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November 05, 2013

100% Compensation AND No Win, No Fee

the injury lawyers still offer 100% compensation claimsDue to law changes in April 2013, other lawyers are now deducting 25% from your compensation payout and they are asking for payment of insurance. This is because the law change stopped lawyers being able to recover two things from the losing side – a Success Fee, and an After The Event insurance premium.

The Success Fee is a fee that helps us to fund No Win, No Fee claims as part of our access to justice rights. The insurance is something we can take out to cover you for costs from the losing side in certain situations.
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November 05, 2013

Understand The Highway Code and prevent roundabout crashes

We deal with all types of personal injury claims including road traffic accidents. This includes accidents at roundabouts. Many drivers dislike using roundabouts and I can often understand why.

As a driver myself, I often see near misses on roundabouts almost every day. To me personally, the issues seem to be a lack of knowledge (especially when using a large multi-lane roundabout) and speed. Some drivers intend to go straight on at a roundabout and therefore think that they do not need to slow down.
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November 05, 2013

Loss of Finger due to Dangerous or Exposed Machinery at Work – Injury Lawyers Advice

loss finger dangerous machinery workIt’s a horrendous situation to be in – losing a finger, or several fingers, due to an injury at work. It can easily happen; especially in factories, warehouses, construction sites, or for anyone using dangerous equipment and tools.

So what happens if you are at work and you lose a finger or several fingers due to a piece of equipment? Is your employer liable to compensate you for the loss and any lost earnings or other expenses associated with the injury?
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November 05, 2013

Driver hits Motorcyclist after pulling out of side road claims

motorcycle accident claimsRoad traffic accidents are common and occur on a daily basis on our roads. Whilst we should never stop in our attempts to improve road safety, accidents continue to happen. The aim is to continually improve safety and to decrease the number of accidents on our roads. Another aim is to ensure that, if an accident does occur, the resulting injuries are limited as much as possible. I guess it is the car manufacturer’s job to make cars safer and more robust – to ensure that less people are seriously injured or killed in road accidents.
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By Editor
November 04, 2013

We ARE 100% Compensation Injury Lawyers

get 100% compensation from the injury lawyersIn April 2013, the government (in my opinion) ruined decades of access to justice and fairness when they abolished the recovery of certain legal fees in claims for personal injury compensation. For years accident victims were able to receive 100% of their payout as all of their legal fees could be recoverable from the opponent.

This is fair, right? Why should the victim have to pay to claim? If you suffered just vehicle damages in a road accident, you wouldn’t expect to have to pay your insurers to sort it out would you!?

But the government went ahead and stopped the recovery of two things – a Success Fee, and an After The Event insurance premium.
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November 04, 2013

Physiotherapy is Key for Whiplash Treatment

whiplash treatmentWhiplash is a lot more complicated than most people think. As an injury, it is real; despite the bad press it gets. For anyone out there who has actually suffered with a genuine whiplash injury, you’ll know that it is not always just a bit of neck ache. It can be debilitating, and it can have a significant effect on your everyday life. I should know, as I have had the injury myself.


Whiplash is most commonly caused by car accidents. A sudden impact can cause your neck and back to jerk forwards and backwards or sideways. This sudden movement can stretch the ligaments and muscles in your neck, back and shoulders beyond their normal range of movement; thus causing an injury.
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November 01, 2013

100% Compensation Changes – WARNING!


We can’t stress this enough! Take care when instructing a law firm to represent you for your claim for personal injury. The law has changed so most lawyers are now taking up to 25% from your compensation payout!

We can still offer a full 100% compensation agreement, so –
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November 01, 2013

Crates stacked too high causing an injury at work

stacked crates work injuryThere’s a reason why there is specific workplace regulations that cover being hit by a falling object; to make sure it never happens! The bits that cover being hit by a falling object like a crate fall within the realms of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. The relevant part reads as follows:

13.(1) So far as is reasonably practicable, suitable and effective measures shall be taken to prevent any event specified in paragraph (3).
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November 01, 2013

Slipped in Supermarket injury claim advice

You might not think that one little grape could cause a person to slip and injure themselves; but believe you me, it can! We take on a lot of cases where people have slipped on a grape (or several grapes) in supermarkets, and they can result in nasty injuries.

Whether you’re lucky enough to escape with some minor bruises and pain as well as a shed load of embarrassment, or whether you twist you knee or back resulting in serious ligament damage, or perhaps break a bone when landing on a hard floor, we can help you make a claim for personal injury compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis. We also still offer 100% compensation as well.
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October 31, 2013

No Barriers on Scaffolding – Falling Injury Claims

working at height no scaffolding barrier claimsScaffolding or working from height can of course be very dangerous, especially if proper safety procedures are not in place. When working from height there is a lot for employers to consider. As with any job, safety should be of paramount importance and should never be compromised. When working from height workers need a proper and safe platform from which to work, and scaffolding can provide this. It is also a place where workers can keep tools etc but again there is need for caution to prevent any tripping hazards.

Not having barriers on scaffolding is clearly unsafe. Barriers could prevent injury and stop workers from falling if something does go wrong. Say a worker trips up on the scaffold itself or over equipment. A barrier may prevent the worker falling and therefore preventing serious injury.
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