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December 27, 2013

100% Compensation – Merry Christmas from The Injury Lawyers!

100% Satisfaction GuaranteedIt’s been a huge year for changes in the personal injury claiming world as the government have reigned down a torrent of reforms and changes that have, in reality, hit the victims in the pocket. Fixed fees for lawyers, reduced liabilities for Defendants, and whole a new world when it comes to the way a claim is pursued.

But fear not! Because we knew this day was going to come, and we’ve been preparing for it for years. So if you’re feeling a little down because you want to claim but you’re facing losing up to 25% of your payout from other solicitors, we have just the stocking filler for you this Christmas!

We still offer 100% compensation for most compensation claims!

Let’s take a look at the changes and how we have uniquely reacted to them:
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taxi accident claims
December 23, 2013

Taxi passenger accident compensation claims

If you have an accident in a collision and you are a passenger in a taxi that was involved, you pretty much have a guaranteed claim for personal injury compensation. If there is a collision, then there should be someone at fault and as such you should be able to make a claim against the driver at fault.

Whether this is the taxi driver or another driver, or even if the blame is split between them, you can still make a full claim for personal injury compensation.

Now, the Christmas season often involves a lot of drinking! So the nights are set to be busy and hopefully people will refrain from drink driving and will use a taxi service. So we are expecting a few calls from people who have been injured in taxi accidents over the festive period!
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December 23, 2013

Severe Weather Set to Grind UK to a Standstill

bad weather accident claimsWe’re being warned (again) that roads will be dangerous, trains and flights will be delayed or cancelled, and anyone wanting to get away for Christmas may find themselves stranded.

Severe wind and rain is set to hit the UK today right in time for the Christmas getaway and our team here at The Injury Lawyers are expecting floods of calls for people wanting to make a claim for personal injury compensation as a result of the adverse weather.

Now, pursuing a claim against the weather itself isn’t really feasible! But you can make a claim for personal injury compensation if someone is at fault because they have neglected to take extra care given the severe weather.
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December 23, 2013

Trip or Slip Accident Caused by Raised or Loose Carpet – Injury Lawyers Advice

100% compensation claimsCarpets, when frayed, loose, or raised, can be a real danger. You can easily slip on a loose section if it moves or trip due to a lip caused by it being raised or frayed. This kind of danger should never become an oversight.

So what happens if you are in a shop or a restaurant or other public place, or perhaps at work, and you are injured due to a dangerous piece of carpet? Can you make a slip or trip claim for personal injury compensation?
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By Author
December 20, 2013

Bus Crash in London – Dozens Injured, 2 Critically

london bus crashSources from the BBC report of a devastating bus crash this morning in London when a double decker collided with a tree on Kensington Road (

The London fire brigade freed two of the victims who were trapped in the wreckage, and several walking wounded have been treated by emergency services at the scene. Sadly the authorities have confirmed that two of the victims are in a critical condition having suffered serious injuries.
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By Author
December 20, 2013

Can you get Compensation for Minor Injuries?

minor injury claimsIn short the answer is “yes, you can claim compensation for minor injuries.”

Unfortunately in law it is never quite so simple. By that I mean that different law firms may have different criteria that need to be met for that law firm to take your case forward. In theory you can claim compensation for very minor injuries, however if your pain and suffering was for a day or a week or for say, less than a month, then the value of your claim may be less than £1,000. This ultimately may mean that a law firm cannot act for you in your case as a law firm may not be able to recover legal fees if the claim is worth less than £1,000. This is the reason why a firm may not take such a case forward. However this does not necessarily mean that you cannot claim; you may have a small claim which you can bring yourself, for example.
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By Editor
December 20, 2013

The 3 Steps in a Road Traffic Accident Claim

car accident claim adviceRoad traffic accidents can result in all sorts of debilitating and potentially fatal injuries. Being hit by a speeding car can cause serious damage and may result in you being signed off work for a substantial period of time. Accident claims caused by motorists on public roads are normally covered by the Road Traffic Accident Protocol.

Perhaps you were a pedestrian crossing the road and hit by a moving vehicle or maybe your vehicle was crashed into from behind? You may have a potential claim for personal injury if the car behind was not travelling at a safe distance from you. If this sounds like you then read on to find out more…
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By Editor
December 20, 2013

Slipped on Water at an Entrance Claims

slipped on water claimsEntrances / exits to premises are commonly more susceptible to becoming a slipping hazard, especially when it’s wet outside. People walking in and out will leave trails of moisture behind them which can accumulate in to surface water that’s dangerous enough to becoming a slipping hazard.

Whilst you’d find it hard to sue the weather or Mother Nature for the water, you may be able to make a successful claim for personal injury compensation against the owners of the premises, or whoever is in control of the place.
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By Author
December 20, 2013

Injured after you bought a chair and it broke? Injury Lawyers Advice

chair accidents compensation claimsSo what happens if you buy a chair and within a short period of time using it the chair breaks and causes an injury? Perhaps it collapses under you when using it, or tips over because a part breaks, falls off, or becomes loose?

The good news is that you should be covered by in important piece of legislation called Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 which states that goods received by you, such as a chair, from a supplier should be:
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By Author
December 20, 2013

Apollo Theatre Ceiling Collapse – 76 Injured, 7 Seriously

apollo theatre roof collapseLondon’s West End was brought to a terrifying standstill last night when the ceiling of the famous Grade II listed Apollo Theatre in Westminster collapsed, injuring 76 people, according to sources from the BBC.

The incident happened at around 20:15 last night during a performance of The Curious Incident Of The Dog in the Night-Time with an audience count of more than 700 people. Thankfully it appears no one was killed, but of the 76 injured, 7 are said to have been seriously injured with injuries ranging from minor cuts and grazes to broken bones, head, and neck injuries.
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