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June 12, 2013

Recommended Personal Injury Lawyers

expert injury lawyersThere is a lot of competition when it comes to personal injury lawyers – and this can be incredibly confusing when you find yourself in the situation looking for someone to help you when you are considering making a claim. One of the main things to remember is that this solicitor will be with you from the beginning of your claim right through to the end and therefore it should always be someone that you feel comfortable and happy with.

One of the main ways of ensuring that the company you instruct is the best one to run your claim is to contact and instruct a firm direct. What I mean by this is that often your insurance company or a claims management company will try and direct you to one of their solicitors who will start pursuing your claim without you even having spoken to them before!

At first glance this may not appear as strange as I am making it, but would you really trust another person to buy a car for example without you first seeing the car and ensuring that it is the right one for you? Although a very different service, the principle is clear. Always ensure you speak with the personal injury firm direct before proceeding with any claim.
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June 12, 2013

Slipped on a Wet Floor at Work Claims

wet floor claimsIf you have been injured in an accident at work, such as by slipping on a wet floor, you may be able to claim compensation. Ordinarily the claim would be against your employer presuming that they own the premises in which the accident occurred. This could differ in certain circumstances. For example if you worked in a council building which let offices out to various companies. Under the terms of the contract your employer is likely to be responsible for the offices which they let. Say for example your accident occurred in the corridor or in the communal kitchen area – this may be an area which the council are responsible for. However if the accident occurred at your place of work and this is your employers own building, any claim would be against your employer.

In terms of slipping on a wet floor at work, we would consider whether there was any warning of the danger. Was there a wet floor sign in place? If a wet floor sign was not in place then it would be more difficult for the Defendant to deny liability. Even if there was a wet floor sign, this does not necessarily mean that you cannot claim. We would query whether the wet floor sign was clearly visible or whether it was obstructed. In law you often hear the phrase “every case is different”. Well this is true and this is the reason you need to speak to a team of experienced and dedicated personal injury lawyers.
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June 12, 2013

Four Month Whiplash to Neck and Shoulder

whiplash claims amountsWhiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in road traffic accidents plainly because the action of a hit vehicle is almost always going to throw persons forward and quickly back again – the very motion that creates this type of injury.

Whiplash is a strange injury, in that it is something that doesn’t show itself straight away! You can be absolutely fine the day of the accident and yet wake up the next morning unable to look left and right. Unfortunately, this is just something that happens and is something that a lot of people worry about as medical attention may not be sought until a few days after the collision! However, this is something that occurs in the majority of road traffic cases and therefore should not be something that holds you back from making a whiplash injury claim.

One of the most common questions that we are asked here at The Injury Lawyers is how much is my claim worth?
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June 11, 2013

Had a Supermarket Accident? Get 100% Compensation!

accidents in supermarkets claim adviceAccidents in supermarkets are one of the most common types of accidents we see as personal injury lawyers. I suppose we can all see why this is the case. Supermarkets can be extremely busy places – the sheer volume of people coming through the doors, the sheer amount of products, the numbers of staff – accidents are bound to occur. We have come across a wide range of supermarket accidents including accidents involving roll cages, accidents caused by spillages, accidents caused by items falling off shelves etc.

Accidents at supermarkets come under the scope of occupier’s liability. Basically the supermarket owes you (as a lawful visitor) a duty of care. This is a duty to keep you safe and free from harm while you are on their premises. This duty means that the store must be kept safe to prevent visitors from sustaining injury. If a spillage occurs on the floor then this clearly poses a slipping hazard. A wet floor sign should be erected and the spillage should be cleaned up as quickly as possible. Of course other factors are important such as whether the wet floor sign was clearly visible, if erected at all at the time of the accident, the time between the spillage and the clean-up operation etc.
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June 11, 2013

Documentary Evidence for Loss of Earnings

documentary evidence will help you get back any losses you may have sufferedIn a personal injury compensation claim you can claim for your injury (general damages) and you can claim for any losses that you have incurred as a result of the accident/injury (special damages). Special damages cover a wide range of losses from loss of earnings, treatment fees, care and assistance, damaged items etc. In this blog we will look at a claim for loss of earnings.

You can claim for lost earnings if you sustained injury in an accident which was not your fault and if, as a result of your injuries, you have taken time off work and therefore lost earnings. Depending on your contract of employment, you may be off work and still receive pay in full. If this was to happen then you cannot claim lost earnings as there has been no loss. If you are not paid during your absence then you are entitled to claim for lost earnings. There is no guarantee that the other side will meet this claim, although it is much stronger if you can provide proof of the loss. This can be done by producing wage slips, showing the drop in earnings, or perhaps bank statements etc. If your wage is not “set” (i.e. you receive a different amount of money from your employer each month) then we would calculate your loss based on an average; perhaps looking at your pay slips from the previous 3 to 6 months before the accident.
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By Editor
June 11, 2013

Tripped Over a Pothole – Injury Lawyers Advice

making a pothole compensation claimYou’ve tripped over a damn pothole on the highways, and ended up injured as a result. I expect you’re pretty angry, especially if you are now off work and losing earnings, or in pain and / or immobile due to the injuries. I expect you’ve had a few rants about the council and how they need to step up to the mark and sort out this pothole problem! But when it comes to action against the council, what are your rights, and what should you do?

Under the Highways Act, there is a potential claim to answer for. You may have a case against the council or whoever is responsible for the highways. So will your claim win? Well let me explain the law for you – because claims against the council can actually be very hard to win.

The duty by law that the highways authority have is to reasonably inspect and maintain their jurisdiction of highway. This is normally accomplished with an inspection regime – a road may be inspected every three months if it’s a well used busy area, or perhaps every 12 months if it’s a minor country road.
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June 10, 2013

Changing Lane Accident Claims

lane changing accident claimsI’ve been driving for seven years now, and like to think that I am not only a confident and competent driver, I also stick to the advice my instructor gave me all those years ago. I’m of the opinion it’s better to be as safe as possible; so whilst “mirror, signal, manoeuvre” is the correct way of doing things, I tend to keep my eye on the mirror and check the blind spots to make sure I’m safe when changing lanes.

But there are still too many people out there who fail to follow the basic principle of “mirror, signal, manoeuvre” – which is why accidents involving people changing lanes are common; especially on roundabouts. So what’s the law when it comes to drivers changing lanes and causing an accident?
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June 10, 2013

Whiplash a few days later – Injury Lawyers Advice

suffer a whiplash injury then call the injury lawyersBecause we are a trusted firm of injury experts who represent thousands of compensation victims throughout the UK, we are often the first point of call for advice after suffering injuries in an accident. When it comes to whiplash, one of the most common things that people say is this:

At the time, I felt fine. But then a few days later, I started feeling pain

This is actually extremely common for whiplash injuries. In fact, the majority of people will not normally feel the pain right away. It either starts to make itself known the next day or a few days later. Most people, other than being a little shaken up after the accident, feel physically fine.
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June 10, 2013

Tripping Accident Claims – The Injury Lawyers Advice

tripping claimsSo you are the cruel victim of what may seem like a terrible slapstick joke – you’ve tripped over and you’ve injured yourself, and whilst your dignity may heal in a matter of hours, your physical injuries may not be so easy to get rid of. Tripping and landing hard on the ground can cause some serious injuries like fractures, ligament tears and ruptures from stretching and twisting, and back injuries from twisting or being thrown to the ground violently.

So if you have tripped over and you want to make a claim, how do you go about it? If you tripped because of someone else’s negligence, you may be able to make a successful personal injury claim. For example, if you tripped due to a pothole or defect in the street, or tripped over an unattended box in a supermarket, or tripped over a loose cable in the office – if you think someone is at fault, we can tell you if we think you can claim.
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June 07, 2013

Dislocating Shoulder Injuries

dislocating shoulder injuryDislocating your shoulder can be serious and painful. If you are reading this having recently suffered from a dislocated shoulder, I assume I’m preaching to the choir; unless you’re Chris Ryan. If the injury was caused through someone else’s negligence, you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

So what can you do, and how can our expert injury team here at the injury lawyers help you?

Well we are an expert injury law firm so we will fight tooth and nail to get you the highest payout possible. Injuries for dislocated shoulders can be as high as £13,700 according to official guidelines.  These sorts of injuries can be painful, debilitating, and require a lengthy period of rehabilitation.

So let’s look at what our service can do for you:
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