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November 26, 2012

Best Injury Lawyers

The competition is tough out there for personal injury claims – however picking the right lawyers can affect both the way your claim is run and the final outcome.

We have worked hard here to make sure that we stand out from the rest and ensure a high level of client service along with our personal injury expertise.

We take a unique approach to our claims all aimed at ensuring that you receive the best support throughout your claim and ensuring you are on the road to recovery as soon as possible. We understand that making a claim can be a very stressful and daunting experience – as of course many people have never done this before. One thing that we constantly aim to do is not to throw a load of legal jargon your way. We understand that just because you wish to make a claim doesn’t mean that you also want a legal lecture! Clear information, quickly and efficiently – that is our aim!

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November 25, 2012

Children Cycling with no Helmet (case law)

Now, sending your child out on a bicycle can be pretty daunting and scary for parents. Most of the time, a little consolation is that they are well kitted up with their reflective clothing, lights and of course a helmet to help keep them safe on the roads.

However, children do not always like to do as they are told or advised and will often remove the things that are keeping them safe as cyclists; especially the helmet. I remember getting to the end of the path, away from the house and removing the awful and un-cool helmet my mum made me wear when I was a kid!

As an adult now, I do see the significance and the benefit of wearing a helmet, but as a child, it is often a case of image over safety, even in the very young. So what does the law state about children who have been injured in an accident as a cyclist and were not wearing a helmet???
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November 25, 2012

Recommended Personal Injury Solicitors

Claiming for an injury can be a stressful and worrying thing to do, as the majority of people never think they will have to do it. Therefore, it is extremely important that you instruct the best personal injury solicitor for you to ensure that the process is as smooth and stress free as possible (and, of course, to ensure you gain the optimum amount of compensation at the end!)

So what should you look for in a solicitor?

  • Good communication– this is vitally important when claiming as you should be informed at every stage of the process. After all, it is your claim so YOU essentially need to be in the know, all of the time.> Read More
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November 25, 2012

Drunken Pedestrians Fault Road Traffic Accident

Walking round the town centre on a Friday or Saturday night, you can see why drunken pedestrians get involved in accidents. There is often no regard for the vehicles on the road and a lot of the time the pedestrians are just stepping out into the roads.

If a drunken pedestrian is involved in an accident, although the courts normally favour pedestrians in road traffic accidents, it is not likely that a claim for negligence against the driver will be successful.

There is a recent case in law that highlights this; Stewart v Glaze 2009. In this case Mr Stewart was sitting at a bus stop with his friend having been out drinking. Mr Stewart had consumed around 5-7 pints and was drunk. Mr Glaze was driving on the road towards the bus stop when Mr Stewart ran into the road which resulted in a collision with Mr Glaze’s vehicle. Mr Stewart suffered severe head injuries and was left in a vegetative state. The Judge held that Mr Glaze was not negligent in this case. There was no evidence to suggest that he was not driving carefully and that it was unreasonable to say that Mr Glaze should have seen Mr Stewart at the precise moment he decided to charge into the road. On the facts of this case, there was absolutely no reason to find that Glaze had been negligent.
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November 25, 2012

Car in Wrong Lane for Exit on Roundabout Accident

Roundabouts can be huge and complicate or small on simple; but on occasions either can still be very confusing to motorists. This means that accidents on roundabouts are one of the most common types of road traffic accidents we deal with here at The Injury Lawyers.

The situation we are dealing with in this blog is when a vehicle is in the wrong lane for the exit off the roundabout; which happens more than you might think.
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November 21, 2012

The Economic Climate and Compensation Claims

The economic climate does have an impact on compensation claims and this area has been covered in the news on many occasions. Some say that work accident compensation claims are becoming more frequent due to the economic climate.

The argument is that, as businesses look for bigger profits, they will often leave their employees with greater exposure to health and safety risks. Another point is that people may be more inclined to bring a claim for compensation if they sustain injury. If the economy was better and people were more content with the money they were earning, it could be said that they would be less likely to bring a compensation claim.

Obviously if you sustain injury at work for example, then it is your right to bring a compensation claim. Whether you exercise the right to claim is entirely a personal choice.
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By Editor
November 21, 2012

Pulling out of a side road – case law

There are lots and lots of things to consider in a case involving a vehicle pulling out of a side road and therefore I will only be able to provide a few ideas of the sort of situations that crop up regularly.

First of all, The Highway Code: What does this say about emerging from a side/minor road onto a main road?

  • Wait until there is a safe gap between you and any oncoming vehicle.
  • Watch out for cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians and other road users.
  • Check mirrors and blind spot again to ensure you are not being overtaken and then make the turn.
  • Do not cut the corner

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By Author
November 21, 2012

Injured by a Stolen Car

Being involved in any road traffic accident can cause stress, anger and inconvenience no matter how minor the accident may be. But being involved in an accident with a stolen uninsured vehicle makes the situation even worse.

I imagine being involved in a collision with a stolen vehicle is not a pleasant experience for anyone. There is the constant worry and concern about what you will do. Well to put your mind at rest, there is still action that you can take if you have been involved in a collision with a stolen uninsured vehicle.
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By Editor
November 21, 2012

Best Personal Injury Lawyers UK

We understand that there is ALLOT of competition out there when it comes to personal injury solicitors. However, we have focused primarily on what we think is the most important aspect of any personal injury claim – YOU. We have ensured that our primary focus is ensuring that you, the client, receive the best service possible to ensure your personal injury claim is straightforward, quick and successful!

We are a genuine law firm who specialise and deal only with injury law so we consider ourselves experts in the field. The reason I say GENUINE is that there are some personal injury ‘firms’ out there that are claims management companies rather than actual solicitors – they will take the details of your claim and sell it across to a solicitor for a tidy referral fee.

To us this seems a bizarre way to pursue a claim, as surely you would want to ensure that the solicitor running your case is one you are comfortable with – not one that has just been picked for you. We see claims as a 3 stage process:
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November 19, 2012

Work to Public Highways Negligence

The New Roads & Street Works Act 1991, which came into force on the 1st January 1993, stipulates that the street authorities (i.e. usually the local council) are to co-ordinate all works in the highway.

The objectives of the Act (or law) is to ensure safety, to minimise the inconvenience to people using the highway (including a specific reference to people with a disability) and to protect the structure of the highway and apparatus in it.

Anyone carrying out street works must carry out the work in accordance with the Act. People carrying out work are referred to as “undertakers” in the Act. Undertakers must comply with the Safety at street works and road works code of practice (more commonly known as the red book).
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