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November 21, 2013

Tripped over Tools in the Workplace? Claim for Compensation Today!

accident at work claimsThere are loads of workplace health and safety regulations that employer must abide by. One such regulation specifically covers traffic routes in the workplace which comes under The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Regulation 12 (3) confirms as follows:

So far as is reasonably practicable, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall.
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November 21, 2013

Hit by Falling Shopping Basket? Injury Lawyers Advice

hit by shopping basketsIf you’re walking along in a shop or a supermarket and you are suddenly hit by a stack of shopping baskets, can you make a claim for compensation? It could easily knock you over or cause a nasty injury…

If this happens to you, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation. It depends on how this has happened.

If for example:
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November 20, 2013

Pothole Accidents – Will I Win if I Claim?

pothole injury claimsPotholes are a common feature on public highways all over the country. They come in all shapes and sizes; whilst some are only a few inches deep they can grow to a number of feet in width! If you have ever suffered a personal injury as a result of a pothole in a public place, you could be entitled to make a claim.

The Law

Whether you can win a claim predominantly boils down to what is classed as reasonable. This can be difficult to interpret and often leaves potential claimants confused as to whether they have grounds for a successful claim. It is useful to have knowledge that the duty is to maintain the highways and take action if a defect is dangerous enough.
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By Editor
November 20, 2013

Supermarket Shopping Accident Compensation Claims

supermarket injury claim adviceHave you ever questioned whether you are eligible to submit a claim after suffering an injury at a supermarket? Perhaps you have slipped on liquid coming from a broken fridge or freezer after no wet floor sign was displayed? Or slipped on fruit left in an aisle? Supermarket injuries can leave you at a physical and financial disadvantage. If you have been the victim of a serious injury and cannot go to work for a long period of time your suffering may extend financially resulting in a potential loss of earnings and a lot of hardship.
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By Editor
November 20, 2013

Occupiers Liability Act 1980 – Accidents in Public Places

accidents in public placesHave you recently had a slip or a trip in a shop or your local supermarket? Whether it was food, liquid, or loose packaging that caused your accident, you may be able to claim for compensation under the Occupiers Liability Act 1984.

The Occupiers Liability Act 1980 states that places like supermarkets must take all reasonable steps to prevent someone from being injured on their premises. Although accidents in shops are very common when it comes to personal injury, the Occupiers Liability Act also covers other places of interest such as theme parks, cinemas and restaurants. So basically it applies to anywhere people are likely to visit in their spare time.
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By Editor
November 18, 2013

How do the Recent Changes in Personal Injury Law Affect My Case?

claim notification formRecent changes in the law regulating the way in which personal injury claims are run have resulted in the introduction of a new protocol. Claims occurring after the 31st of July 2013 for employers and public liability claims valued between £1,000 and £25,000 are now dealt with via a new online portal system. The idea of the online portal system is to make your claim process easier, faster and more efficient, than claims previously run under the pre-action protocol.

It is similar to the one already used for road accidents since April 2010.
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November 15, 2013

Cut Injury at Work – No Gloves Provided! Injury Lawyers Advice

cut hand injury claimsThere are loads of health and safety rules and regulations that employers must adhere to in order to ensure their employees are not injured in the line of duty. Generally speaking, if they fail to stick to the rules and an employee is injured, the employee has a right to make a claim for work injury compensation from their employers insurance.

So when it comes to you having to work with sharp edges, perhaps inside a machine or with some kind of cutting instrument, your employer has a duty to provide you with gloves to ensure that you do not sustain an injury.
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November 15, 2013

Fallen Down an Open Trapdoor? Make a Claim for Compensation Today

falls down open trapdoor claimsWhilst it may sound like something out of a slapstick comedy sketch, falling down an open trapdoor is no laughing matter and can result in serious injuries for the victim involved. You’re liable to break at least one bone, or perhaps end up with significant muscular, tendon, and / or ligament damage. You may end up injuring your back quite badly as well.

In general, the prospects of winning a claim for personal injury compensation for falling down an open trapdoor are good. For a public place like a bar or a restaurant, those in control of the premises must adhere to the Occupiers Liability Act. This means they must take all reasonable steps to prevent someone from being injured.
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November 15, 2013

Tripped on Protruding Screw, Nut or Bolt – Injury Lawyers Advice

trip accident claimsWhilst they may only protrude just a few centimetres or less, tripping on a protruding screw, nut, or bolt can easily end up in an injury. So what happens if you are the victim of such an incident? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

To help you, I will split this in to two sections – one for those who have tripped at work, and the other for those who have tripped in a general public area.
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November 14, 2013

Hit by Falling Object from a Vehicle – Injury Lawyers Advice

hit by falling object from vehicleOne of the last things you expect when you’re driving along is for something to fall off a vehicle and cause an injury. Perhaps a piece of the vehicle like the bumper comes off, or a bike falls off of a bike rack; or an object falls off the back of a lorry or trailer.

If this happens to you, where do you stand when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation?
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