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May 20, 2013

Can I Claim if I wasn’t Wearing a Helmet?

no helmet accident compensation claimsIf you have been injured and you were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, can you still make a claim for compensation? In simple terms the answer is yes, you still may be able to make a claim. You should of course be wearing a helmet if you are on a bicycle or motorbike. The same concept also applies to work accidents in terms of wearing a hard hat where neccessary. There is a possibility that the Defendant (the other driver, an employer etc) may allege something called contributory negligence. This can reduce the compensation that you are entitled to; however this does not normally wipe out your compensation in its entirety.

It may be works practice or rules to wear a hard hat at all times whilst on site. Say you forgot to wear your hard hat and you sustained a head injury when an object fell. In this case it is likely that an element of contributory negligence would be found by a court. You can still claim and recover compensation, as there may still be negligence in that an object fell, putting employees at risk of sustaining injury. If contributory negligence is agreed or found by a court, your compensation would be reduced.
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May 20, 2013

Minor to Moderate Knee Injury Compensation Claims

knee injury claimsAny knee injury can be extremely painful and potentially debilitating. As the main joints that are helping us to remain upright and walk around, walking with pain in the knee or restricted movement can have significant affects on both your work and domestic life.

So here is some advice about making a claim for minor to moderate knee injury compensation – what you should do, how to claim with us, how we can help you out, and roughly what you might be looking at payment-wise.

Medical Attention

Firstly, we are specialist injury lawyers and not medical experts – so any advice about the medical side of things is for general guidance only. You should see your GP or go to a walk in centre or hospital as soon as possible to get the treatment you need. Knee injuries, especially if you are having trouble weight bearing, could be serious. It may be prudent to have an x-ray or be seen by an orthopaedic expert to assess if there is anything that needs urgent attention.
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eye claims
May 20, 2013

Compensation help and advice from cosmetic claim solicitors

At The Injury Lawyers, we specialise in most claims for personal injury. We have a dedicated team that assists victims of cosmetic surgery claims, and with the rise in the amount of people having cosmetic surgery nowadays, and given how poorly regulated the industry can be, cosmetic claims are rife!

The PIP breast implant scandal is still fresh in our minds, and we are dealing with hundreds of cases against varying clinics and credit providers. For many it has been an uphill struggle as clinics have selfishly liquidated themselves in order to avoid paying out for a claim.
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May 17, 2013

Duty of Care for Sporting Injuries

sporting injury claimsWe don’t often write about sporting injury claims for one primary reason – their success rate is rather low. Being injured in a contact sport is a very regular thing. I myself have been the victim of a multi-ligament rupture and nerve damage that has left me with a permanent condition called foot drop. When I stepped on to 5-a-side court that day, I never envisaged that my life would change forever in a matter of seconds. Whilst I blame the poor condition of the court, proving that is nigh-impossible, and I’m left unable to claim.

Rather than discuss the ins and outs of the quality of a football court or pitch, I’m going to discuss injuries in contact sports and when you may be able to make a claim. I’m going to keep it simple and relevant – so I won’t discuss past case law, I will simply outline what you need to know about trying to start a claim.

The biggest point here in my opinion is that there is a huge divide between proving what is negligence, and what is an unfortunate injury sustained when wilfully participating in a contact sport. The posh Latin word for this is volenti non fit injuria – which essentially means “to a willing person, injury is not done.” When you play a sport, particularly a contact sport, you are inherently accepting an element of risk of injury. Differing sports can dictate the level of risk. I’d imagine you’re quite safe when playing table tennis, but when rock climbing there is a lot more to consider!
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May 17, 2013

Road Accident Whilst Working

Many people drive as part of their work. Field salespersons, lorry and delivery drivers, couriers; I’m talking to you! So what happens if you have a road accident whilst you are driving a works vehicle? Do you sue your employer? Is it different to making a ‘general’ road accident claim?

Well if you are not at fault, then it should work in the same way as any other claim – you pursue compensation from the insurers of the driver at fault. Say you are hit in the back, or someone pulls out from a side road; if you are not at fault, you won’t be making a claim against your employers insurance – it’s against the other drivers insurance!
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May 17, 2013

How Much is your Whiplash Claim Worth?

whiplash claims helpA whiplash compensation claim is valued using expert medical evidence from a medico-legal report. It then takes a lawyer to read the report and value the claim using a combination of experience, guidelines, and previous similar cases. So how much is your whiplash claim worth?

Well without seeing a medico-legal report, I can’t tell you! But I will try and help you out with an insight in to the average paid out for a minor whiplash claim.

Most people fall in to the category of a minor whiplash injury. If your doctor or a medical professional who is not doing your medico-legal report tells you it is moderate or severe, then we are likely talking about totally different definitions. A minor whiplash from a personal injury definition could last months or years. So if your doctor has told you that you have a severe whiplash injury, that doesn’t mean you fall within the severe whiplash personal injury category which normally means your claim is worth more than £15,000!
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May 16, 2013

Car Park Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

car park accident claimsAccidents in car parks are fairly common. With so many cars and people rushing about, accidents will happen. So if you have had an accident in a car park, can you make a claim for compensation?

If the accident was not your fault, we should be able to help you out with a claim. You should discuss the circumstances with us and we will confirm if we think we can make a successful claim for you. To help you in the meantime, here are some common car park accident circumstances where you should be able to make a claim for compensation.
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May 16, 2013

Who is at fault in a Roundabout Accident

Well, as always, it’s all circumstantial – so you will probably need to give us a call and we will be able to better advise as to whether it’s something you may be eligible to make a personal injury claim for. With most law firms now taking 25% of people’s compensation and charging you for insurance, you will probably find our better deal more appealing. But until you call us, here is some insight in to scenarios where you may have a claim for compensation:
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May 16, 2013

Product Liability Compensation Claims – How to get Started!

how to get startedIf you have been injured due to a faulty or dangerous product, here is a little advice about how to get a claim started – i.e. what sorts of things you need that can help us lawyers assess a claim and start a claim.


Photos of the product are always extremely useful for us to have a look at – especially if they show the dangerous part that caused you an injury. It can also help us to better understand the mechanics of the product because not everyone knows what damp proofing membranes look like.

Receipts and Documentation / Packaging

All this is useful to allow us to assess what warnings or instructions for use come with the product. You would think that if you were using the product as it is intended to be used and you end up injured, something isn’t quite right. The receipt is also useful for proof of purchase too, and this is normally required by the other side when they start their investigations.
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May 15, 2013

How long will it take to get my Compensation?

how long till i get my compensationWell to be honest, this is hard to answer. It’s kind of like the old adage “how long is a piece of string” (twice the length from the middle if you really want to solve that one).

It can all depend on a number of factors, such as:

  • Whether the Defendant admits liability for your case early – if they try and defend it, it could take a while to build a case to fight them for a successful outcome.
  • The severity of your injuries – generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you, which means more medical evidence and possibly more treatment. It’s normally best to wait until you are fully healed before making any settlement negotiations with the other side, so if you are badly hurt, this could take a while.
  • The service of your solicitors – some lawyers probably care little about providing a fast service – so make sure you instruct a law firm like us who aim to update you regularly and actually press the opponent for results and decisions.

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