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June 01, 2012

Fall from Height Injuries and Compensation Claims – Lawyers Advice

Falling from a height can rather obviously end up with some serious injuries sustained. I’m sure everyone knows that the higher the height, the more serious the injuries; and depending on what you’re falling on to could also make a huge difference.  For this reason, health and safety rules and regulations surrounding working at height, or accessing high places, or in areas where risks of falls are there, are numerous.

For example, anyone who has to work at height must have appropriate training, guidance, and supervision for the task they are doing at height. If you must use high catwalks, or perhaps access scaffolding, rails should be in place to prevent anyone from falling. If you need to access a height using a ladder, the correct ladders must be used to ensure you do not end up falling and seriously injuring yourself.

In a none workplace scenario – I’m sure you’ve all noticed that bridges have rails and guards in place: to stop you from falling over the edge. Staircases and stepped areas will normally have handrails to hold o to as well, which is all in the name of preventing a fall from height.
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May 28, 2012

Accident at Work Compensation Lawyers – Poor Working Practices

There are a lot of rules and regulations in place that employees must abide by to ensure that their employees are not injured during the course of their employment. These regulations range from general health and safety at work, use of equipment at work, personal protective equipment at work, manual handling at work, and much more.

Whilst we have a good array of rules and regulations in place to protect employees, there are still high volumes of compensation claims that we deal with here that we often cannot understand how the employer has allowed it to happen. Simple things are missed, and employers fall foul of not taking health and safety in the workplace seriously enough to ensure people are not hurt at work.

Take for example a supermarket, that employs people to use delivery cages to distribute stock on to the shelves from the delivery lorries. The cages are work equipment, and must be regularly inspected and maintained by the employer to ensure they are safe to use. Staff should know to report any issues or difficulties in using them t prevent anyone from coming to harm. It’s simple enough to do, right? Why then does John Smith end up injured because the shelf on the cage he was using was being propped up by a surplus box of crisps and collapses as he innocently tried to remove the box to place it on a shelf? How has the employer allowed the cage to be in such disrepair that staff are using boxes to prop up shelves; and why weren’t staff more vigilant to report those kinds of problems? Normally because the employer isn’t doing enough to ensure it doesn’t happen.
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May 28, 2012

Machinery Accident Compensation Lawyers

Depending on the type of industry you work in, workplaces can be very dangerous. If you work with machinery or plant equipment for example, the potential dangers involved are numerous. For this reason, health and safety rules and regulations for the use of machinery and equipment at work are numerous.

If you work with machinery and equipment, your employer is responsible for training you as well as supervision of its use; and inspecting and maintaining machinery and equipment to ensure that it is continually safe to use. Machinery and equipment must be safe to use at all times – so appropriate guards, rails, or emergency stop buttons should be in place at all times to ensure no one is harmed through the use of the equipment.

If you are injured at work due to machinery and equipment, you may be covered for compensation with your employers insurance if the accident was caused through no fault of your own. Unfortunately, injuries involving machinery and equipment can be often significant – so you need to make sure you have a specialist personal injury lawyer representing you for your claim for compensation.
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May 24, 2012

Scaffold Accident Compensation Claims – Lawyers Advice

For a man who is responsible for looking after our new clients in a busy, leading, personal injury law firm, as well as writing informative articles for you folks to digest, you may not have thought I’d be the sort of guy who has done my fair share of work up on a scaffold rig!

A fair few years back, as a recent graduate in an economic meltdown, I did a little light renovating work for a family friend that involved scaffolding to reach the high ceilings in a former swimming hall being turned in to a modern dance studio. It was good work – I enjoyed getting my hands dirty – but as a former rock climber as well, with a little instructing experience, my knowledge of dangers at height is pretty good!

This hands on experience combined with my hands on legal knowledge allows me to write a nice little blog about scaffolding injuries and whether you can claim compensation for them.
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May 14, 2012

Accident at Work Compensation Lawyers – Personal Protective Equipment

The importance of Personal Protective Equipment (or PPE for short) at work is huge. There are certain risks and hazards in many workplace situations that mean the only form of protection from injury is with equipment employers must provide to their employees. The duty is on the employer to pay for and provide suitable equipment, as well as to maintain the equipment and replace such equipment as and when it is necessary to do so.

For example – if you need to manually handle dangerous material, such as sharp metals, hot liquids, chemicals, or anything that can cause any form of injury or suffering to you, your employers must provide you with the right equipment such as gloves to protect you from injury. Gloves in these kinds of scenarios must be appropriate as well – they must be strong enough to ensure sharp material cannot slice through the gloves, or heat retardant enough to prevent hot materials or liquids from burning through them.

The equipment must also be available and suitable for use as well. Taking the gloves example again – they’re no use if there aren’t any available to fit you, or if the gloves prevent you from working, or if there are only limited amounts leaving some employees without protection.
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May 04, 2012

Personal Protective Equipment – Work Accident Compensation Lawyers Advice

All employers must provide all equipment that is to be worn or used to protect their employers from risks from hazards in the workplace. This equipment is known as personal protective equipment, or PPE for short.

This equipment comes in all shapes and sizes and can be anything from safety goggles, ear protectors, high visibility clothing, protective footwear, or gloves, depending on the type workplace and the nature of the hazards involved.

All employers have a duty to not only provide this equipment but to also deliver appropriate training on how to use the equipment. Employers are responsible for the full costs of this equipment, and they should not ask you for any contributions for this equipment whatsoever. They should also ensure that the PPE is kept, maintained, and stored correctly so it can offer the user the fullest protection it can.
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April 20, 2012

Work Accident Compensation Lawyers – Reporting Your Accident!

What should you do if you have an accident at work?

Naturally, you should firstly seek medical attention to make sure you are okay!  At the end of the day, nothing is more important than your wellbeing.  Once you are sure you are fine you should report your accident to your manager or supervisor and make sure that a record is properly kept of your accident by your employer.

All employers are legally required to keep an accident book.  It is necessary to record all accidents in this book and it is good practice to even record near misses in the workplace.  For example, if you trip over something that shouldn’t have been there but don’t fall and hit the ground or injure yourself, you should still report this so that action be taken in order to prevent such incidents happening again.
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April 13, 2012

Arm Injury Compensation: Lawyers Advice

Any injury can end up being debilitating – but when it’s a vital limb we use as part of our everyday lives, the things we are normally able to do can end up being severely restricted.

A trip over a dangerous hazard or a slip on a wet floor can leave you falling to the ground, and doing what we all do when we are falling – instinctively put out your arms to break your fall! Whilst this vital instinctive defensive mechanism can minimise the damage to your body, you are likely to suffer a hard knock at the very least, if not a break in any area of your arm caused by the impact of the fall.

The common injuries we see here are fractures and dislocations to the wrists, fingers, and elbows, unless you’re luck enough to escape with soft tissue damage instead. The soft tissue injuries you can get can be equally as damaging and may leave you feeling tender for quite some time. If you suffer from ligament damage you could be in an even worse position as many ligament ruptures can be impossible to repair, leaving you needing some from of reconstructive surgery.
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March 23, 2012

Injured At Work Lawyers Advice – Reporting your accident

One of the most important things in helping to bring a successful claim for compensation if you have had an accident at work is to ensure that you have reported your accident.  If you do this there is a hard record of your accident and there should not be any disputes later on as to whether the accident happened or not.  Reporting your accident really is an excellent staring point.

Naturally, if you require urgent medical attention this you should be the first thing you seek.  At the end of the day, nothing is more important than your being okay.  But, once you have sought medical attention, make sure to get your accident recorded in the accident book at work and to inform your Manager of what has happened.

It is important to know that all employers are required by law to have an accident book and you should be made aware as to where it is kept.  You should also know that all accidents should be reported in the accident book, and near misses should be reported as well. 
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March 08, 2012

Tripping at Work Compensation Lawyers

Given that work takes up such a huge amount of our lives nowadays, we expect to be safe when working; i.e. not running in to any hazards whilst we get on with our jobs. Health and Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance, and employers must adhere to loads of rules and regulations to make sure employees do not come to harm whilst in the workplace.

Whilst differing rules and regulations apply more to varying areas of employment, one of the most basic areas of health and safety law that applies to any employment situation is tripping hazards!

We get a lot of enquiries from people looking to make compensation claims for tripping injuries at work. At the end of the day, it’s so easy to get caught out. A tile on the floor becomes raised and isn’t inspected or maintained regularly enough by the employer, and you have yourself an employee tripping over an obvious and dangerous defect. A colleague leaves some bags in a corridor and you walk straight in to them; the likelihood is you ending up on the floor, humiliated, and injured.
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