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September 27, 2013

100% Compensation Solicitors – WHY CHOOSE US!?

the injury lawyers guaranteeOur offer of 100% compensation for you is totally genuine. Since the law change in April 2013, other lawyers are unable to offer you a 100% agreement because the government changed the law resulting in lawyers being unable to recover all of their fees from the opponent.

The two things we can’t recover, and how a lawyer charges you, are:

  • Success Fee – which can now be recovered from your compensation. A lawyer cannot deduct any more than 25% from your payout to cover this fee. The market appears to have settled on lawyers charging the max amount of 25%.
  • After The Event insurance premium – of which many lawyers are asking for payment of this upfront.

But a huge concern of ours is that many law firms are not confirming what deductions they will make on their websites, and several are not informing people when they are contacted. According to many of our clients who have come to us after dealing with other firms, they were never told of a deduction and only realised they would face one when they received the paperwork.
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September 25, 2013

How to Compare Personal Injury Lawyers!

Compare Personal Injury Lawyers!In the past, I would have written about the vast benefits of our service like regular updates, private physiotherapy, and a friendly and efficient service to try and win you over to the fact that we, in our humble opinion, are the best choice as a national personal injury law firm. But now, none of that matters to most people as it’s all about the COST. Here’s why:

April 2013

A dark month for the world of personal injury claiming when the government changed the law so lawyers cannot recover all of their legal fees from the opponent. The two things we can no longer recover are as follows:
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September 25, 2013

What Percentage of Your Accident Claim Will Your Solicitor Take?

at the injury lawyers you keep 100% of your compensation claimThe big question! We’ve blogged about this a lot recently, so for those of you who are still in the dark, I have some good and bad news for you.

The Bad News

Let’s start with the bad news first. If you make a claim for personal injury compensation, law firms are likely going to take up to 25% of your compensation and ask you to pay an insurance premium for After The Event insurance.  The reason for this is down to our wonderful government destroying years of access to justice and helping the insurers maintain their massive profit margins by stopping law firms recovering certain fees from the opponent.

For years now, people have been able to get 100% because their lawyer was entitled to recover all fees from the opponent. That’s fair right? Why should the innocent victim have to pay to claim? But in these critical political times, our government decided to stop lawyers recovering all fees resulting in the innocent victims being charged.
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September 25, 2013

Trip Accident Claims from Protruding Objects

protruding objects claimsCommonly a claim for personal injury for tripping will either be pursued against an employer if it was at work, against an occupier if it was in a public place like a shop, or the council if it was on public grounds. The difference between who is potentially at fault actually has a significant impact on how good your claim is; so to make things easy, I’ll split this article up for you in to three sections for each of the above.

Tripping Accident at Work

There are all sorts of rules and regulations that employers are duty bound to adhere to. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 have a specific section for this as follows:
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September 24, 2013

How The Injury Lawyers Manage the Physiotherapy in Your Claim

advice on physiotherapy in your claimHere at The Injury Lawyers we are a specialist law firm and have many years of experience in dealing with personal injury claims. If obtaining treatment and paying for consultations is worrying you, don’t worry because we are here to help!

The Importance of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is important for recovering where your muscles have been damaged, stretched or torn in an accident. Physiotherapy aims to restore the movement to your injured muscles by many different techniques. Some of these include:
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train station accident claims
September 24, 2013

Train Station Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

With people rushing around in an effort to catch their train on time, despite most stations having faster clocks to try and dupe you in to thinking it’s later than it is, it’s no wonder that accidents in train stations are very common. The most common ones are slips and trips, and the Occupiers Liability Act imposes a duty on those in charge of the station to take all reasonable steps to prevent accidents occurring.
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September 24, 2013

Electric Shock at Work Compensation Claim

electrocuted claimsThere are loads of employment regulations that your employer is duty bound to follow. They exist to protect you from being injured whilst working. Let’s face it – all jobs come with hazards, and when it comes to working with electrical equipment and machinery, which is a part of almost every job, there are certain things that can go wrong.

The human body is a great conductor of electricity, so if you are exposed to something, you are liable to end up getting shocked. A piece of exposed wiring, or water near an electrical switch could end up with an injury. So what’s the duty, and can you sue your employer for personal injury compensation if you receive an electric shock at work?

Commonly its machinery that will shock you, so the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 apply. The great thing about these regulations is that Regulation 5 can impose a strict liability on your employer. This means they may have no choice but to pay you compensation if you are injured because a piece of equipment has somehow become defective. If you innocently use it and end up getting an electric shock, the regulations should apply.
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September 23, 2013

Fall on Wobbly Paving Slab, Making a Claim Against the Council

wobbly pavement claimsIf you have tripped on a wobbly paving slab on a public street then it is likely that we could make a claim under the Highways Act 1980. An alternative is tripping on a wobbly tile or slab that forms as part of a private property, which would then normally fall under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 if the property was not your workplace. This blog post will discuss the law, liability and negligence by those whom have breached their duty on a public highway and fall under the Highways Act.

Who is to blame?

Those to blame for wobbly paving slabs could include the relevant public authority, the highways agency, or perhaps another company who has been outsourced the highway maintenance contract. If you have tripped on a wobbly paving slab and reported it to the wrong authority, then those who you have reported it to should inform you it is owned by someone else. For example, if you have fallen on a wobbly paving slab whilst walking home and report it to your local council, they may say that the highways agency have authority over that area so you should report it to them.
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September 23, 2013

How Much Compensation Can You Expect To Get?

how much compensation will i getCalculating your compensation before a case is settled is never an exact science. We would often give you a bracket once you have made a claim and any offers which fall into that bracket, we would likely advise to accept and any which fall below the bracket, we would probably not advice to accept.

What is going to be discussed is how we at The Injury Lawyers calculate what should be owed to you and what evidence we may need.

Medical Evidence

It is important to obtain medical evidence if you are proceeding with a claim. Not only does this help you on the way to recovery but it is also proof of your injury. A medical report will usually be obtained and approved by you to use as evidence. This can be sent to the third party so that they can assess your injury and then make a valuation of the pain, suffering and loss of amenity which the accident has caused. They will then make their own assessment of the valuation of the claim. They can then use this information to make an offer.
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September 23, 2013

How Long Does a Whiplash Claim Take to Process?

whiplash process timeThe following blog is on the processing of a whiplash claim and how we at The Injury Lawyers take steps to reduce this time!

The term whiplash has been thrown around by media sources for a long time and Britain has been named as the whiplash capital of Europe. But the fact of the matter is that according to the World Bank, Britain has 79% more cars per kilometre of road compared to the European Union average (source). This means that there is a higher proportion of cars on the road which can mean a higher amount of crashes.

So don’t let the media dissuade you from claiming for whiplash caused by the negligence of someone else – contact The Injury Lawyers and see how we can get you maximum compensation in minimum time!
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