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November 25, 2013

Have you been injured thanks to a missing manhole cover accident?

missing manhole cover injury claimsIf you have been injured by a missing manhole cover then it is likely that we could make a claim under the Highways Act 1980.

Who is liable for these types of claims?

It is quite straight-forward when making a claim that you should find out who is responsible for the manhole cover. If you have been injured on a public highway then it is could be that a local authority could be liable for your injury.
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November 25, 2013

Changing Solicitors for a Personal Injury Claim

change your solicitorHave you instructed a firm to represent you who are taking a percentage from your claim only to find out that we can give you a 100% agreement? If so, then read on…

Unfortunately, the recent law changes that have come in to force from April 2013 have resulted in other solicitors taking up to 25% from their client’s payout and asking for payment of insurance. Even worse is that most solicitors are potentially miss-advising people in our opinion by telling people things like “no one offers 100% compensation anymore” or that “everyone is taking 25%” and people are trusting in their advice. Many of our clients who shopped around before finding our 100% offer were told things like the above, which is pretty scary stuff!
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workplace accidents
November 22, 2013

Hit by a falling load from a Forklift Truck at work claim

Forklift trucks are common in many work places but, as with most machinery, they are dangerous when used incorrectly. In many areas where forklifts are used employees are also present, and this increases the risk of danger not only by collisions with the forklift, but also with what the forklift is lifting.

Outlined below will be what your employers are liable for if you have been hit by a falling load from a forklift.
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November 22, 2013

Have you been the victim of medical negligence at Hospital?

I don’t think there are many people out there who enjoy going to hospital (if there are any at all!) – but from time to time we all need to have things done to keep us fit and healthy or help us get back to normal if something awful happens.

But what if something happens that we didn’t expect to happen? What if you went to hospital for some straightforward treatment and ended up with some form of serious injury or adverse problem? Can you make a claim for hospital medical negligence for what has happened?
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November 22, 2013

Slipped Disc Injuries at Work – Injury Lawyers Advice

slipped disc injury at work claimsA slipped disc can be a very painful injury to sustain. It can lead to a lot of time off work, and a lot of pain and inconvenience as well as potentially future and long term complications. For those of you reading this who have sustained this kind of injury, I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir.

So if you slip a disc in the line of duty at work, can you make a claim for work injury compensation from your employer?
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By Author
November 22, 2013

Importance of Health and Safety at Theme Parks

Theme parks have been a popular destination for thrill seekers for many years but as rollercoasters get longer, faster and taller, the dangers also start to grow. On some of the rides there are signs informing of the dangers and suggest that some people, for example pregnant woman, do not participate. On other rides, there are hidden dangers. The theme park has a duty towards those participating in the rides to make sure that they are as safe as possible.
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November 21, 2013

Can I Claim if I Slip in a Supermarket?

supermarket slip claimsUnfortunately in law there is rarely a yes or no answer to this kind of question, as there are always factors to consider. If you slip in a supermarket then you may well have a genuine claim for compensation. To have a claim we would consider the following:

First, have you suffered injury? After all this would be compensation for personal injury. To point out the obvious, if you slipped but did not sustain any injury then we would not be unable to assist you.

For us to help, you must have been injured in the accident to claim. The injury does not have to be a serious injury; a strain or other general soft tissue injury can be enough to bring a claim. To assess any potential injury, first go and see your own doctor.
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By Editor
November 21, 2013

Tripped over Tools in the Workplace? Claim for Compensation Today!

accident at work claimsThere are loads of workplace health and safety regulations that employer must abide by. One such regulation specifically covers traffic routes in the workplace which comes under The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Regulation 12 (3) confirms as follows:

So far as is reasonably practicable, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall.
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By Author
November 21, 2013

Hit by Falling Shopping Basket? Injury Lawyers Advice

hit by shopping basketsIf you’re walking along in a shop or a supermarket and you are suddenly hit by a stack of shopping baskets, can you make a claim for compensation? It could easily knock you over or cause a nasty injury…

If this happens to you, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation. It depends on how this has happened.

If for example:
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November 20, 2013

Pothole Accidents – Will I Win if I Claim?

pothole injury claimsPotholes are a common feature on public highways all over the country. They come in all shapes and sizes; whilst some are only a few inches deep they can grow to a number of feet in width! If you have ever suffered a personal injury as a result of a pothole in a public place, you could be entitled to make a claim.

The Law

Whether you can win a claim predominantly boils down to what is classed as reasonable. This can be difficult to interpret and often leaves potential claimants confused as to whether they have grounds for a successful claim. It is useful to have knowledge that the duty is to maintain the highways and take action if a defect is dangerous enough.
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