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November 08, 2013

Claim for Back Injury from Digging – Injury Lawyers Advice

back injury from diggingDigging holes and trenches is of course required in many jobs. It’s common in constructions sites for foundations to be laid, walls and fences to be erected, and pipes or cables to be laid in the ground.

Digging itself can involve some hefty manual work; particularly if the ground is fairly solid. It comes as no surprise then that people are liable to injure their back, arms, and / or shoulder areas when they are requested to dig.

So if you are instructed by your employer to dig and you end up injured, is there a duty and can you make a claim for compensation?
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November 07, 2013

Passenger Road Accident Claims

passenger compensation claimsYou don’t have to be a driver to be covered by insurance for a claim for personal injury compensation. If you are injured as an innocent passenger in a collision, no matter which vehicle is at fault, you pretty much have a guaranteed claim for compensation.

A collision has occurred, so there is likely someone to blame. Unless you did something daft like pulled on the handbrake or distracted the driver and that caused an accident, you are an innocent party in a collision with an at-fault party. So whether it’s the driver of your vehicle or another vehicle involved, we can definitely make a claim for you.
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November 07, 2013

Slipped on a Factory Wet Floor Claim

wet factory floor slippage claimsFactories are generally hazardous places. With heavy plant, equipment, and machinery in constant operation, health and safety is of paramount importance in factories and those in charge have a number of duties to ensure that employees are not injured in the line of duty.

Whilst most accidents probably involve equipment, slipping on wet floors are common in factories as they are in any other workplaces. Leaks from machinery, whether its oil or water, is an obvious one. People could walk grease and oil around the floor if it sticks to their boots as well. Having boots to try and prevent as much as possible a slipping accident is a point in itself.
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November 07, 2013

Wall Accident Compensation Claims – Injury Lawyers Advice

cracked wall injury claimsWalls – as a principle, they’re there to protect us from danger. But if they are not safe, they can quickly become a danger. Common examples of accident claims involving walls could be as follows:

  • A piece of a wall falls off and hits you / a wall collapses on you.
  • A low wall you are sitting on collapses or breaks beneath you.
  • A wall is dangerously low causing a trip and / or fall over it.
  • A wall you are leaning on collapses or breaks, causing an accident.

So if any of the above happens to you, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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November 06, 2013

Burnt by a Colleague at Work – Can I Claim?

burn injuries at workFirst things first – I’m discussing negligence here, not maliciousness. So if you are at work, perhaps in a kitchen, and a colleague spills something hot on you or walks in to you whilst carrying hot soup for example, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

Vicarious Liability

Vicarious liability means that the negligence of a colleague falls on to the employer. So if a colleague fails to adhere to procedures and policies in the workplace and causes a burn injury to you, you can claim from your employers insurance.
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November 06, 2013

Fallen over a Pallet in a Supermarket? Injury Lawyers Advice

tripping over a pallet in a supermarketSupermarkets are busy places – it’s easy to see this as store assistants are constantly restocking shelves with stock cages and pallets. As Christmas draws closer and closer, the stores are only going to get busier and busier. That means more people, and potentially more pallets!

So, what happens if you are shopping along and you trip and fall due to a pallet on the ground? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation against the supermarket?
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November 06, 2013

Fallen because of a Large Pothole? Injury Lawyers Advice

potholesAs the weather gets colder and colder, more and more potholes are likely to appear over the coming months. Some can spring up in such a short time and can grow to a fairly large size in a short period of time as well.

You may have heard of, or understand, the concept that a pothole has to be of a certain size in order to make a claim for personal injury compensation. This is true – Section 41 of the Highways Act says that those responsible for an area only need to take action if a defect is deemed to be of a reasonable danger. What’s classed as reasonable is a grey area, and most lawyers use the “one inch rule” to say that the defect has to be of at least one inch in depth / height to have a good chance of succeeding.
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November 05, 2013

100% Compensation AND No Win, No Fee

the injury lawyers still offer 100% compensation claimsDue to law changes in April 2013, other lawyers are now deducting 25% from your compensation payout and they are asking for payment of insurance. This is because the law change stopped lawyers being able to recover two things from the losing side – a Success Fee, and an After The Event insurance premium.

The Success Fee is a fee that helps us to fund No Win, No Fee claims as part of our access to justice rights. The insurance is something we can take out to cover you for costs from the losing side in certain situations.
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November 05, 2013

Understand The Highway Code and prevent roundabout crashes

We deal with all types of personal injury claims including road traffic accidents. This includes accidents at roundabouts. Many drivers dislike using roundabouts and I can often understand why.

As a driver myself, I often see near misses on roundabouts almost every day. To me personally, the issues seem to be a lack of knowledge (especially when using a large multi-lane roundabout) and speed. Some drivers intend to go straight on at a roundabout and therefore think that they do not need to slow down.
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November 05, 2013

Loss of Finger due to Dangerous or Exposed Machinery at Work – Injury Lawyers Advice

loss finger dangerous machinery workIt’s a horrendous situation to be in – losing a finger, or several fingers, due to an injury at work. It can easily happen; especially in factories, warehouses, construction sites, or for anyone using dangerous equipment and tools.

So what happens if you are at work and you lose a finger or several fingers due to a piece of equipment? Is your employer liable to compensate you for the loss and any lost earnings or other expenses associated with the injury?
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