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October 10, 2012

What is Reasonable When Claiming?

“Reasonable” is one of those words that gets thrown around A LOT in personal injury claims and it can be quite confusing.

This blog focuses primarily on what is considered “reasonable” in regards to any losses you have incurred as a result of an accident, as this is the primary area where reasonable will be applied when it comes to considering things for a claim.

These types of losses are often referred to as “special damages” and can include things such as:
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October 10, 2012

What Does Legal Expenses Insurance Mean and How Would I Go About It?

Legal expenses insurance is a form of insurance that is designed to cover legal expenses – rather obviously! It’s common as an added extra on your motor policy and sometimes with home insurance or bank accounts. As it’s significantly more common with motor policies, I’ll stick to that as its most applicable.

If you have an accident that was not your fault, your motor insurers will likely advise you that you have the benefit of Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI for short) and that this allows you to have a solicitor and make a claim nice and easy. It is true, that it is an insurance policy, and your insurers can sue it with a solicitor; but there’s a hidden motive as to why your insurers want you to use it. In fact, you’ll likely find that they will be rather pushy to make you use it.
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workplace injury claims
October 08, 2012

Can I make a claim for compensation?

It all depends on a few factors. Firstly, the accident or injuries have to have been caused through negligence. In short, someone, or some company, must have failed to do something that they can reasonably be expected to do, or have negligently done something and caused an accident or an injury.

There are genuine accidents – but if the accident caused was foreseeable, you may have a case.

The best thing you can always do is call us here at The Injury Lawyers, and explain the circumstances as to how you have been injured, and allow our team to assess the merits of your claim there and then.
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October 08, 2012

Had an Accident? Who Should You Call?

Well preferably us! But here is a quick guide about what you should look for when you want to make a claim for personal injury compensation:

No Win, No Fee

If your claim is strong enough, a good lawyer will offer you a No Win, No Fee agreement. In principle this should do exactly what it says on the tin; if the case doesn’t win, you don’t pay your lawyers’ fees. However, make sure you read through any paperwork you receive thoroughly as there are some unscrupulous lawyers out there who may want to sting you with hidden fees. Usually it’s due to being referred through claims companies or insurers. But a good law firm like us can tell you that it really is true what we say – if your case doesn’t win, you don’t pay the fees!
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October 08, 2012

Motorcycle Injury

As you can imagine, injuries that occur from a motorcycle accident can be quite severe. Having merely a helmet and leathers on does not offer much protection for riders in the event of an accident which means that, sadly, these types of accidents are often fatal.

Injuries commonly include significant soft tissue injuries, broken bones, internal damage and head injuries. Obviously recovering from these injuries can take some time and have a significant effect on your life. It is likely that you wish to make a claim for compensation.

With suffering from these types of injuries there can be a lot of rehabilitation treatment to go through in order to aid your recovery. From physiotherapy treatment, chiropractic treatment, scans and possibly counselling or therapy if the accident has affected you psychologically, these treatments are all available on the NHS but it is likely that you would have to wait for the treatment.
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October 08, 2012

Getting Medical Help after an Accident

If you have had an accident through no fault of your own, you should look at putting in a claim for compensation for the pain, suffering, and any financial losses caused as a result. But another massively important thing that is often missed by lawyers is the need for you, the injured victim, to have the best possible medical care straightaway.

Under the rules that govern making a claim, the other side have a duty to help you out in any way they can to help you get better as quickly as possible. So if you need medical treatment, like physiotherapy or chiropractic assistance for example, you need it right away when you are suffering the most from your injuries. But, whilst the NHS can be fantastic with their rehabilitation services, there can be long waiting lists that can run in to months.

Problem solved if you make a claim with The Injury Lawyerswe can look to arrange for the funding of private medical care for the case. We can usually sort out the funding for it so you get access to the best and quickest treatment right away, and you don’t have to pay any upfront fees for it! If the claim wins we will add the fees to the compensation settlement figure for the other side to pay. If it doesn’t win, it is covered by a policy of insurance our medical partners have. It’s kind of like No Win, No Fee treatment!
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October 08, 2012

Whiplash Payouts and Which Companies to Use

There are undoubtedly A LOT of personal injury solicitors out there that help with road traffic accidents and whiplash injuries. However, it is important that you choose the right one to help run your claim since, unfortunately, there are some out there that may present themselves as something they are not.

Whiplash is the injury primarily to the neck and is most commonly caused by the action of being jolted forwards and backwards quickly. This distorts the muscles in your neck and can consequently lead to long term problems in this area such as reduced movement and constant pain and discomfort. Settlements for whiplash injuries can differ with regards to the “grade” of the injury you have sustained. The JSB guidelines (for more information on these see the JSB guidelines blog) separate whiplash injuries into three main categories: minor, moderate and severe- with understandably the last being valued at the highest amount.

I mention these different categories as this links directly to being prudent when deciding on a solicitor to pursue your claim as it is important you are classed as the right one and receiving the right settlement.
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October 05, 2012

Lifting Heavy Objects

If you are lifting heavy objects at work then there is an obvious risk that you could sustain injury, especially if you have not received training or advice in respect of lifting heavy objects. An employer should provide you with training to enable you to do your job properly, without sustaining injury.

In terms of lifting heavy objects, there should be procedures in place to ensure that injuries are avoided all together or reduced as much as possible. In some jobs lifting and carrying heavy objects is simply part of the job. However workers should not be expected to do this blindly, they should receive training on lifting and carrying techniques.

An employer who does not provide adequate training is leaving itself open to negligence claims when employees become injured. Typical injuries could include back and or neck strain, shoulder strain etc. For objects that are particular heavy employers should consider other ways of moving the objects, perhaps by avoiding manual handling all together. You can of course move objects using equipment such as fork lift trucks.
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October 05, 2012

Had a Fall? Make Sure You Get 100% Compensation!

A fall can occur in many different ways. So how can we ensure when you have suffered injury from a fall  that you get not only 100% of your compensation, but also the best amount of compensation?

Slipping and Falling

When you have fallen after slipping on something, you can of course sustain serious injuries. These types of cases are commonly covered by the Occupier’s Liability Act when they occur inside a public place. Under this, owners of premises are required to take reasonable steps to prevent this type of accident occurring. So for example; if you fall on some spilt liquid in a supermarket, the supermarket would have to prove that they have taken reasonable steps to prevent this from happening. This usually comes in the form of an inspection regime that can be proven through a signed sheet of paper confirming when the area has been cleaned last.
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October 05, 2012

Can you get whiplash by hitting a pothole?

First of all, whiplash is an injury to the neck which is caused by the soft tissue in the neck being stretched and strained after a sudden jolt or movement. It is not just confined to the neck, it can affect the shoulders, back, arms and hands and most of the time can result in headaches.

Therefore, if you are travelling in a vehicle which has unluckily driven into/over a pot hole (and let’s face it, some of them at the moment are large enough to get stuck in), then the jolting movement of the vehicle can jolt your body and more importantly your neck.
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