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April 26, 2013

Ladder Injury Compensation Lawyers

Ladders can be naturally dangerous pieces of equipment. It’s therefore important to use the right ladders for the right job, and it’s important to make sure that ladders are well maintained and replaced when necessary. At work, this duty is directly the responsibility of your employer.
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April 26, 2013

Dermal Filler Injury Lawyers

dermal fillers compensation claimsA UK review of cosmetic procedures has labelled dermal fillers a “cosmetic crisis waiting to happen” according to sources from the BBC. They are regulated at the same level as toothbrushes and there are considerable fears that dermal filler procedures could cause lasting damage to patients.

With the PIP scandal still fresh in our minds as thousands of women are still battling clinics and credit providers for compensation after being fitted with poor standard implants filled with industrial grade silicon, we’re all aware that the whole cosmetic surgery industry is poorly regulated.

It seems that the companies administering these treatments are putting profits over patients, with procedures like dermal fillers and Botox readily available on the high street and as simple to access as nipping to your hairdressers for highlights. Reviews have indicated that there are no checks on surgeons and ‘buy one get one free’ kinds of special offers are rife on the high street.
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April 24, 2013

Injured Tipping over Loose Cables at Work

tripping hazard compensation claimsThere is a duty on your employer under the workplace regulations to make sure that all traffic routes in the workplace are free from hazards. Loose cables are an obvious hazard and they should never be allowed to accumulate onto work traffic routes. Common sense dictates that they should be tidied using ties or placed in an area whereby they are not going to cause a tripping hazard.

So if you are at work and you are injured due to tripping over cables, do you have a claim for compensation?

Well as I said earlier, there is a duty on your employers to make sure traffic routes are free from hazards. But whether you have a claim could depend on how the cables have been allowed to become a hazard.
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April 24, 2013

Dermabrasion Injury Lawyers

dermabrasion injury lawyersDermabrasion is a treatment used to help repair and refinish the top layers of the skin. This is done through a method of controlled surgical scraping. The purpose of the treatment is to soften the edges of surface irregularities which can give the skin a smoother appearance. Dermabrasion is most commonly used to improve the look of facial skin left scarred by accidents or previous surgery. It can also be used to remove pre-cancerous growths. Dermabrasion can be used on small areas of skin or on the entire face. A dermabrasion can be undertaken as a lone procedure or it can be done in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift, scar removal etc.

This is of course classed as a cosmetic procedure in most instances. The treatment (a dermabrasion) can cause a lot of bleeding and this can lead to scarring or pigment changes. The healing process can be a number of months. There are risks with any surgery but if you can prove that your cosmetic surgeon was negligent and that this negligence caused you an injury, then you are likely to be able to make a compensation claim.
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April 24, 2013

Insurer Won’t Pay Compensation

insurer wont pay compensationIn case you’re not aware, insurers don’t want to pay you out! In fact, they’ll stop at nothing to try and either prevent a payout or limit a payout as much as possible. That’s why we injury lawyers are needed to make sure that the justice you are entitled to is fair. Dealing with an insurer for a claim directly is therefore a massive no no.

So if you’re wondering why an insurer may not pay you compensation, or wondering whether they will believe your claim, here is a little advice about the way insurers think and what reasons they may use to try and stop you from receiving compensation.

Firstly, if there is evidence that could be used in their favour to try and defend a claim, they will rely upon it. Even if it is weak they may still rely upon it because a lot of courts nowadays are more in the favour of Defendants than Claimants. That’s a bold statement, but it is my personal opinion. Also, most people don’t want to go to court. Whilst most cases are settled outside of court, we can never guarantee whether you may need to attend or not. Insurers can use the fact that you may be shy or nervous about court action to their advantage. If you don’t look credible in court, the Judge is likely to side with your opponent.
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April 23, 2013

Visiting a GP or Hospital After an Accident

do I need to visit hospital to claim for compensationIt helps to go to your doctor or a hospital / walk in centre after an accident. If you have been speaking to some personal injury lawyers, they may well have advised you to go and have some form of medical attention ASAP if you haven’t already. It can help your lawyer during the process of pursuing your claim for compensation.

Here’s why: the value of your claim is based on the severity and longevity of your pain, suffering, and loss of amenity. This is known as General Damages. On top of that you are entitled to claim for losses and expenses, known as Special Damages. For this article, we will stick to General Damages.

The way we value your claim is to instruct a suitable medical expert to see you for an appointment and produce a report that we then use to value your claim. This report is going to form as the basis for how much your claim for General Damages will be worth. It is therefore very important!
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April 22, 2013

Accident in a Shop Injury Lawyers

shopping injury claimsFor most of us, it’s in our genes to love a good shop every now and then; women more so than men. On a busy Saturday afternoon, the last thing we want to happen is to be injured when we’re out shopping and supposedly having a good time. So when you are injured in an accident in a shop, can you make a claim for compensation?

Firstly, injuries from shop accident claims can often be fairly serious. Most shops have hard floors, so landing on them can easily result in breaking bones. Whether you have a claim or not all boils down to the circumstances and the important piece of legislation that you can claim under for these sorts of accidents – known as the Occupiers Liability Act.

This Act states that the occupier of a premises has a duty of care to anyone one visiting the premises. This duty of care means that they need to make sure you are safe when using the premises in which they are in control of. So if you are injured, making a successful claim is about proving that this duty of care has been breached.
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April 22, 2013

Landlord Compensation Claims

landlord compensation claimsIf you live in a rented premises, either directly with a landlord or through an agent, there are certain responsibilities that the landlord or agent must take to make sure you are safe in the rented property. Usually the contract will specify what in the house is the responsibility of the landlord, and what is yours.

So if something goes wrong and you are injured, do you have a claim for compensation? Well the first question to ask is: is the landlord or agent legitimately at fault? Were you injured because of something the landlord or agent failed to do, or didn’t do properly? Whether you have a claim or not can come down to whether the landlord ought to have taken reasonable action.

For example, if you have just moved in to a new property and you slip because of a leak in the kitchen, or stumble and fall because of a loose stepping stone outside you may have a claim. The landlord has an important duty make sure a tenant moving in to a new premises is not at risk of injury. They should have inspected the premises to make sure any hazards were rectified before you move in, or at the very least inform you of them and confirm when reparations can be made.
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April 22, 2013

Dermal Fillers Compensation Lawyers Advice

dermal fillers compensation claimsMore and more people these days are willing to undergo various treatments and surgeries in order to achieve the look that they desire. Cosmetic treatments are becoming more and more common in the modern world. More and more people are increasingly concerned and obsessed with their appearance.

Dermal filler is a gel-like substance that is injected under the skin. The aim is to “plump up” an area and it is most commonly used to smooth out unwanted wrinkles. Unfortunately the industry is almost completely unregulated in the UK. In the USA there are only a handful of fillers that have been licensed as safe for use. However in the UK there are over 100 different types of fillers on the market. The fillers can be purchased and administered by anyone, even by people with no medical training.
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April 22, 2013

Cyclist Hit By Car Door Compensation Claims

cyclist hit by car door claimsIt’s a well known fact that many people don’t take as much care to look out for cyclists and motorcycle riders as they should do. We take on a heck of a lot of personal injury claims for riders who have been hit by cars emerging from side roads, turning in to their paths, or changing lanes in to their paths without looking. People aren’t paying enough attention to the most basic of driving instructions: mirror, signal, manoeuvre!

So what happens when someone opens a car door in to your path? It’s known as a bit of a satirical situation, and has been played out in plenty of comedy films and TV shows, but when it happens to someone, the injuries can be devastating. You hit a door at even at low speed and you can end up either smashing through the glass or going over the handlebars and landing hard on the ground.

You have a fairly strong case if this happens to you. There is a duty on anyone getting out of a car to check their surroundings to make sure that the door will not be opened in to the path of someone. Its common sense. So if you are injured because this has happened to you, we should be able to help you out with a claim for compensation.
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