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April 19, 2013

Injured by Faulty Work Equipment

work injury claimsA lot of people use specialist equipment at work to help them do their jobs as efficiently as they can. For the topic of this article I’m going to focus on those of us that use equipment like cranes, or hand tools as opposed to us office folk who rely upon the trust stapler and pen.

What happens when you are at work and you are injured by faulty equipment? Can you make a claim for compensation?

The responsibility of all work equipment lies with your employer. So if something goes wrong with it, it is your employer’s responsibility. In fact, there are regulations that say that an employer can be strictly liable for faulty work equipment. What this means is that if you are injured because work equipment becomes faulty, even if there was absolutely nothing your employer could have done to prevent it, they may still be liable.
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April 19, 2013

Botox Compensation Claim Lawyers

botox compensation claimsBotox is an incredibly popular treatment; however it is also highly unregulated. Over the years, as the popularity of this procedure has grown, so has the call from many qualified surgeons for the regulation to grow with it. This is not surprising when you can go into your local hairdresser and have Botox – something that unquestionably worries those qualified who knows all the risks.

So what can happen when Botox is negligently administered? Please be aware that this blog focuses on conditions that arise out of negligence of the surgeon/doctor etc. Every cosmetic surgery procedure carries with it inherent risks and therefore it is imperative to distinguish between inherent risks and those caused by negligence as inherent risks are normally something that you simply accept when you sign any agreement (usually).

Botulinum toxin is a toxin that in large amounts can cause paralysis – of course in small amounts it has proven to correct those “laughter lines” as it relaxes the skin. A common misconception with Botox is that it tightens but this is not true- it relaxes the skin making it appear softer and consequently wrinkles less noticeable.
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April 17, 2013

Raised Drain / Manhole – Tripping Accident Solicitors

expert advice on raised manhole claims for compensationWe take on a lot of claims for people who have tripped up whilst out and about. It’s fairly common for people to ring us up and ask for our help because they have tripped over a raised drain or manhole. The injuries can be devastating – in the majority of occasions you land on a hard floor and end up fracturing something.

Because fractures are typically fairly serious, most people end up facing time off work and therefore lost earnings, a serious lack of mobility means you need lots of help around the house, and a stint of physiotherapy. It’s a serious enough situation to be in to warrant making a claim.

The big question is, as always – do you have a claim?
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April 17, 2013

Legal Advice for Plastic Surgery Compensation Claims

get expert advice on getting compensation from a plastic surgery claimWe live in a world where image is everything! Nowadays it is so easy to get access to invasive surgery to enhance the way our body looks. From the well known face lifts and Botox treatment to breast implants, nose reshaping, and even buttock implants (which sounds crazy!), it’s all available on the high street for the right price.

But one thing that many people are not too aware of is the relatively poor state of the regulation here in the UK for cosmetic surgery. Don’t get me wrong, there is regulation; but we have all learned from the PIP breast implant scandal that there is nowhere near enough protection for people who have suffered due to negligence in the cosmetic surgery industry. There are no group insurance schemes for when a clinic goes in to liquidation (of which some have purposefully chosen this route to avoid paying out!) and clearly there is not enough being done to make sure that products used in the body are continually tested.

Anyway, breast implants aside, where do you stand when it comes to needing legal advice or representation for a plastic surgery claim? Do you have the right to claim compensation when something has not turned out the way it was meant to?
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April 16, 2013

Spinal Surgery Claims

spinal injury claimsSpinal Surgery Claims come under the field of medical negligence which is a specialised area of personal injury law. It is imperative that you speak to a firm with experience in dealing with similar medical negligence matters. By its very nature, spinal surgery is dangerous; it is probably one of the most dangerous types of surgery there is. Spinal surgeons are extremely experienced and highly skilled individuals. However, should something go wrong, the potential effects can be devastating. The injuries are likely to be life changing, with individuals requiring constant care and attention.

One potential danger or effect is nerve damage. Although spinal surgeons are experienced and highly skilled, there is no guarantee with surgery and there are always inherent risks involved. You may be referred for spinal surgery if you are in severe pain and that pain has not improved with other treatments. Other treatment could include physiotherapy, pain management, manipulation, acupuncture etc. Spinal surgery should not be undertaken lightly and is normally a final option should less invasive treatment not be successful. There could be a number of conditions that lead to spinal surgery. Your surgeon may use open or keyhole surgery. Open surgery normally means making a singular large cut on your back. Keyhole surgery means making several small cuts on your back. Your surgeon will use special instruments to perform the operation.
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April 16, 2013

How to Make a Successful Whiplash Claim

expert whiplash lawyersWhiplash, contrary to popular media fuelled belief, is a real injury. I know, as I’ve had it myself. I’m in the process of settling my claim as we speak, and I will write an article at a later date about how much I settled my whiplash claim for.

So if you have suffered or are suffering from whiplash, how do you make a successful whiplash compensation claim?

Firstly, there has to be someone else at fault. If another driver drove in to the back of you, or pulled out of a side road in to your vehicle, you should have a successful claim. As long as you were not 100% at fault for the accident, we should be able to help you make a successful whiplash claim.

There is a very straight-forward procedure for dealing with most road accidents, which provides quick timeframes for responses and generally allows claims to be resolved at a fairly quick pace. When we submit a claim electronically to an insurance company, they typically have 15 business days to formally accept liability for the accident. They have probably already accepted liability anyway, so a swift response can be common.
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April 15, 2013

Buttock Implants / Augmentation Compensation Claims

buttock surgery compensation claimsThese days if you do not like something about your body and how you look, there is normally always a cosmetic procedure that can help. Although not one of the most advertised procedures, buttock augmentations is a procedure that is increasing in popularity with people yearning for a derrière to rival Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj.

Buttock augmentation is incredibly similar to a breast augmentation – the obvious difference being that it is a different part of the body. The procedure involves implants (similar to those used in breast augmentation) being placed underneath the gluteus maximus muscle through an incision just above the tailbone. The procedure can often last around 2 hours but after care can be much more demanding than with breast surgery with guidelines concerning sleeping on your front and reducing the amount of time sitting during the first few weeks.

Just like other cosmetic procedures, the decision to go under the knife for buttock implants should never be one that is taken lightly as unfortunately things can go wrong and consequently you could suffer from long term health effects.
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April 15, 2013

Tripped Over Broken Tile Compensation Claim

broken tile compensation claimsTripping over can result in some serious injuries – especially on hard flooring. I know most of us like to have a little laugh when we see someone trip over, and any slapstick British comedy involving people tripping up is funny to watch. But when it happens to you and you’re injured as a result, it isn’t so funny.

For this blog, I’m going to talk to you about tripping over due to broken tiles.

Broken tiles can be obvious tripping hazards. Commonly the tile, or a section of the broken tile, may be raised due to it being broken and loose. You may be unaware that the tile is broken until you step on it when it rises, which again can cause someone to trip over.

So if this happens to you, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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April 15, 2013

Bariatric (Gastric Band) Surgery Compensation Claim Lawyers

The United Kingdom is now the obesity capital of Europe with every magazine and newspaper having at least one story everyday about the way that our society now looks upon food and being overweight. One of the hot topics in this area is that of Gastric band surgery, especially with the high profile case of Fern Britton and her fast weight loss because of the surgery.

Whether your opinion on the surgery is positive or negative, it seems that it is time to accept that people will now start to turn away from the traditional way of losing weight (dieting and exercise) and instead turn to the help of an operating table, a surgeon, and the knife.
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April 15, 2013

Facial Surgery Compensation Lawyers

facial surgery compensation lawyersThere are several different procedures that are covered by the term “facial surgery” and this area of the body is one of the most common areas for people to undergo cosmetic surgery. Procedures can include:

  • Eyelid surgery
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Forehead lifts
  • Face lifts
  • Skin peels- including the current celebrity favourite the “Vampire Facial” recently demonstrated by Kim Kardashian on her TV show.

All of these procedures are designed to give people that everlasting youthful look by manipulating and changing the features of the face to try and reach desired “perfection”. However, given that facial surgery is so common and involves a very exposed area of the body, when something goes wrong the affects can be utterly devastating.

Some of the most common problems caused by these procedures are as follows:
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