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July 24, 2013

Overtaking Road Accident Claims

dangerous overtaking leads to serious accidentsOvertaking can sometimes be a cause of frustration, whether it is you overtaking another vehicle or another vehicle overtaking you. Overtaking can of course be dangerous if performed when it is not safe to do so. However we all probably accept that overtaking is necessary on occasion.

For example I recently visited the coast which involved travelling on a number of one lane “A” roads. It is normal for a long queue of traffic to form behind a slow moving vehicle such as a lorry, a tractor or a car towing a caravan. Usually at the first available opportunity cars will look to overtake the slow moving vehicle. However you always seem to witness cars overtaking dangerously such as when they cannot possibly see any oncoming vehicles. You should only perform an overtake manoeuvre when you are certain that you have enough time to perform the manoeuvre safely. This means that you ought to be able to see a long stretch of road and that nothing is approaching in the opposite direction.
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July 24, 2013

Rise in Cosmetic Surgery Compensation Claims

cosmetic surgery compensation claimsIn a modern society, cosmetic surgery is on the rise. In addition surgeons can find cosmetic surgery a very lucrative industry to be involved in. We are perhaps more concerned about our physical appearance than ever before, meaning that people are willing to undergo cosmetic surgery and procedures in an attempt to get the look that they desire.

Surgeons are willing to perform the work as it can prove very profitable. However cosmetic surgery is still an area which is of real concern to health care professionals. This is because it is largely unregulated and unfortunately we do see cosmetic procedures being performed by persons whom are not suitably qualified and products are often used which have not been properly checked or approved.

You can always get a cheap procedure or a cheap product but if you don’t go down the correct route then there is a real risk that something could go drastically wrong. Such instances have led to a rise in compensation claims following negligent cosmetic surgery or procedures. We have seen many claims following PIP breast implants, botox, liposuction, nose jobs etc.
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July 22, 2013

Ladders Accidents Injury Lawyers Advice

ladder accident claimsLadder accidents result in around 14 fatalities and 1,200 major injuries in the UK each year. It is the duty of your employer to ensure that Ladders must be kept well maintained and must be replaced when damaged.

Accidents can occur due to the employee been given the wrong type of ladder to complete a task. Employers must provide employees with the correct type of ladder with regards to the task in hand, with employees being fully trained and instructed on how to use them. The employee must be able to make an informed decision about the correct ladder to use.

Risk assessments must be carried out regularly, by employers, to assess the risk of falling and the safety of the ladder. The ladder must be inspected for any defects and the employer must ensure that the ladder is fully fit for use. The ladder must not be dented or damaged in anyway, nor should the rubber feet be missing or damaged.
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July 22, 2013

Restaurant and Cafe Chair Accident Claims

chair accidents compensation claimsChair accidents are common in pubs, restaurants and cafes.  Chair accidents can happen for a number of reasons like a broken or faulty chair leg, chair backs being damaged or loose, chairs collapsing or something sticking out of the chair which shouldn’t be there.

Under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, it is the duty of the occupier to make sure that the chair is safe for use and is free of defects. An occupier is normally the owner of the premises, and as such it is their responsibility to take all reasonable steps to prevent injury to any visitors to their premises. If an owner fails to meet this duty they could be considered negligent, and you may be able to claim for compensation.

Those with a duty have a legal responsibility, and therefore any chairs must be regularly inspected and maintained in order to prevent an accident happening. An inspection must make sure that a chair is stable, and has no present breaks or defects. Records should be kept.
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July 22, 2013

Motorcycle Accidents – Contributory Negligence for Safety Gear

motorcycle accident contributory negligence for safety gearMotorcycle accidents will often result in fairly serious injuries being sustained by the rider. We’re more than used to dealing with the devastating effects of these types of accident as we actually specialise in representing victims making a claim after a motorbike accident. From the first day when we speak to you or see you at home or hospital, to the day we settle the claim, we’re here every step of the way.

So I thought I’d write a little blog about contributory negligence in motorbike personal injury compensation claims.

Contributory negligence is an allegation from the defending side of a claim that you are partly responsible for the accident or your injuries. By this point, they will normally have admitted liability, but will be suggesting that they are perhaps 80% to blame and you are 20% to blame. As such, any compensation you receive will be reduced by the percentage of blame that is apportioned to you.
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By Author
July 22, 2013

Can you claim for falling on loose steps?

stair accident claimsMost of us use stairs several times a day without even realising what we are doing; so when we suddenly find ourselves tumbling head first down them because we just put one foot in front of the other and didn’t see the step was broken it can be a bit of a shock! It can also be extremely painful – especially if the stairs are made out of materials such as concrete, metal or wood. So are you able to make a claim for falling on loose steps? The answer is probably yes.

Commonly these types of accidents come under something called The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 unless it happened at work. The “Occupier” under this legislation is often thought to be the person who has sufficient degree of control over the premises who should realise that if something is not right, may result in somebody being injured. Therefore, the defendant in these cases is usually the person that is entrusted with the responsibility for maintaining the building and the steps.
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July 19, 2013

Part Time Work Accidents, Can I Still Claim?

A lot of people know their rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation for an accident at work. But some people are a little unsure about their rights if they work part time. Do you still have the same rights as a part time worker or casual worker?

The short answer is yes – you, as a part time employee of the employer, are still covered by all of the workplace regulations that cover full time employees as well. The regulations are there for anyone who works directly for the employer. Even if you work just one day a week, there is the same duty on your employer to make sure that you are not injured at work. The same duty at work applies.
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July 19, 2013

Bus Driver Liability – Injury Lawyers Advice

bus driver liabilityIf you are injured on a bus, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation? Can the bus driver be held liable? When might they be held liable, and pave the way for you to make a successful injury claim? Here’s a little advice about it.

Bus drivers have a responsibly to pay due care and attention to avoid any passengers becoming injured whilst under their care. Ultimately the bus company will be responsible and will have to pay out, usually through insurers, in the event of making a claim. As a passenger in a collision, you pretty much have a guaranteed claim for compensation if you are injured.

So aside from the obvious avoidance of road accidents, i.e. if the bus driver is responsible for causing a road traffic collision, when else can they be held liable?
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July 18, 2013

Manual Handling on Stairs – Injury Lawyers Advice

manual handling on stairs injury claimsFrom the perspective of a workplace personal injury compensation claim, your employer owes you a very important duty of care for them to adhere to The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.

Regulation 4 of the legislation states:

(a) so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a risk of their being injured; or

(b) where it is not reasonably practicable to avoid the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a risk of their being injured

Further to this, employers are responsible to risk assess all manual handling activities and assess whether both the employee who will be undertaking the manoeuvre and the route are suitable. So things like stairs, which can be an obvious hazard, must be taken in to serious consideration. Common problems caused by stairs when it comes to manual handling are:
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July 17, 2013

Medical Negligence Compensation Claims

medical negligence claimsThe definition of medical negligence is an ‘act or omission by a health care provider in which the treatment provided falls below the accepted standard of practice‘. If a doctor or nurses care falls below the expected standard, their actions may be considered negligent. It would have to be proved that the medical professional did something wrong or failed to meet their duty.

Examples of medical negligence:

  • Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose
  • Incorrect treatment, which leads to an adverse affect on the patient and their condition
  • Being prescribed incorrect medication
  • Failure to give you the standard of care expected.

The duty of a medical professional must not fall below the standard that would be expected of a reasonably competent doctor. It needs to be seen that a body of doctors would have acted in the same or similar manner, when treating the patient in question.

Inherent risks of treatment are normally not considered to be negligent, as they are simply a risk you agree to in order to receive that medical care. The risks and complications would have been present, regardless of the actions taken by the medical professional.
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