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November 28, 2013

Forklift Truck Personal Injury Compensation Advice

forklift truck accident claimsAs a personal injury firm, we deal with a wide range of claims including accidents involving forklift trucks. There are many possible accidents involving forklift trucks, from someone being knocked over or trapped by a forklift truck, to the forklift truck dropping a load or malfunctioning.

Forklift trucks can be prone to turning or toppling over. This could easily trap the driver or a fellow worker. Whatever the circumstances of the accident, we may be able to help you. Every case is different and this is why you need an experienced lawyer on your side. We can assess your claim for free, with no obligation.
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November 28, 2013

Slipped on Ice at Work Injury Claims

ice conditions at workIf you have been injured due to a slipping accident at work, you may be entitled to claim compensation. At face value, slipping on ice is rather different to slipping on a spillage at work, whether the spillage is water, tea, coffee or something else. Whilst at work and on works premises, your employer has a duty to keep you reasonably safe and free from harm. This means that if a spillage does occur it should be cleaned up as soon as practicable. Until the spillage is cleaned employees should be protected in other ways – i.e. there should be a warning sign in place to warn of the hazard (wet floor).
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November 28, 2013

Knocked off your Bike by a Car coming out of a Side Road?

motorcycle accident injury claimsBikers are always much more vulnerable road users; not just because a bike offers little or no protection in a collision, but because drivers do not properly look out for bikers and accidents are unfortunately common.

So what happens if you are correctly cycling past a junction or a side road and a driver fails to notice you and pulls out in to you or in to your path, causing a collision?

You have a good chance at making a successful road accident claim for compensation. Liability in this kind of scenario isn’t too hard to establish. If you are already proceeding on the major road and a vehicle comes out of a junction or side road, they must give you precedence and it’s your right of way. They are clearly at fault.
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November 28, 2013

Hit by Falling Object Leaning Against a Wall? Injury Lawyers Advice

injured by falling objectI know we all do it – lean things up against a wall before we have time to put them away. I often do it with my guitars once they’re unloaded from my car. The odd sweeping brush is often found leaning up when doing a bit of spring cleaning as well.

But what happens if an object leaning up against a wall was to tip over and hit you? Or perhaps slide down and hit you? Obviously if this happens in your own home and you’ve done the leaning, there isn’t really anyone to pursue a claim against! What I’m talking about here is if you are in a public place like a shop or perhaps at work and this happens.
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November 27, 2013

Manhole Personal Injury Compensation Advice

manhole claims for compensationAs a specialist personal injury firm we come across and deal with many claims on behalf of people who have been injured due to an accident involving a manhole. If a manhole is left in disrepair or is left uncovered, then it is clearly a hazard. It is also a hazard if it does not run flush with the pavement.

The company or local authority responsible for a specific manhole cover is under a duty to ensure that the manhole cover is safe and free from defects/disrepair. The company responsible is often the water board, electricity board or a local council.
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By Editor
November 27, 2013

Contributory Negligence Deductions for Failing to wear a Helmet

no helmet accident compensation claimsWe deal with various types of personal injury claims including road traffic accident claims. We deal with claims on behalf of injured motorcyclists or cyclists. If, as a motorcyclist or cyclist, you were injured in an accident that was not your fault, then you may be entitled to claim compensation. You can still make a claim though even if you were not wearing a helmet. Obviously you should have been wearing a helmet and this will be taken into account, but a failure to wear a helmet (or other protective clothing/equipment for that matter) will not stop you from making a claim and being successful in recovering compensation.
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By Editor
November 27, 2013

Hit by a falling display sign in a shop, can you claim?

broken ad signs compensation claimsIn the highly commercialised world we live in, marketing is everything – we’re subjected to huge amounts of TV, radio, and sign advertising everywhere we go. Shops and stores are full of display signs showing the latest offers and deals to entice you in to parting with your hard earned cash.

But surely one of the last things you expect is to be injured by a display sign in a shop – whether it’s a marketing sign or for other purposes. But if the sign is fairly large or perhaps sharp, you can easily end up injured if this happens to you.
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November 27, 2013

100% Compensation Solicitors – What’s the Catch?

100% compensation injury lawyersFor many, finding that “Holy Grail” 100% compensation solicitor seems like nothing but a pipe dream. Most lawyers don’t advertise that they are taking up to 25% from their clients payouts due to law changes, and most lawyers will use, in my opinion, misleading advertising with thinks like “100% No Win, No Fee” or “No cost solicitors” etc. Neither of those statement is indicative of you receiving 100% of your compensation payout,

So when you read our 100% Compensation Pledge For U, you’re probably thinking – “what’s the catch?”

How can we give you 100% of your payout when other lawyers can’t? What makes us so special? Is it even possible? Are there hidden fees or is this just a way of enticing you in so we can charge you in another way?
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November 26, 2013

Fallen through a Ceiling in a Rented House Injury Claim

Falling through a ceiling is likely to be an unexpected but extremely dangerous accident. Numerous injuries can be caused which range from bruising to broken bones to brain injuries! If you have been the victim of such an accident, here is what you need to know!

Renting – The Defective Premises Act 1972

The act includes anything which is attached to the premises, which a ceiling clearly is, and sets out who is negligent in certain instances. This is normally a key law in proving that a landlord or an agency is liable for a claim for personal injury compensation.
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November 26, 2013

Defective Steel Toe Cap Boots Compensation Claims at Work

work boots safetySteel toe cap boots are one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways of protecting employee’s feet at work. The simple design would protect your feet from a number of different accidents. There is a duty upon your employer to provide personal protective equipment, or PPE, to their employees when it would protect them from injury. It would fall within Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 and outlined below is what your employers should be doing.
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