolding when the floor decking collapses or breaks, causing you to fall. Equally, the structure of the scaffolding could break apart. It’s normally caused by one of two things: poor construction of the scaffolding, or poor maintenance of the scaffolding.

Whoever is responsible for the scaffolding – whether it’s your employers, or another company you are working with or for on some kind of site or project – must ensure that the scaffolding is erected correctly and is maintained efficiently to prevent such accidents occurring. Health and safety inspections and checking is an easy way to do this. Those responsible for putting up the scaffolding need to be properly trained and provided with the right equipment as well.
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