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February 25, 2014

100% Compensation?

For most firms, offering a 100% compensation is now a thing of the past. The government decided to change the law last April and stopped lawyers recovering all of their legal fees from the other side. To add salt to the wounds, they also slashed the amount of fees a lawyer can recover to a mere fraction of what it used to be.

So is there such a thing as a 100% compensation agreement anymore? Or is it just a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that you’ll never find?

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February 25, 2014

Bus Passenger Claims

Have you been a passenger on a bus which was involved in an accident? Have you suffered an injury as a result? If you have been the unfortunate victim of an accident that was not your fault then you could pursue a claim for compensation.

As a passenger, there is probably very little way you could be held at fault for the accident. So if someone else is at fault, you may have a valid claim for personal injury compensation against them.

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By Editor
February 25, 2014

The importance of Personal Protective Equipment

What happens if you walk into your workplace and you are asked to carry out a task involving a harmful substance or danger without any protective equipment and you end up exposed to the substance causing burns your skin? Or what happens you are in an area where you may need a helmet due to the risk of falling materials or objects? Can you pursue a claim for personal injury I hear you say?

The answer to the above is YES!

The law which governs the above falls under The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations.

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February 25, 2014

Have you ever tripped over a raised grate resulting in injury?

If you have tripped on a raised grate and injured yourself, you are entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation. Compensation is based on your suffering and losses incurred as a result of injury. For example, if you are suffer a broken leg it is likely you would have to take time off from work resulting in you suffering a loss of earnings if you are not paid at all or in full for having time off work.

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By Editor
February 21, 2014

Choosing us to represent YOU!

Are you looking to pursue a claim after suffering injury from an accident? Perhaps you have slipped and fallen on a wet substance in a supermarket, had an accident at work after not being provided with personal protective equipment, or fallen victim to a road traffic accident? If you are wishing to pursue a claim for personal injury then read on now to find out what services we have to offer to you.

There are many law firms out there, and you need to make sure you only speak to the best!

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By Editor
February 21, 2014

Accidents at roundabouts

As we all know, accidents at roundabouts are a common occurrence nowadays. The general rule is that you must always give way to all traffic coming from your right, whether this is a mini roundabout, or a larger one with multiple lanes. But all too often drivers are pulling out in front of others and driving in the wrong lane and cutting others up; so it’s no wonder so many road traffic accidents are caused by careless driving on roundabouts.

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By Editor
February 21, 2014

Working with whiplash – what you need to know!

Firstly, you can be assured I’m speaking from plenty of experience here as a man who has not only advised countless victims making whiplash claims with The Injury lawyers, but also as a sufferer of the injury myself. I’ve had a claim and settled it last year for quite a bad stint of whiplash, so I know how agonising it can be.

Here is a quick guide about what you need to know when it comes to working with a whiplash injury.

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February 21, 2014

Pothole claims against a council – advice from The Injury lawyers

The colder seasons of the year normally result in an increase in people making a claim for personal injury compensation as result of a pothole injury. Generally speaking, potholes are more commonly formed in colder weather because water seeps in to cracks in the highway surface and expands when it freezes overnight, causing the ground to crack and break open.

So if you are the victim of a pothole accident, what are your rights for a pothole claim against the council?

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February 20, 2014

Road Traffic Accident Protocol Claims

The Road Traffic Accident Protocol was brought into place on the 30th April 2010 – if your claim is worth between £1,000 and £10,000 then it will follow this procedure.  On July 31st 2013 the value range for these types of claims increased from £10,000 to £25,000.  The protocol has 3 main stages which make a claim simple and the whole process can be a lot quicker for both sides.

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February 20, 2014

Process for Work Accidents and Public Accidents Explained

If an Employers Liability or a Public Liability claim is valued at between £1,000 and £25,000 and the incident happened on or after 31st July 2013, then the new protocol will apply to how your claim is run. The new protocol enables your claim to be dealt with efficiently and as quickly as possible by inputting the information of the accident onto an online portal.  There is a 3 Stage process to follow to complete your claim.

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