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July 08, 2013

Occupiers Liability Supermarket Slips and Trips

supermarket injury claimsPersonal injury claims against supermarkets are common, with customers commonly slipping or tripping in the supermarket aisles. Any owner of a supermarket owes a duty of care to visitors of their store under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957. When that duty is breached, a personal injury is sustained due to the supermarkets negligence.

Under the 1957 Act, ‘An occupier of premises owes the same duty, “the common duty of care”, to all his visitors, except in so far as he is free to and does extend, restrict, modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise‘.

Visitors are to include customers, store staff, suppliers and delivery drivers.  An occupier is to be seen as the individual in general control over the premises or in this instance supermarket in question.
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July 08, 2013

Injury Lawyers for Work Accident Compensation Claims

we are expert injury lawyers work accident claimsWe specialise and deal only with claims for personal injury compensation. We have particular expertise, and many years of experience, in representing victims of work accidents. Work accidents are fairly common because there are a lot of rules and regulations that an employer can breach. We have regulations covering most scenarios. Here are some examples:

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

These cover traffic routes and therefore slips and trips, general health and safety of the workplace, falls or falling objects, doors and gates, windows and skylights, and all sorts of things. The common ones are slips and trips. So if you have an accident in relation to any of the above, you may be able to make claim for personal injury compensation.
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July 08, 2013

Hit by a drunk driver with no insurance – Injury Lawyers advice

Personally, I can’t tolerate people who drink and drive. There is a very good reason why drinking and driving is illegal – intoxicating substances impair our judgement, and being behind the wheel whilst drunk is like a child running round with a knife. We see it all too often in the news when a person is badly hurt or killed because a driver loses control of their vehicle and causes an incident.

So what happens if you are the unfortunate victim of a drunk driver who has not only caused you a loss by mixing alcohol with driving, but also happens to have no insurance? It’s a lot more common than you might think. This dangerous combination though does not stop you making a claim for personal injury compensation.
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July 05, 2013

Manhole Cover Road Accident Compensation Claims

manhole cover road accident compensation claimsWe take on a lot of personal injury compensation claims due to manhole covers being missing or defective. You can end up with some fairly serious injuries from falling due to a manhole cover. But what about manhole covers that cause an accident in the road whilst you are driving?

Generally speaking, the same rules apply. There is a duty on whoever is responsible for the manhole to ensure it is safe. It will commonly either fall as part of the responsibility of the local Highways Agency or of a utilities company.

If you hit an open manhole when driving, you can easily end up injured. The sheer force of the wheel dropping in and being forced back out of the open hole is likely to cause a jolt significant enough to leave you with a whiplash injury. At the same time, our natural instinct is to brake hard when something sudden like this happens, and that might not help. You could also face significant vehicle damages – the bumper could be ripped off, suspension shot, wheel and tyre damage, or even serious underside damage if the undercarriage bottoms out.
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July 05, 2013

Accident Injury Specialists

we are injury lawyer specialistsWhen it comes to making your personal injury compensation claim, we know that you want the maximum compensation, the toughest lawyer to fight your case, and a great service. This can really only be offered by an Accident Injury Specialist – and we know where you can find one!

You might call us bias for plugging ourselves here, but let me give you a few reasons why you should make your personal injury compensation claim with our expert team here at The Injury Lawyers:

Specialist Lawyers

There is a reason why we are called The Injury Lawyers – we only represent victims of personal injury compensation claims, and we don’t deal with any other types of law. All our staff are trained to specifically help victims for compensation claims, and we have a bespoke way of working that is suited to making sure our clients get the maximum compensation in the quickest time possible. The lawyer working on your file will be a specialist injury lawyer with a wealth of experience behind them.
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July 05, 2013

Work Equipment Injury Claims Advice

workplace equipment accident claims adviceEmployers have a duty to protect their employees in the workplace. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, or PUWER as they are informally known, outline what exactly an employer needs to do to meet this duty.

For example, Regulation 5 sets out ‘Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair‘ and Regulation 4.3 sets out ‘Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is used only for operations for which, and under conditions for which, it is suitable‘.

To summarise, an employer must ensure that all work equipment is in good working order and is completely suitable for the relevant task in hand. Examples of work equipment are hammers, knives, ladders, and may other tools – in fact, most equipment or machinery used within the working day. The 1998 regulations ensure that employees are covered when stopping and starting equipment, maintaining, cleaning and repairing all work equipment.
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July 05, 2013

Risk of Manual Handling Injuries at Work

manual handling at work accident claimsManual Handling is one of the most common causes of injury in the workplace. Manual Handling generally includes; lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling or carrying, and most employees carry out some sort of manual handling within their working day.

Common types of injury caused by manual handling are

  • Back pain
  • Sprains and strains to lower back and shoulders
  • Damages to muscles and tendons

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations were introduced in 1992 in order to keep employees safe in the workplace and to reduce the number of employees injured at work.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 set out that employer should ‘so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a risk of injury‘ and ‘shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of all such operations which cannot be avoided‘ plus ‘shall take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of injury during those operations to the lowest level reasonably practicable‘.
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July 04, 2013

Advice on using Personal Protective Equipment at Work

advice on using ppe at workPersonal Protective Equipment, or PPE as its commonly known, is essential in many occupations and is there to act as protection against health and safety hazards in the workplace. PPE is defined in the The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 as ‘all equipment which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects him against one or more risks to his health or safety‘.

PPE comes in many forms such as:

  • Helmets and hard hats
  • Goggles
  • Safety footwear
  • Safety harnesses
  • Life jackets

It is an employer’s duty to provide PPE and to make sure it is suitable to the job which is being carried out.
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July 04, 2013

Proving Liability in a Head on Collision

head on traffic accident claimsA head on collision is normally pretty serious. The force of the impact can be high enough to result in fatalities. If you’re lucky enough to survive, the injuries can be fairly severe. So what about liability when it comes to who is at fault for these accidents?

On occasions, proving exactly who is at fault for a head on collision can be very difficult. Deductive logic says that someone must have been on the wrong side of the road if it was head on accident on a straight road. If there are witnesses or CCTV, we can use this as evidence to prove who is at fault.

If it’s one word against another, it will likely be more difficult to prove. We could instruct an expert engineer / mechanic to assess the vehicle damage and perhaps from their findings be able to work out who was at fault. The police need to be in attendance as this may help if they need to investigate the incident.
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accident report
July 04, 2013

Once liability has been accepted, what happens next?

As always, it really depends on the type of accident you’ve had. But I will try and help out with some general guidance as to what happens next once the Defendant has accepted liability for your personal injury compensation claim.

Accepting liability is essentially the Defendant agreeing that they owe you compensation for what has happened. They accept there’s been a breach of duty on their part.

When making a claim for compensation there are two hurdles to cross that make for a winning claim – liability and causation. So liability is that first part – proving someone is at fault – causation means proving that the fault has caused a loss to you.
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