If you’ve been injured at work due to manual handling accident, perhaps due to little or no training or assistance, then you may be able make a claim for compensation. Surprisingly, manual handling injuries are very common within the workplace, and can usually vary from minor repetitive strain injuries to more serious back injuries. Understandably these types of injuries commonly cause both financial loss and a great deal of inconvenience.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 is basically the law which states how manual handling within the workplace should be carried out safely.
It is the duty of your employer to provide suitable and sufficient instructions, training, and if required, assistance when handling heavy or awkward objects. This must be adequate to prevent any foreseeable injuries that would be likely to occur due to lifting and moving objects within the workplace. The Regulations state that each employer should avoid the need for their employees to undertake any manual handling that is likely to cause injury to them, and if manual handling operations are necessary, then the employer should conduct a full risk assessment of the operation to reduce the risk of injury to their employees.
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