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October 15, 2013

Average Compensation Claim Amounts for a Broken Leg Injury

broken leg compensation amountsAlthough I have never broken any bones myself, I imagine that it is not the most pleasant experience to go through and certainly not if you suffer from it because of someone else. Broken legs are one of the most common injuries especially in claims involving defective pavements and properties as when people fall, usually the legs can take a pretty nasty knock.  Broken legs may also be caused by being involved in a road traffic collision, depending on the position you were in when the collision occurred (straight legs for example) and of course the severity.

So how much can you claim for a broken leg?

Solicitors are not able to properly say at the beginning of the case the actual value of it, or what settlement figure you will receive, as it is simply too early. Settlement figures are based on the nature of your injury, how long you are suffering with it for, and the impact it has had on your life. More serious injuries are of course going to be worth more as you are suffering more and may have more losses such as extensive loss of earnings, travel expenses and care and assistance.
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October 15, 2013

Tummy Tuck Compensation Claims

tummy tuck claimsAbdominoplasty, or tummy tuck as most commonly known as, is one of the most routine and popular cosmetic surgery procedures around at the moment.  It is considered a rather low risk procedure when compared to other cosmetic practices; however it unfortunately still carries with it inherent risks and sometimes negligence can occur.

Surgeons must give the patient reasonable information about the risks to enable the patient to give valid consent to surgery. Therefore, if you do not feel you have been given enough information  about potential risks and side effects, you may be able to claim on this basis. Some of the most common injuries/claims in this area stem from the following:
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October 15, 2013

Shutter Injury Compensation Claims

shutter injury work claimsOne of the last things you expect is to be hit by shutters! Having dealt with these claims in the past we know it can be quite a shock to the victim and the injuries can be fairly serious as well; ranging from head injuries and neck / shoulder / back injuries similar to whiplash.

So if you are hit by a shutter, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

Your Rights as a Visitor

Generally speaking, if you are a member of a public at a supermarket or a shop or in another public place and you are hit by a shutter, the applicable law is the Occupiers Liability Act. This imposes a duty on people to have a responsibility to look after visitors to their premises. Being hit by a shutter can happen in a number of ways – the shutters are faulty and come down; they are not secured properly; or you are the victim of an employee’s negligence.
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October 14, 2013

Hire an Injury Lawyer to get the Maximum Compensation Claim Amount

benefits of hiring a lawyer to get maximum compensation claimMany people want to know how much they can claim for. Some people will be approached by insurers to settle their claims directly without a solicitor. They will tell you to “cut out the middleman” and settle quicker with them. They may even tell you that they will give you a little extra since they won’t be paying legal fees.

But here is a serious warning for you – DON’T BE FOOLED AND DON’T GET MUGGED!

Lawyers Get You MORE

The Law Society recently ran a campaign called “Don’t Get Mugged” which confirmed that people who claim with a solicitor can get up to 2-3 times more than if they deal direct with an insurer. So we thought we’d have a quick look at a small spread of a few recently settled cases to so how much more The Injury Lawyers can get for you.
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October 14, 2013

Injured Due to No Guards on Machine or Equipment at Work

no guard on machine claimsThere are loads of rules and regulations that employers must abide by in order to protect their employees from being injured in the workplace. When it comes to work equipment, there are specific regulations to cover this: The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.

When it comes to guards on machines and equipment, the regulations that are most important state the following:

Dangerous parts of machinery
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accident report
October 14, 2013

Injured by slipping in a toilet, can you claim?

Slipping and falling to the ground in any location can be a proper embarrassment; but slipping in a toilet is often seen as the ultimate, embarrassing slip situation to be involved in.

Given that toilet floors are, for want of a better phrase, usually wet from water and other substances, slipping accidents are more common than you think…

So what are your rights when it comes to making a slip injury compensation claim if you have injured yourself in a public toilet?
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October 11, 2013

Tripped Over a Pothole in a Car Park Claim Advice

pothole tripping claimsAs the cold snap in the UK marks the end of what was a summer of some seriously scorching weather, potholes will no doubt be on the rise in the coming weeks and months as water slips in to cracks in the surface, freezes, expands, and breaks open the ground. And with the rise in potholes comes the rise in tripping and falling accidents.

So what are your rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation if you trip in a pothole that was specifically on a car park?
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supermarket claims
October 11, 2013

Injured by a shopping trolley in a supermarket can you claim?

People tend to be in such a rush nowadays that accidents and injuries are fairly common. When it comes to accidents in supermarkets, we take on a lot of claims for personal injury compensation. A fair few of these involve claims when a person is hit by a shopping trolley.

It can do a serious amount of damage; particularly if your leg or ankle is hit. We have seen fractures and serious ligament damage from being hit by a trolley. An impact with a trolley can also lead to a fall to the ground which can of course cause serious injuries as well.
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October 11, 2013

Injured by Faulty Gym Equipment? Some Injury Lawyers Advice!

When it comes to accidents in a gym, we may be able to help you if something has gone wrong and you are injured through the fault of the people responsible for the gym. So I’m not talking about taking too much weight and injuring yourself, or falling over when using the treadmill. I’m talking about gym equipment breaking and causing an injury.

One example: let’s say you’re using a weight machine and something snaps causing you to take more weight than you can handle. Or perhaps a weight falls off and the sudden shift in weight causes an injury. In these kinds of scenarios, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation. Suddenly taking more weight or suddenly losing weight you were holding can cause a whole host of muscular and ligament injuries.
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October 10, 2013

Hit by Falling Object on Building Site Claim – Injury Lawyers Advice

hit by a falling object on building site claimBuilding sites are inherently dangerous places to be. That’s why there are a number of health and safety rules and regulations that apply when working on a building site.

If you are hit by a falling object, you may be able to make a work injury claim for compensation if you are injured as a result. How the object fell is key to whether you have a claim or not. The following are scenarios in which you may have a good claim for compensation:
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