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August 03, 2012

Hair Extension Claims

Without a doubt, hair extensions are now one of the most profitable beauty products available, with a vast majority of women opting for this quick fix to have their dream hair.

It is hard to look at an advert or magazine these days, without seeing the little caption “styled with hair extensions”. As an ‘extension fan’ myself, I, like many others, enjoy the wide variety of styles extensions can provide and the confidence having the hair you’ve always wanted can bring. I am therefore shocked when I hear about the injuries extensions can cause if not fitted correctly, consequently turning the hair of your dreams into more of a nightmare.

Hair extensions have had their fair share of ‘bad press’ with regards to the damage they can do to your natural hair and scalp. However, there is a correct way to have extensions fitted, hence the many training courses available to hairdressers wishing offering this service. Fitting extensions may seem straightforward – however, everybody’s hair is different and therefore it is always advisable to book a consultation with your stylist to discuss how the extensions will work.
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August 03, 2012

Fairground Accidents

The big wheel, hook a duck, and – my favourite – the dodgems, are all attractions you will often find at your local fairground. Fairgrounds attract a lot of people every year, and unfortunately, amongst the excitement, there is the strong possibility of an injury occurring.

The major areas that stand out as possible causes of injuries are poorly maintained rides, slips and trips from the area which the funfair is responsible for, and unfortunately food poisoning from the numerous food vans and onsite vendors. I will address each of these individually:

1- Poorly maintained rides – As some fairgrounds are temporary and therefore travel around the country, it is a possibility that rides are either poorly maintained or not set up properly and are therefore unsafe. For example; the harness on a ride may be loose and consequently not hold you in as safely as it should; I don’t need to say how serious injuries could be in this occasion. Another scenario can arise where parts of the ride have broken or come loose; for example; if a screw comes loose and is in the dodgems arena, this could then cause a dodgem to veer uncontrollably.
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August 03, 2012

Mesothelioma Claims

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is more common in men than in women. This is not surprising as mesothelioma can be caused as a result of exposure to asbestos. Although a rare form of cancer, mesothelioma is actually on the increase and is expected to continue rising over the coming years.

If you have been exposed to asbestos in your working life you are at an increased risk of developing mesothelioma. You may have worked with asbestos and think that you have been lucky enough not to contract mesothelioma. Unfortunately, people generally find out that they are suffering from mesothelioma a number of years after the exposure to asbestos. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from mesothelioma you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

So, what is asbestos? How do you know if you have been exposed to asbestos fibres? Asbestos is an insulating material that was often used in the building industry.  Many older buildings may still contain asbestos and therefore people need to be extra vigilant when carrying out any demolition or renovation work.
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By Editor
August 03, 2012

Faulty Equipment Accidents

A faulty equipment claim can arise in a number of different circumstances. From equipment at work to equipment in your gym, faulty equipment can result in serious injury and consequential loss. If you have been injured whilst using equipment that is found to be faulty, you may be able to claim compensation to cover the cost of medical expenses and recover any loss of earnings.

Faulty equipment at work.

Employers owe a duty of care to employees to ensure any work equipment they are required to use is safe and properly maintained. It is also expected of employers to provide adequate training to employees to ensure equipment is used in the correct way and does not cause unnecessary injury.
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July 25, 2012

Office based Injuries

If you work in an office, like me, then you may consider yourself reasonably safe from incurring personal injuries.

However, personal injuries can and do happen in office environments more than most people think. You can do your bit to try and prevent personal injuries occurring in the office, which in reality is actually a very important requirement.

No doubt your employers will have given you a ticking off for leaving your belongings on the floor and causing a tripping hazard, for one example. By keeping the office tidy and employing a common sense approach, most office accidents could be avoided.
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By Editor
July 25, 2012

Scaffolding Collapse

This is anyone’s worst nightmare – being high up when the floor beneath you collapses. The injuries you can sustain from falling from a height, or hitting something as you fall from a low height, can be significant. Our bodies can endure a great deal of punishment, but there only so much twisting, turning, thudding, breaking, and bouncing our body parts can take.

We get a lot of these sorts of claims and they commonly relate to accidents at work. Employees are casually working on scaffolding when the floor decking collapses or breaks, causing you to fall. Equally, the structure of the scaffolding could break apart. It’s normally caused by one of two things: poor construction of the scaffolding, or poor maintenance of the scaffolding.

Whoever is responsible for the scaffolding – whether it’s your employers, or another company you are working with or for on some kind of site or project – must ensure that the scaffolding is erected correctly and is maintained efficiently to prevent such accidents occurring. Health and safety inspections and checking is an easy way to do this. Those responsible for putting up the scaffolding need to be properly trained and provided with the right equipment as well.
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By Author
July 25, 2012

Pedestrian Claims

As a pedestrian you can be in danger of being involved in a very serious accident. Motor vehicles are lethal weapons to pedestrians and therefore motor vehicle users must take extra care to avoid injuring pedestrians.

The Highway Code has guidelines for pedestrians which include using pavements if provided, keeping to the right hand side of the road so that you are able to see oncoming traffic if there is no pavement available, and also wearing something light coloured or bright if daylight conditions are poor.

Of course, pedestrians can still be injured even when adhering to these guidelines, as motorists can sometimes be careless.
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By Author
July 25, 2012

Falling and Tripping Accidents

As someone who can walk across a flat surface and fall over my own feet, the pavement outside can often be an obstacle course.

From broken, missing or raised paving stones, dodgy curb stones, to grates or manhole covers that are protruding or even caving in, these are all hazards that most of us face on a day to day basis on our streets.

Although tripping can sometimes be laughed off, most people do actually hurt and injure themselves.
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By Author
July 25, 2012

Holiday Accidents

If you had an accident while on holiday, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. A claim following an accident on holiday is not always as straightforward as a standard personal injury claim.

If it happened abroad, there are issues regarding jurisdiction (i.e. different laws in the different country where the accident happened) and also regarding who to bring the claim against. While such claims are not always straightforward, we deal with many holiday accident claims and we can take your call today and assess whether you have a claim – for free.

It could be that your claim is rather straightforward so don’t be put off. It has to be worth a phone call. Remember, every case is different and unique, but there is one way you could potentially make a claim for an injury abroad without any issues…
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By Editor
July 24, 2012

Farm Accident Compensation Claims

Tractors, combine harvesters, livestock, 4×4’s, chemicals- these are just a few of the hazards present on a farm. From this list it is clear to see why farming is considered one of the most dangerous industries to work in in the UK. However, it is not just people working on farms that can be at risk of injury, but also people visiting farmland.

Injuries sustained whilst working on a farm.

Your employer is responsible for your safety whilst you are at work – so if you are injured whilst working you have a potential claim against your employer. There is a wide range of accidents that can occur on a farm, especially as there are often several machines in use that require extreme physical exertion and therefore take their toll on your body. It is imperative that all farm-hands receive extensive training and are provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) where necessary.
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