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January 04, 2013

Can You Still Claim When Injured in a Stolen Vehicle?

stolen car crash accident - can i claimThis is a specific little area of law and an area in which people may refrain from asking about. If you made the mistake of getting into a stolen vehicle and you are subsequently involved in an accident, sustaining injury as a result, can you make a claim for compensation? Well to put it bluntly a lot will depend on your knowledge as a passenger. Did you knowingly get into a stolen vehicle or were you unaware that the vehicle was stolen?

If you knowingly got into a stolen vehicle and you are then involved in an accident, sustaining injury, then the law says that you may not have the right to bring a compensation claim. This comes under the latin doctrine of “ex turpi causa” which basically means that from a dishonourable cause an action does not arise. In simple terms this means that you may struggle to claim compensation as your injuries were sustained when you were completing or assisting in an immoral or illegal act. To law abiding citizens, this rule is accepted and clearly justified.

Now it is very different (as common sense would suggest) if a person is injured in a stolen vehicle and that person was unaware that the vehicle was stolen. This would be an unusual scenario but it is not totally unheard of. The most likely scenario would be if someone offers a stranger a lift.
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compensation cheque
January 03, 2013

When will I get my claim cheque?

When your claim is settled, and you know your cheque is on the way, stay patient! We know you want the money as quickly as possible, and you probably already have your eye on a few things you want to buy once the cheque has cleared, but there are still processes involved.

When the claim is settled, we will normally request the cheque within 14 – 21 days of the acceptance to pay the agreed amount. However, there are a number of things to consider:
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January 03, 2013

Special damages advice for a whiplash injury

With any personal injury claim, you can seek to recover compensation for the pain and suffering that your injuries have caused (this is called General Damages) and you can seek to recover compensation for any losses or expenses that you have sustained as a result of the accident or your injuries (this is called Special Damages).

Special Damages can cover a wide range of things. In terms of a suffering a whiplash injury, Special Damages could be awarded for the care and assistance that you have received.
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By Editor
January 03, 2013

Symptoms of Whiplash

suffer a whiplash injury then call the injury lawyersSymptoms of whiplash can range from straight-forward pain in the neck, back & shoulders to pins and needles and serious mobility problems. Whiplash is actually more complicated than most people think; unless you have suffered it yourself, you won’t really know what I am talking about.

Whiplash is common in car accidents. The impact that causes you to jolt back and forth, or sideways, results in the ligaments and tendons in the neck, shoulders, and back being stretched beyond their normal range of movement. This is the mechanics of how the injury is caused. The pain and stiffness will normally take 12 – 48 hours to make itself known. Many people feel absolutely fine immediately after an accident, only to wake up the next day in agony.

You may have limited mobility – i.e. you might struggle to move your neck and back as well as you could before. You may also suffer from headaches or pins and needles in the arms. Sometimes you may even feel sick, dizzy, or suffer from a stint of vertigo.

The best thing to do is see your GP or pop down to a walk in centre to get a formal diagnosis in your medical records. Other than advise you to take anti-inflammatory medication and pain killers, as well as doing a few simple neck exercises, there isn’t a great deal that can be done right at the start.
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January 03, 2013

Who is at Fault on a Roundabout Crash?

roundabout accident claim adviceAccidents on roundabouts are very common – we take on a lot of compensation claims due to road accidents occurring on or on the approach to a roundabout. The usual circumstances are…

  • Being hit in the rear on the approach to a roundabout
  • Someone pulling out in front of you whilst you are already established on the roundabout
  • Someone changing lanes on a roundabout and causing an accident (normally when people realise they are in the wrong lane for turning off at the last minute)

We have some simple rules that we follow whilst out on the road – keeping a safe distance, taking care on the approach to a roundabout for slowing traffic, only joining a roundabout when it is safe to do so, and not changing lanes without due care and attention; but I think people either panic or don’t concentrate enough so accidents that are easily avoidable end up occurring!
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December 28, 2012

Knee Injury Compensation Claims

knee injury claimsKnee injuries – sometimes they can be like Marmite in the fact that you either get away with a minor strain or you end up needing surgery! The knee joint and the surrounding area is a complex structure of ligaments, muscle, cartilage and bone that can easily be pulled, torn, or worse of all, ruptured.

If you’re lucky enough to pull or strain something, you’re probably facing a few weeks or months of pain and possible limping, but overall you should be fine. If you tear something, it may require surgery; if you rupture something, you’ll pretty much defiantly be on the operating table and facing 8 or so weeks none weight baring and consequently needing months of physiotherapy to rebuild the strength of your leg and knee joint.

That’s why it is important to get the right lawyer for a claim for compensation. The brackets for awards can vary considerably given the huge difference between a comparatively simple strain and needing reconstructive surgery following a ligament rupture. The knock on effect from that is probably a great deal of time off work with possible lost earnings, needing a lot of care and assistance from family and friends (which can be claimed back at an hourly rate for the carer as part of a case), and a lot of misery and boredom!
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December 21, 2012

Will My Claim EVER End?

we are professional expert injury lawyersWill my claim go to court? How long will my claim take? Will I win my claim? All common questions…

Sometimes people find themselves asking these questions; particularly if you feel your claim has been going on for longer than it should. However, the length of the claim can vary significantly depending on a few common factors:

The quality of the injury lawyer you have.

  1. The severity and length of your suffering.
  2. The laziness of the other side.
  3. Whether the other side is defending the claim or not.
  4. You!

How Good is Your Injury Lawyer?
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By Author
December 21, 2012

Driver’s Duty at a Pedestrian Crossing

pedestrian crossing lawsThe consequences of a collision between a pedestrian and a motor vehicle are often devastating! The fault in these types of accidents depend on the circumstances of the collision and most of the time, the accidents are quite different.  However the law surrounding these types of accidents is very pedestrian friendly. With that, I mean that the law seems to be built around placing the blame, or most of it, on the motorist.

However, pedestrians do still have a duty to be vigilant and also be aware of the traffic conditions etc. There have been several safety campaigns for pedestrians and the most memorable is likely to be the Green Cross Code. Pedestrians should find a safe place to cross and then…

  • Stop
  • Look
  • Listen

So what is the duty of a driver to a pedestrian? The case of Donaghue v Stevenson has been applied to road users to show they owe a duty of care to those that may be affected by their actions or omissions; so a driver owes a duty of care to a pedestrian as a pedestrian is a road user.

Therefore, at pedestrian crossings especially, extra care and caution should be taken as it should be expected by a motorist that pedestrians are crossing or will be crossing and can step out into the road at any time.
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December 19, 2012

Free Compensation Claim Valuation Advice

instant compensation calculatorWant to know how much your claim is worth?

Here is how you find out:

  1. Instruct us to deal with the claim.
  2. Allow us to get a medico-legal report for you.
  3. Let us value the claim.

It’s a simple process. Without medical evidence though, it is nigh impossible to accurately value a claim for personal injury compensation. Why? Because we as specialist injury lawyers can only assess the severity and nature of your injuries when a suitably qualified medical expert (your own GP doesn’t count) has done a thorough and comprehensive medico-legal report.

Without this evidence, we simply cannot value a claim. So if you’re looking for a second opinion because you already have a law firm dealing with the case, we’re not really able to help.  If you want to know how much the claim is worth before making a claim, you’re better off instructing us and letting us do things right to make sure we can actually give you a proper assessment! Although if you ring us today we can tell you whether the claim is worth at least £1,000, which in our eyes certainly makes it worth pursuing.
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December 18, 2012

Winter Accident Compensation Claims

winter weather claimsAs the weather gets colder (or at least it should be getting colder!) we see an increase in accidents. Slipping on snow and ice, wet floors from people treading ice and water in to places, car accidents from skidding; it can be somewhat of a nightmare. We get a lot of enquiries from people wanting to make a claim, but it’s not so easy when the weather is a factor.

Firstly, slipping on snow or ice whilst out in the street is a difficult claim to win. You would have to prove that the council has been negligent in the duty of care they have for you. Whilst they often have a duty to grit, it’s not likely they will grit pavements (as an example) unless it is absolutely necessary. The local authorities are restricted in their budgets as it is, and the focus is normally on roads. However, whether they grit or not is entirely dependent on what their own specific policy says.

If you skid in your car due to black ice, you still normally don’t have a great chance of succeeding with the case. Again, it could depend on whether the council were able to grit in the day it happened, or even if there was enough grit to go around! The gist is that blaming the council is easier said than done.
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