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March 04, 2014

When to make a compensation claim

The best thing is to do start it right away. There are limitation periods that mean you only get so much time from the date of an incident or date of knowledge of negligence to pursue a claim, but you are in a far better position making it immediately for many reasons.

Let’s take a brief look at the law and the reasons why starting it early can increase your chances of winning a claim as well as help you settle a claim in a shorter time frame.

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March 04, 2014

Whiplash Claims, the “Compensation Culture” and Insurers Cashing In!

Do any of these phrases or notions ring a bell to you?

  • Whiplash claims push up premiums
  • We have a whiplash epidemic that is costing the consumer with higher insurance premiums
  • There is a ‘compensation  culture’ that needs to be stamped out
  • If there were less claims, there would be lower premiums

Prepare to be shocked! Read on for an insight in to how it really works!

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March 04, 2014

How to find a good personal injury lawyer for a car crash!

OK, so you’ve had a car accident – in most cases, you won’t even have entered your information on any websites before you will be inundated with call after call from solicitors and claims companies wanting you to make your claim with them. If you do enter your details on to a website, be prepared for a barrage of calls!

But how do you find a good personal injury lawyer for your car crash? What is a good lawyer and how can you tell the people you are speaking to are good lawyers?

Follow this simple set of rules and you should be able to find the answers you need!

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February 28, 2014

Advice for Bicycle injury compensation claims

As a cyclist, have you been injured in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault?

With reported cyclist deaths constantly in the news, it is becoming apparent that cyclists as road users are continually at risk of injury. It’s a frightening thought; and unless more care and attention is taken by cyclists and motorists, injury and death statistics are likely to rise; especially with more cyclists using the roads than ever before.
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By Editor
February 28, 2014

The consequences of Contributory Negligence

Have you suffered an accident resulting in injuries which would not have occurred “but for” the fault of someone else? If you have, you may have a claim; but what happens if you are partially at fault for the accident or have done something that has contributed to making your injuries worse?

Here is a little insight in to how it can affect your claim if someone else is at fault, but you are partially to blame in some way as well.

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By Editor
February 28, 2014

Wet Floor Claims in Wet Weather – Advice from The Injury Lawyers

Whilst it’s fair to say we have had a fairly snow-free winter this year (or at least we have in the midlands where we’re based), it’s certainly been a wet one. There are more weather warnings on the way for this weekend, and in the colder and wetter months we can normally expect an increase in people making wet floor claims.

You walk in to a shop, pub, restaurant, or other public place and there may well be water that has been walked in from snow or rain outside. So if you slip because of this, what can you do about it?

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By Author
February 28, 2014

Manhole Cover Compensation Claims – What You need to Know

Having been helping people claim for personal injury compensation caused by manhole cover accidents for years, I know better than to walk over them! I know that you’d expect the cover to be safe to cross over; especially when it’s on a public path or highway. But unfortunately, we take on a lot of claims where people have been injured by covers collapsing, flipping, or injuries caused by covers simply not being there.

If you are the unfortunate victim of a manhole cover incident, what can you do about making a claim for personal injury compensation?

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February 26, 2014

Whiplash Injury Claims

Most Whiplash claims originate from Road Traffic Accidents. The impact of a vehicle crashing in to you can cause your body to jolt suddenly and result in injury. Whiplash includes many common yet painful injuries which range from back / neck / shoulder pain to headaches and dizziness. Your injuries could even be more permanent resulting in you having to wear a neck brace for a substantial period of time.

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By Editor
February 26, 2014

Manhole personal injury compensation advice

Have you become a victim of falling down a manhole? Perhaps you have tripped on a raised or defective manhole? Were there no signs or preventative measures placed around or near to the manhole warning you of the defect?

If you have fallen victim to any of the above resulting in personal injury then you could pursue a claim for compensation.

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By Editor
February 26, 2014

Workplace Equipment Compensation Claims

The workplace can be an incredibly dangerous place especially if you are not shown how to use heavy duty machinery and equipment in the right way. Perhaps you work in a warehouse and operate a fork lift truck or maybe you work in an outbuilding operating a bulldozer. You could fall victim to minor injuries such as cuts and grazes or the injury could be more permanent and result in broken and crushed bones leading to a serious impact on your quality of day to day life. Some injuries may even be proven fatal if you are not shown by your employer how to use such equipment. It’s a serious subject.

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