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February 15, 2012

Reporting Accidents at Work – Compensation Lawyers Advice

If you ever injure yourself in the workplace, its good practice to report it to a superior as soon after the accident as possible; permitting you don’t need urgent medical attention or anything. No matter how big or small the injury is, you would be wise to notify someone and get it properly recorded to make sure there is a solid record of exactly what happened.

This is especially useful for making a claim for compensation. So if you are considering making one and haven’t yet reported the injury, I’d speak to your employer as soon as you can!

So, here’s a little advice on reporting the accident and what happens next:
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By Author
February 14, 2012

Manual Handling Compensation Claim Lawyers

Manual handling injuries can be devastating; the back is, after all, one of the most important parts of our bodies. Injuring your back can range from discomfort to immobility. Its important that we look after our backs, so its important that we lift in the right way to make sure that we never end up injuring ourselves in the line of duty for our employers.

Manual Handling affects everyone – even the office workers that every now and then need to carry a stack of files or a box of paper from A to B need to make sure that they are doing it in the right way to avoid injury. For those of you where manual handling is an active part of your daily routine, I’d like to think you know the dangers and the health and safety rules inside out.

Rules and Regulations
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By Author
February 03, 2012

Work Equipment Accident Lawyers

Depending on your choice of profession, you may find yourself exposed to all sorts of weird, wonderful, and potentially dangerous equipment that is necessary for you to use to carry out your job. If you’re mainly office based like me, the only equipment I use other than my computer is a phone, a pen, and a stapler now and then! So there isn’t much danger in it for me – although if you are computer based, make sure you’ve done your Display Screen Equipment tests…

Alternatively, those of you working on a construction site will be using power tools, ladders, cement mixers, plant machinery, and all sorts of potentially lethal things; so it goes without saying that adequate training and supervision is needed for the use of this kind of work equipment…

The Law
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By Author
January 31, 2012

Work Accident Compensation Claim Lawyer

We are The Injury Lawyers – and we think our name says it all. We are THE INJURY LAWYERS, meaning we only deal with personal injury compensation claims, so we can offer you a more specialist service and a lawyer with specialist experience and skills. To narrow it down a little more, we specialise in all forms of personal injury claims; with work accident compensation claims making up a large percentage of our client base.

So, if you’ve had an accident at work, and you’re looking for a work accident compensation claim lawyer, look no further, and take note of this three part guide that will fill you in on what you need to know.

1. Your Position and Employment is Protected
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By Author
January 23, 2012

Vicarious Liability

If you ever find yourself injured in an accident as a consequence of someone’s negligence, leaving you distressed and at harm either from a physical or psychological injury, it is only justifiable to ensure that you are well compensated as a result of this injury for your pain suffering, and loss of amenity.

With this in mind then, it is important to understand that it is not possible to seek compensation directly from an individual who caused the accident as, from a financial perspective, they would certainly struggle to compensate you properly. Therefore the preferable route would be to seek damages against their employer as chances are they will posses adequate insurance for you to claim from.

Having said this, in order for a case of vicarious liability to be successfully brought a distinction must be made between what qualifies an individual to being under a ‘contract of employment’ and under a ‘contract for services’.
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By Editor
January 10, 2012

Injured by Manual Handling

It is no exaggeration when I tell you that injuries caused by the incorrect lifting of objects, whether it be in the course of your employment or indeed otherwise, are some of the most common and worryingly easy to get.

It is important to understand that it doesn’t matter whether you are the utmost prime condition, or if you are like me, after somewhat overindulging through Christmas, you’re feeling a little snug around the midriff – lifting injuries are not dictated by how fit you are, it is all do to with how you position yourself before and during the process of lifting, and also, which is similarly important, how you place the object down after moving can also have identical repercussions on your back and spine if not carried out correctly.

With this in mind then, and if you have ever been asked to move around objects at work and have done so without ever really giving it a second thought (I know I have before), it is worth understanding that from your employers perspective it is a legal obligation to ensure that, before any carrying of any kind is carried out, a course of sufficient and reasonable training and practice is compulsory to show all employees how to lift in a way which ensures a good centre of gravity over the object at all times, and covers all bases and precautions which must be undertaken before any lifting is attempted.
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By Editor
December 09, 2011

Slip and Trips – At Work, or Out and About

Every year, as Christmas draws nearer, my inner child is always awakened with the first fall of snow. Let’s be honest; our country has never been renowned for its white Christmases. Having said this, over recent years Mother Nature has attempted to give us some snowy cheer, and whilst we all love a bit of snow, the harsh reality is that claims for personal injury that are caused directly by snow go on the rise.

In a working environment, it is important to realise that employers are under a legal obligation to provide working conditions which are safe and free form reasonable danger for their employees. Keeping this in mind when thinking of snow, ice, and harsh wintry conditions, from a legal perspective, you have to take in to account employees wading through the snow and bringing water in to the workplace from the soles of their footwear.

Now, your employer has the duty of care to ensure that all walkways are safe and free of hazards; something that needs to be reviewed even more closely during harsh weather conditions. They must ensure that all floors are kept suitable to walk on- cornering off any unsuitable areas with warning signs and deterrents, or perhaps ensue to dry and water or moisture from the floor as quickly as possible. In light of this, if you have had an accident at work as a result of poor weather conditions or otherwise, and you believe that your employer failed to provide adequate warning or deterrent to prevent your accident, there is a high possibility that you may be able to claim for compensation.
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By Editor
November 09, 2011

Tripped at Work?

Have you tripped over at work, and ended up injured as a result? If you have, you may have a successful claim for compensation from your employers insurance.

To find out whether you have a claim or not, it is always best to seek advice from a specialist personal injury lawyer as soon as you can. In the meantime, the advice below should help you out a little and give you an insight in to tripping claims at work

Your Employers ARE Responsible
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By Author
November 08, 2011

Lifting Injuries at Work

I’m only in my mid-twenties, yet I have started making that struggling groaning sound whenever I bend my back or get up from a seat! It’s probably more to do with the whiplash injury I’ve been suffering with over summer; but it does make you wonder!

Anyway; our backs are one of the most important areas of our body. At the end of the day, the job of your back is to pretty much carry the rest of you! My understanding is that backache is relatively common, and injuring your back is unfortunately very easy to do. That’s why we must take care when using our backs to ensure we don’t do any damage to them.

In a workplace scenario, there are specific rules and regulations that your employer must abide by to ensure you do not injure your back at work!
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ladder injury at work claims
November 08, 2011

Ladder accidents and injury claims advice

For some people, using a ladder can be a pretty scary thing – fear of heights is a pretty common phobia. For others, working up ladders is your bread and butter; builders, window cleaners, roofers, etc. In reality, we are all probably aware that working up a ladder comes with its inherent dangers. That’s the reason why there is important legalisation in place that is designed to ensure that accidents from ladders do not occur.

According to the HSE, there were around 3,350 major incidents at work that were caused by falls from height; of further concern, there were 46 fatal incidents…
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