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October 15, 2012

After a Medical Appointment, how long before I get an offer?

This is a common question and one that has a pretty straight forward answer. However, there isn’t a fixed time period and the reason for this will hopefully become apparent below…

Of course, the first thing that happens after your medical appointment is that a medical report is compiled and sent across to the solicitor. Your solicitor should chase this if it is taking longer than usual, but there can be delays at this point simply because the third party is not as speedy as we would hope them to be.

So the first bit of advice would be to take this into account and not be chasing a medical report the day after an appointment.  In the same way, once your solicitor discloses the medical report to the other side and invites offers, we will chase for a response but one cannot control another’s actions.
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October 15, 2012

Who should I trust with my personal injury claim?

In today’s vast market it can be difficult to find a Solicitor who you can trust to run your claim. There are so many choices as there are so many personal injury law firms.

From my experience, most firms are run in different ways and have varying structures. We have procedures in place to put us ahead of other personal injury law firms. We have to keep ahead of other law firms to allow us to represent as many clients as we can! Here we have a motto that the clients (i.e. you) are the lifeblood of our organisation.

Without clients and claims we would not be here. This is why we put clients at the forefront of our minds throughout the case. We endeavour to make sure our clients are kept regularly updated as to the progress of their claim.
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October 15, 2012

Accidents at office workstations advice

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations govern the standards required by all workplaces to ensure optimum health and safety in the workplace. Accidents at work are unfortunately more common than people think! They can occur in a variety of ways, depending on the type of work someone does and the area which they are based in. This article will mainly focus on office spaces.

Under the regulations a workplace is defined as “any premises or part of premises which are not domestic premises are made available to any person as a place of work“. The regulations also cover the means of getting to and from the designated area, for example: rooms, lobbies corridors and staircases.
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By Author
October 15, 2012

Accident at Work Claims – What to Expect on the Initial Call

Starting any claim can be a daunting prospect for many people; but, there always seems to be more reluctance and fear surrounding accidents at work as many worry it will affect either their current employment or their employment in the future. Hopefully this blog will put some minds at ease. If you have been injured through no fault of your own in the workplace, your injuries may be extremely debilitating and lead to losses that you just can’t afford.

Making a claim may well be the only option to take…

Pursing an accident at work claim should NOT affect your employment status as the law does protect you for making a claim. In most cases, if the company is quite large, employers may encourage people to do get a lawyer and make a claim. This is because all employers are required to take out insurance to cover just this type of thing, and many big companies will have been sued several times over. The majority of the time it is not that person you work with everyday that will be pursued, as most places just pass the letter of claim across to their insurers and it is them that deals with the entire process.
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October 11, 2012

U-Turn Overtaking Compensation Claims

Overtaking a vehicle can be pretty daunting even when you follow the Highway Code; however the number of accidents involving overtaking vehicles is significant.

The most common type of accident occurs when a vehicle is overtaking another and the vehicle being overtook attempts to perform a u-turn or make a right turn. Unfortunately, liability for these types of accidents are not always straight forward and each case is assessed on its individual circumstances. Most of the time it will need to be determined as to whether each party has made their intentions known to other road users and positioned their vehicles correctly.

It is very useful to obtain the details of any witnesses in any accident but in these types of circumstances, it can be an essential piece of evidence with regards to supporting allegations as to what signals were used or not used. Otherwise, it is often your word against the other party’s.
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October 11, 2012

What Are Special Damages?

Special Damages is something that can be recovered as part of a claim for personal injury compensation.

A claim normally comes in to two parts – General and Special Damages. General Damages covers the injury itself – the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused by them. Special Damages is for losses and out of pocket expenses caused as a direct result of the accident or your injuries.

Lost Earnings
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October 11, 2012

Whiplash Claim Payouts

When clients approach us about making a whiplash claim, the most common question asked is usually “How much am I likely to get?” However, if you are still suffering with your injury it is very difficult to calculate how much you would be entitled to receive without obtaining accurate medical evidence.

Therefore, here at The Injury Lawyers, we obtain medical evidence on all cases so that we can accurately determine the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

You will attend an examination with a medical expert and they will provide us with a report which details your injuries and the time you are likely to be suffering for. This is called the prognosis and is what your injury claim will be valued on.
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October 11, 2012

Children and Reckless Driving

This is something that we will all be familiar with due to this sort of topic being highlighted on TV. Reckless driving incidents are unfortunately becoming a daily occurrence with the most common victims being children and the outcome is often devastating.

I am sure you all remember the horrid accident in Leeds involving 10 year old Sabah Saleem who was crossing a road with her 3 year old brother Rayhan Saleem when they were run over in the middle of the road by a speeding vehicle, which, unbelievably, did not stop at the scene and sped away leaving both children for dead in the middle of the road.

Brave Sabah actually took the brunt of the impact in order to protect her little brother and therefore was in a more serious condition that her brother – however luckily they both recovered well.
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October 11, 2012

Compensation for a neck injury aggravated by a car accident

Neck injuries caused by a car accident can be quite severe – but can you make a claim for compensation when you already had a neck injury which the accident has made worse? Well the answer is yes. To be honest, the number of clients we already have which are suffering from some sort of pre-existing injury or condition is significantly high.

The key to a successful compensation claim when a previous neck injury has been aggravated by an accident which wasn’t your fault is medical evidence. Here at The Injury Lawyers, we would arrange for you to be examined by an independent medical expert, the type of expert will depend on the type of injury and also the type of pre-existing injury or condition you are suffering from.
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October 10, 2012

No Win No Fee – Am I liable to Pay Fees?

A common question I have been asked concerns how we can possibly take on cases on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis – surely there are some fees along the way? So to address this question I decided to do this blog just too clarify how this does work and how ours may be slightly different from the rest.

The Main Points

No Win No fee, or its ‘posh’ name, Conditional Fee Agreement, allows us to pursue your personal injury claim without you having the worry of having to pay expensive legal fees. Having to cope with an injury that was not your fault is stressful and worrying enough, and we understand this and therefore do not agree that paying to seek compensation is right.
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