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January 07, 2014

Slipped on Loose Ground, Paving Slabs, Cobblestones or Broken Concrete

broken kerb compensation claimsWhen injured in the street, most people are the victim of a trip or fall accident caused by defective paving or potholes. But slipping accidents can be equally as dangerous, caused by the same sorts of defects.

You could slip on the edge of a pothole, or slip on broken and crumbled concrete around a defect. A loose paving slab or cobble stone could move and cause you to slip.

The law is generally the same; as long as the defect was the cause of the injury, you may have a valid slip, tip or fall injury claim for compensation. In fact, slipping accidents can sometimes be worse if you twist your knee or your back. You could easily cause serious ligament damage even if you don’t end up falling to the ground.
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January 07, 2014

Caught and Injured Your Foot on a Pothole? Injury Lawyers Advice

pothole injury claimsAround the colder months of the year we see an increase in people making injury claims involving potholes. The reason for this is simple – potholes are commonly formed when water seeps in to cracks in the surface of roads and paths. Freezing conditions allow the cracks on the ground to expand and grow into what we know as a pothole.

So what happens if you’re walking along and you catch your foot on a pothole? Whether you fall or not, if you are injured due to stumbling or hitting the ground, or perhaps through twisting a part of your body, here is what you need to know about claiming for pothole compensation.
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January 06, 2014

Injuries when Lifting Pallets at Work

lifting pallets at work injury claim advicePallets can be fairly large and difficult to manually handle. If they have goods on them, the weight will likely increase.

But in the workplace there are specific health and safety regulations that employers must abide by in order to keep their staff safe from injury. These are covered in The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.
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January 06, 2014

How to Compare Personal Injury Lawyers – Who is the Best?

how to compare personal injury lawyersIf you’d have asked me this 12 months ago, I would have explained to you that it’s all about making sure your solicitor goes the extra mile when it comes to the service that they offer. But since the government changed the law in April 2013, it’s now more of a case of which lawyers is the cheapest!

Nowadays it’s somewhat of a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow to find a lawyer prepared to find your claim on the basis that you keep all 100% of your compensation if you win. This is because our government decided that victims of negligence should have to pay to claim when they stopped lawyers being able to recover all of their fees from the other side.
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January 03, 2014

Had an accident in Morrisons? You may be entitled to claim!

supermarket claimsAs one of the largest UK supermarkets, we’re more than used to fighting for people who have been injured in accidents in a Morrison’s store – and with all the new local ones popping up we expect more people to be looking to claim!

So what happens if you have an accident in a Morrison’s store? Perhaps you have slipped on a hazard on the floor, or tripped over something in an aisle? Are you able to win a claim for personal injury compensation against a large company like Morrison’s?
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January 03, 2014

Injured Due to an Unsafe Work Area? Make a Claim Today

unsafe work injury claimsThere are plenty of potential hazards in the modern workplace, and there are plenty of health and safety rules and regulations that are designed to protect people from being injured in the line of duty.

When it comes to working with potentially hazardous equipment or materials, all reasonable steps should be taken to ensure that you are not at risk of injuring yourself.
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January 03, 2014

The Injury Lawyers 100% Compensation Offer

our clients receive 100% compensationJanuary – always a bit of a tight month after the big spend over Christmas and blowing a load more money in the after-Christmas sales! Add that to the fact most people are on a bit of a comedown after time off work over the festive period with friends and family, and we have a fairly unhappy population!

So here’s something to cheer you up – if you have had an accident and you have been thinking of making a claim, you may already be aware that last year there were loads of changes brought in by the government which have stopped lawyers being able to offer 100% compensation agreements.

But as a belated Christmas prezzie for you, we can still offer you a 100% compensation agreement! The law changes have stopped solicitors recovering something called a Success Fee and an After The Event insurance premium from the opponent. We can still recover our other fees so we don’t have to charge you!
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January 03, 2014

Passenger in an Accident where Driver Loses Control but no Collision – can I still Claim?

passenger injury claimsGenerally speaking, as a passenger in an accident, you have an almost guaranteed claim unless you were somehow to blame. In the vast majority of circumstances there isn’t anything you could have done to have prevented or contributed towards an accident as a passenger.

But can you still claim if the driver loses control of the vehicle but regains control and avoids a collision? Can you still claim if the swerving of the vehicle or the vehicle coming to a sudden stop has injured you?
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December 27, 2013

Train Accident Compensation Claims

train accident claimsGiven the stint of adverse weather we’re having, I imagine most people are struggling to actually catch their train given the amount of delays and cancellations I’m hearing about on the radio! But if you’re lucky enough to have caught your train, but unlucky enough to have been involved in an accident, what are your rights for making a claim for personal injury compensation?

Common Cases

Common examples of cases we deal with for claims for injury caused on trains are:
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December 27, 2013

Whiplash Claims this Christmas

whiplash claimsThere’s nothing worse than being injured in general; but it’s worse when it’s over the festive period when we are meant to be enjoying ourselves instead of moping about with a stiff neck, shoulders and back.

Whiplash can be a lot more complicated than most people think. It’s not the stereotyped injury that people often see it as – ask any whiplash sufferer and they should be able to tell you that it’s actually quite painful and debilitating.
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