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January 11, 2014

Slipped on Wet Floor after being Mopped – Injury Lawyers Advice

slipping claimsA claim for personal injury compensation for a slipping accident can sometimes be difficult to win when it comes to spillages. The reason for this is that the duty, whether it’s against a supermarket or your employer, is that areas of the premises need to be routinely inspected to clear away hazards. So if you slip on a spillage and the other side can show they have taken all reasonable steps in inspecting the premises to prevent this from happening as much as they can, they can defend the claim.
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January 11, 2014

Accident Claims at Butlins – Injury Lawyers Advice

butlins holiday claimsWhether it’s the Bognor Regis, Skegness, or Minehead resort, the last thing you expect is for your holiday to be hampered by having an accident through no fault of your own. We have represented a lot of clients who have needed to make claims for personal injury compensation after an accident at Butlins, so we’re used to dealing with them.

Health and safety at any holiday resort is of paramount importance. Everyone’s normally in high spirits and the kids are full of beans so the last thing people are thinking about is how to avoid an accident! The duty in law that Butlins have is to take all reasonable steps to prevent their customers’ form being injured. This is something they have to do in accordance with the Occupiers Liability Act.
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January 11, 2014

100% Compensation Claims with The Injury Lawyers

injury lawyersIn April 2013, the government stopped lawyers being able to recover all of their fees from the other side. They did this because they think that an accident victim should have more of an “interest” in their claim. We think it’s unfair – why should the victim lose some of their compensation that is meant to be recovered to compensate them for what’s happened in the first place!?

Now, other law firms are deducting up to 25% from their clients compensation payout to cover something called a Success Fee which is no longer recoverable. 25% is the maximum they can take from you.
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January 10, 2014

Hit by Falling Object from Work Van or Lorry? Injury Lawyers Advice

work injury claimsWhilst the use of the phrase “fallen off the back of a lorry” may usually refer to people obtaining goods for free or at a cut price, we have taken on claims for personal injury compensation where workers have been hit by stock cages or goods falling off by accident and injuring them.

So what happens if you are injured because someone fetching stock from a van or lorry fails to secure a load properly and it falls off and hits you? Or perhaps it isn’t secure in the first place?
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January 10, 2014

Knee Injuries and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

If your job demands that you have to work at low heights and kneel, or just kneel down in general, your employer is bound by law to provide you with personal protective equipment (often known as PPE) to protect your knees from being injured.

Sustaining a knee injury from kneeling can be easy to do – and unfortunately knee injuries can result in severe and long term disability. So it is important that employers abide by the law. Engineers, plumbers, electricians – anyone who may have to work in small spaces on their knees should be provided with things such as knee pads and soft matting to kneel on.
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January 08, 2014

Coccyx Injury Compensation Advice

compensation from the injury lawyersThe coccyx, also known as the tailbone, can cause a lot of pain and discomfort when injured. It can very easily be injured from falling down and landing on your back or your buttocks. The pain, sometimes referred to as coccydynia, can last for a number of weeks or months and unfortunately there isn’t a great deal that can be done, or will be done, about it.

The NHS will normally just treat a coccyx injury with pain medication. You can’t really have any kind of physiotherapy in the area either, so it really is a waiting game. It can cause a lot of pain when sitting down or moving around so it’s common for most people to have lengthy periods off of work when suffering with a coccyx injury.
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January 08, 2014

Falling Down a Manhole Accident Claim – Injury Lawyers Advice

manhole claims for compensationWhilst this may seem like a hilarious thing to witness, falling down a manhole is no laughing matter at all. We take on a lot of these types of claims from either missing covers or damaged covers that collapse inwards when stepped on. No one expects the cover to just cave in.

The injuries that a person can sustain can be serious – particularly if you fall part or all the way in. Bone and ligament damage is common in both lower and upper limbs caused by impact trauma, as well as severe lacerations and bodily harm caused when falling down.
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January 08, 2014

Had an Accident in Sainsbury’s? You May be Able to Claim Compensation!

supermarket claimsLike other large retailers, Sainsbury’s have insurance that people just like you can claim from in the event you are injured in one of their stores. Whether it’s a superstore or one of the many Sainsbury’s Local stores around the UK, we as a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers can help you to claim.

Can you claim?

Common examples of accidents in a Sainsbury’s store are:
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January 07, 2014

No Goggles or Eye Protection Provided at Work – Injury Lawyers Advice

ppe work injury claimsThe Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 state that an employer must provide, pay for, risk assess, and maintain protective equipment to employers where their health is at risk. Eye protections falls within the scope of Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE as it is known in short.

Common examples where eye protection could be necessary are:
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January 07, 2014

Given the Wrong Medication? Injury Lawyers Advice

medication claim errorsWe expect a certain level of professional care when it comes to treatment and advice received from doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and any other healthcare professionals. Whilst it’s clear there are a lot of underfunding issues with our public health service, we do see an awful lot of mistakes that end up costing people their health.

When it comes to being given the wrong medication, this should just never happen. Whether you have been misdiagnosed and given the wrong medication, or just given the wrong type or dosage after a correct diagnosis, you may have a valid claim for personal injury compensation either from the NHS or a pharmacist depending on who is at fault.
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