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December 03, 2013

Understanding The Three Stages of the Road Traffic Accident Protocol

3 stages of road traffic accident protocolThe Road Traffic Accident Protocol was brought in to force on the 30th April 2013. The protocol brought in a fixed costs system, meaning law firms could no longer cover what is ‘reasonable’ from the other side. If a claim occurred in England and Wales on or after 30th April 2013, and is valued between £1,000 and £10,000, the protocol would be used. As of the 31st of July 2013, the upper limit was increased so that claims with a value of up to £25,000 can now be processed using the protocol.
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By Editor
December 03, 2013

Pothole Accident Claims – Will I Win?

potholesPotholes are a common feature on public highways all over the country. They come in all shapes and sizes; whilst some are only a few inches deep they can grow to a number of feet in width! If you have ever suffered a personal injury as a result of a pothole in a public place, you could be entitled to make a claim.

The Law

Whether you can win a claim predominantly boils down to what is classed as reasonable. This can be difficult to interpret and often leaves potential claimants confused as to whether they have grounds for a successful claim. It is useful to have knowledge that the duty is to maintain the highways and take action if a defect is dangerous enough.
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December 03, 2013

Have You Ever Had an Accident on Someone Else’s Premises?

supermarket claimsHave you ever had a fall, slip or trip in a supermarket because of a hazard that shouldn’t have been there? Maybe you have suffered an injury in a hotel as a result of bad housekeeping. This type of accident is known in law as Occupier’s Liability. If you have ever had an accident on an area of land or premises owned by someone else, The Injury Lawyers may be able to help you make a claim on a No Win No Fee basis. We are still offering you 100% compensation for these types of claims unlike most other law firms who are generally taking a 25% deduction from your compensation due to law changes.
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December 02, 2013

How much can I claim for a Broken Arm?

broken arm injury compensation amountsIt is understandable that Claimant’s often want to know how much compensation they can claim. Unfortunately it is difficult for a firm of solicitors to say with any certainly how much compensation is likely to be awarded. This is due to the simple fact that at the outset of a claim the extent, seriousness or length of your injury may not be known and there is no medical evidence to confirm your injuries/suffering.

At the outset, the only real guidance we can give is by using the JC Guidelines which assist in valuing claims. Note that these are just guidelines and not set amounts, every case is different. The guidelines are the only tool available to us at the outset. Once all evidence is obtained, we would value a claim using the guidelines in addition to past cases and the medical evidence in your case.
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By Editor
December 02, 2013

Road Accident Traffic Protocol – How it Works

road traffic accident protocolHave you been injured in a Road Traffic Accident that wasn’t your fault? If so, then you may be able to claim compensation for your injury.

Whether it was a major head on collision causing you serious injuries, or if someone carelessly bumped into the back of your car, causing you whiplash, or if you were an innocent passenger in the vehicle at the time of the accident, its highly likely you would have a claim worth pursuing for compensation.
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By Editor
December 02, 2013

How much can I Claim for a Broken Ankle?

broken ankle injury compensation amountsAs a firm of personal injury lawyers, we are often asked about the potential value of a claim. First of all, it is very difficult to say with any certainty how much your claim is worth at the outset. This is because we need medical evidence to document your injuries and to confirm that your injuries are caused or related to the accident in question. We use this medical evidence to help value your case. In addition to medical evidence we use past cases (known as case law) to help value your claim. We can look at cases where the Claimant sustained similar injuries to you and see how much compensation was awarded in these cases. When looking at past cases, we do apply an uplift to bring any amount up to what it would be worth today (i.e. a case worth £2,000 in 1999 would be worth more than £2,000 in 2013 when you take into account inflation).
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By Editor
November 29, 2013

Our Clients Receive 100% of their Compensation!

our clients receive 100% compensationHere at The Injury Lawyers we offer 100% compensation to our clients for most types of claims. Yes, that’s right – we really do offer 100% compensation for most public liability and employers liability claims. There really are no draw backs. Compensation is the amount of money paid to you as a result of the losses you have incurred from falling victim to an accident, and you can receive every penny of it!
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By Editor
November 29, 2013

Injured at Work as No Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was Provided

ppe adviceHave you been injured at work due to not being provided with suitable or working Personal Protective Equipment? Whether it was due to faulty headgear, footwear or eyewear, or whether you weren’t even provided with any protective equipment at all, if you’ve sustained an injury because of this you may be able to claim compensation.

In accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations, it is the duty of employers to provide, free of charge, Personal Protective Equipment to all their employees. This is especially important to you if your occupation involves working in a factory, warehouse or construction; i.e. in places were on a daily basis you may be exposed to dangers where PPE would be needed to prevent an injury.
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By Editor
November 29, 2013

Injured Loading a Van at Work? Injury Lawyers Advice

back injury from liftingFrom a manual handling perspective, loading a van can be potentially very dangerous. You may have to lift at low levels to get loads in to the back of a van, or push them when they are on the back of the van where it could be more difficult due to friction from the flooring. In general, you may be manoeuvring loads whilst twisted or bent down, which again is bad manual handling practice and can easily lead to serious back injury problems.

So what are your rights if you are injured at work due to loading a van? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

The above is legalisation with extremely important rules to ensure that employees are not injured when carrying out manual handling activities. Some of the more notable regulations read as follows:
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November 29, 2013

Slipped on Vegetables in a Supermarket Claim Advice

supermarket slip claimsIt may sound amusing, but it’s no laughing matter if you end up slipping on a vegetable (or vegetables) and fall down to the ground. Landing on a hard floor can easily result in broken bones. Twisting and turning as you fall can easily cause serious ligament damage.

So if this does happen to you, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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