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October 28, 2013

Falling from Height at Work due to No Equipment Claims – Advice from The Injury Lawyers

working at height no equipment claimsWorking at height is inherently dangerous; that’s why there are specific regulations that address the issue of working at height, and it is important that both employers and employees abide by them. When it comes to equipment, the duty is on your employer to ensure that equipment is provided, where necessary, to prevent you being injured.

So let’s take a look at some of the key regulations about work equipment when working at height is concerned:

(3) Where work is carried out at height, every employer shall take suitable and sufficient measures to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, any person falling a distance liable to cause personal injury.
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October 28, 2013

Injuries due to a chair that gave way – Injury Lawyers Advice

chair accidents compensation claimsIt’s one of the ultimate embarrassing situations to be in – you sit down on a chair and it gives way under your weight, causing you to fall down with it to the ground. Whether it’s at work or in a public place, it not a nice situation to be in.

So if you are the unfortunate victim of an accident where your chair has given way and injured you as a result, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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October 25, 2013

Slipped on wet paint? Make a claim today!

slipped on wet paint claimsIt’s unusual, but it’s has happened before – slipping on wet paint can be as embarrassing as it is painful. Normally you’d expect an area with wet paint on the ground, whether it’s dripped, spilt, or whether the actual ground has been painted, would be cordoned off with signs. But if it isn’t, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Your Rights

Your rights when it comes to making a claim are similar to that of any other general slip or trip. For a supermarket or a shop or another public place, the Occupiers Liability Act normally applies. In the workplace, it’s The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 that normally apply.
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October 25, 2013

Fallen through a ceiling at work? The Injury Lawyers Advice

fallen through ceiling at work accidentsMany people will be asked to do all sorts of “ad-hoc” tasks buy their employer. This could include going up in to loft spaces in an office, or perhaps in an area being renovated. As daft as it may sound to some people, if a person is not aware that the floor they are stepping on is not a proper floor – i.e. it’s perhaps a suspended / false ceiling – stepping on it could be disastrous.

So what happens if you are asked to negotiate somewhere and you are not aware that the floor you are stepping on is just a ceiling with little or no support? What happens if you then fall through it and you are injured as a result?
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October 25, 2013

We ARE 100% Compensation Injury Lawyers

get 100% compensation from the injury lawyersApril 2013 – the dawn of a dark era for personal injury claiming when our wonderful government decided that people should pay to claim. They decided that the victim should suffer and have to lose some of their compensation. Why? Well, we have no idea. But the rules have changed.

To be brief, the rule change means lawyers cannot recover all of their legal fees from the other side like we used to be able to. As such, law firms are now taking a deduction of up to 25% from your payout, and they are asking for payment of insurance as well.
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October 25, 2013

Making a Claim for Whiplash Compensation

making a whiplash claimYou have been in a car accident and you have suffered a whiplash injury as a result. The key questions most people will ask are:

  • How long will you suffer for and how bad will it get?
  • Can you make a claim for compensation?
  • How much could your claim be worth?

About Whiplash

For how long and how bad the injury will be, it can be hard to say. Whiplash is normally more complicated than most people think and some people could only suffer for a few weeks, whereas others could end up in pain for months or even years. Where on the scale you may be could be dependent on the nature of the accident, whether you have any pre existing conditions, or it can be entirely random!
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October 23, 2013

Trapping Injury at Work Claims

trapping injury at work claimsIf you have been the victim of a trapping injury in a machine or equipment at work, here is what you need to know about your legal rights under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1992. This brought in provisions to ensure the safety of the equipment or machinery which you use at work and ensures that your employer is maintaining it effectively.

How does PUWER protect me at work?

It is not only industrial machinery which can cause accidents as it can be any equipment which is used at work. PUWER is wide in scope and does not only apply to businesses which use certain types of machinery or equipment. It applies to companies, government departments, local councils, charities and even law firms!
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October 23, 2013

Fell over a box in a Supermarket Claim

fell over box in supermarket claimIf you have fallen over a box in a supermarket and have been injured as a result it is likely that you would be able to start a claim compensation! So if a cardboard box, plastic crate or packaging has been the cause of your accident whilst shopping then see what The Injury Lawyers can do for you!

Why is the Supermarket to blame?

The supermarket owes a common duty of care to anyone who enters the premises unless they restrict this under the Occupiers Liability Act. This means that the customer who enters the store should be reasonably safe on their premises. In addition to this, supermarkets must be aware that children are likely to be less careful than adults.
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October 23, 2013

Slipped on Cardboard at Work – Advice from The Injury Lawyers

slipped on cardboard box claimsWorking in a warehouse or manufacturing environment can often mean a lot of packaging is opened up and storage or work spaces can become cluttered and untidy. Cardboard is a primary culprit for causing slipping accidents; you step on a piece of it and you can easily end up slipping and falling down.

So what are your rights when it comes to making a work injury claim for slipping on cardboard in the workplace?
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October 23, 2013

Fallen on an unstable / broken ramp? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

fall compensation claimsRamps, especially for the less able, are useful for access when steps are too much to negotiate. I like a good ramp as I have a leg condition that can limit my movements sometimes, and we all expect a ramp to be secure to ensure that we can safely use it.

But what if it isn’t secure? What if it moves when you step on it causing you to fall and inure yourself? Or what if it isn’t stable and wobbles and causes you to fall? What if it just breaks? If this happens to you, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Your Rights

If the ramp wobbles or moves causing you to fall, and this is a ramp at a public place like to a shop for example, you may have a claim against whoever is in charge of the ramp. Under the Occupiers Liability Act they are duty bound to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to make sure you are not injured on their premises.
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