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May 16, 2013

Car Park Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

car park accident claimsAccidents in car parks are fairly common. With so many cars and people rushing about, accidents will happen. So if you have had an accident in a car park, can you make a claim for compensation?

If the accident was not your fault, we should be able to help you out with a claim. You should discuss the circumstances with us and we will confirm if we think we can make a successful claim for you. To help you in the meantime, here are some common car park accident circumstances where you should be able to make a claim for compensation.
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May 16, 2013

Who is at fault in a Roundabout Accident

Well, as always, it’s all circumstantial – so you will probably need to give us a call and we will be able to better advise as to whether it’s something you may be eligible to make a personal injury claim for. With most law firms now taking 25% of people’s compensation and charging you for insurance, you will probably find our better deal more appealing. But until you call us, here is some insight in to scenarios where you may have a claim for compensation:
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May 16, 2013

Product Liability Compensation Claims – How to get Started!

how to get startedIf you have been injured due to a faulty or dangerous product, here is a little advice about how to get a claim started – i.e. what sorts of things you need that can help us lawyers assess a claim and start a claim.


Photos of the product are always extremely useful for us to have a look at – especially if they show the dangerous part that caused you an injury. It can also help us to better understand the mechanics of the product because not everyone knows what damp proofing membranes look like.

Receipts and Documentation / Packaging

All this is useful to allow us to assess what warnings or instructions for use come with the product. You would think that if you were using the product as it is intended to be used and you end up injured, something isn’t quite right. The receipt is also useful for proof of purchase too, and this is normally required by the other side when they start their investigations.
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May 15, 2013

How long will it take to get my Compensation?

how long till i get my compensationWell to be honest, this is hard to answer. It’s kind of like the old adage “how long is a piece of string” (twice the length from the middle if you really want to solve that one).

It can all depend on a number of factors, such as:

  • Whether the Defendant admits liability for your case early – if they try and defend it, it could take a while to build a case to fight them for a successful outcome.
  • The severity of your injuries – generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you, which means more medical evidence and possibly more treatment. It’s normally best to wait until you are fully healed before making any settlement negotiations with the other side, so if you are badly hurt, this could take a while.
  • The service of your solicitors – some lawyers probably care little about providing a fast service – so make sure you instruct a law firm like us who aim to update you regularly and actually press the opponent for results and decisions.

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May 15, 2013

Waiting times for Physiotherapy – Have you thought of claiming for Private Care?

private medical care from the injury lawyersThe NHS is stretched thin – so when you need treatment fast but you have to wait for weeks or even months before getting any, what can you do? You should have treatment when you need it the most, which for the majority of injuries is in the early stages. But you can get access to private medical care if you make a claim with The Injury Lawyers today!

If we accept your claim and the prospects of success are good, we can get access to private medical care right from the start of your claim. There are no upfront fees for it; we will claim the fees back from the other side at the end of the claim if we win, or claim it from insurance if the claim doesn’t win. We don’t have to wait for the other side to accept liability first. It’s kind of like treatment on a no win, no fee basis!

Our medical partners have to be happy that there is a good enough chance to win the claim, and there are certain bits of information they will need before they can look to sorting treatment out. But this shouldn’t normally take too long, and most people get a call within 48 hours of us asking them to help with treatment.
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May 13, 2013

Understanding Supermarket Injury Claims

understanding supermarket accident claimsContrary to popular belief, you are not automatically owed compensation if you have an accident in a supermarket. In fact, making a successful claim can be very hard indeed. That’s why we can step in and let you know what precautions you need to take that can increase your chances of making a claim.

The legal duty for the supermarket is to reasonably inspect and maintain their premises. This can be achieved with regular inspection to clear away slip or trip hazards on the ground, for example. Most supermarkets, at least on record, have good systems in place. So here is what you need to do to maximise your chances of making a successful injury claim.
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pothole claims
May 10, 2013

Claiming against the Council – What to do!

If you are injured as a result of a pothole or other defect in the high street, you may have a claim for compensation against the council or the local authority responsible for the area. Here are some important steps you should take that can help assess whether you have a potential claim or not.
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May 10, 2013

Should I Claim Against My Employer?

claim against employerThis is an important question – so here’s three reasons why you SHOULD make a claim against your employer for an injury at work.

You’re Covered

Your employer has a legal obligation to have a policy of employer’s liability insurance that covers their employees for injuries at work. It’s nothing personal when you make a claim for an injury at work – you are simply claiming against the insurance your employer has for the sole reason of making a claim from.

It’s similar to contents insurance – you have it in the event your are the victim of theft or damage. It’s there to be used; just like your employer’s liability insurance.

It can cover legal fees too!
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May 08, 2013

What is Considered Moderate Whiplash?

what is moderate whiplashTo answer this question, I first need to tell you that there is no definitive answer. The classification of your whiplash injury in to one of the common categories of minor, moderate, or severe is based entirely on medical evidence.

We send you to see an expert medical consultant who will provide us with a report that details the extent of your suffering. It’s about the severity and longevity of any pain, suffering, and loss of amenity that will dictate which of the categories you fit in to. So as you can appreciate, we can’t tell you what is considered to be a moderate whiplash because it’s all down to medical evidence!
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May 08, 2013

When Should I Make a Whiplash Claim for Compensation?

whiplash claims time limitsThe best answer is this: straight away!

It is best to start your claim for whiplash personal injury compensation as soon as possible. Here are a number of reasons why:

Better Medical Evidence = Better Valuation?

To value your whiplash claim, we send you to see a medical expert. The expert provides us with a report, and we use the report to value the claim. It doesn’t matter too much if you are fully healed by the time that you see the expert, as a lot of their report is based on a meeting with you and notes from your medical records if they’re applicable. However, if you are still suffering from symptoms when you see the expert, they can comment on this in the examination.

We always aim to arrange a medical appointment as early as possible. It also allows us to assess at an earlier stage what further investigation or possible treatment you may need.
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