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June 22, 2012

Road Accident Personal Injury Claims – The Defence of Low Velocity Impact and Fraud

Road Accident Personal Injury Claims – The Defence of Low Velocity Impact and Fraud

Road traffic accident (RTA) claims are one of the most well known types of claims to injury lawyers and to the general public. The claims are highly publicised on television, radio and in newspapers as personal injury lawyers compete for your business in a highly competitive market.

RTA’s can of course happen in many different circumstances from the classic rear end shunt to accidents at roundabouts to accidents caused as a result of vehicles changing lanes. As with any RTA claim, the insurer representing the Defendant will investigate the claim and decide whether to accept liability (fault) or dispute liability on behalf of their insured.
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By Editor
June 22, 2012

Suffering from Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)?

Due to the natural ageing process, as we get older our hearing deteriorates. As such many people are unaware that they may be suffering from noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) and may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
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June 21, 2012

Maintenance Work on Highways Compensation Claims Lawyers Advice

Following recent stints of bad weather, the highways are easily affected. Pot holes are increasing in size and numbers, generally in winter months.

When a highway authority, such as a council, undertakes to repair work on highways, they are responsible for making sure that the work is carried out safely and efficiently. They are also responsible for ensuring that the repair work is sufficiently completed and that the highway is returned to its original state / the safest possible state, whilst taking all steps necessary to avoid any hazards to the public.

Some repair work can cause hazards to the public, specifically work that requires excavation of the highway.
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June 21, 2012

Manual Handling Accident Compensation Claim Advice

Lifting heavy or awkward objects at work can carry a risk of injury – even if your employer has provided you with appropriate training. However, injury which has been caused by none or insufficient training and awareness means your employer could be liable for any injury that has been caused.

Your employer has a duty to take appropriate steps, to reduce the risk of any injuries. These steps are normally identified in risk assessments for the specific manual handling task you are instructed to undertake.

All employees who have an element of manual handling to their job role, which can range from warehouse workers moving lots of heavy crates to office workers moving boxes of paper or files, should receive reasonable Manual Handling Training. This normally includes showing you how to assess the weight of the load, whether the centre of gravity on the object is central, and how heavy and awkward objects should be lifted, pushed or pulled, including how to bend your body to do so. You also need to take in to account any potential hazards along the route to the destination of the lift. Are there any stairs to climb, for example.
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June 21, 2012

Protective Equipment in the Workplace Lawyers Advice

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is equipment that is used or worn in the work place in order to avoid hazards that are created by a job. Personal protective equipment includes a variety of things such as safety goggles, ear plugs or protectors, face guards, protective footwear and gloves.

The type of and amount of equipment you will wear in the workplace will depend on the risks involved with your job.

The equipment can protect against minor scuffs and scrapes; however, on a more serious note, it can also protect against diseases caused by asbestos, hearing loss in noisy work places, and vibration white finger when using machinery.
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June 07, 2012

Horse Accidents Claims for Compensation

Horse Riding School Claims

Horse riding is an extremely popular past time in the UK, with tens of thousands of people attending horse riding schools every week to either ride or look after horses.

Unfortunately, horse riding accidents are also very common at these schools, not least because of the sheer size, power and unpredictability of horses.
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June 07, 2012

Tripping in Public – Compensation Claim Lawyers

I can’t tell how many times I have worked on a personal injury claim that involves tripping as a result of a protrusion in the street; whether it is a raised paving slab, loose drain cover, or bit of metal struck it the concrete.  These accidents are every common and can cause significant injury to someone walking along without any knowledge of them.

Tripping accidents are seen mainly as a comical stereotypical claim taken on without a good reason – but it is important to understand that these kinds of accidents can often cause a great deal of pain and suffering to the person involved. Landing hard on a concrete floor can cause broken bones and serious damage to your body. This can involve you having to take time off work and incurring a loss of earnings or missing out on holidays booked, amongst many other inconveniences.

So it’s certainly something that shouldn’t be taken so lightly.
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By Editor
June 06, 2012

Defective Product Claims For Compensation

In this sunny weather we have been having lately, you can imagine how embarrassing it would be after coming home from buying new garden furniture if the chair you just bought collapses from underneath you.

It is not uncommon for people to be injured as a result of these sorts of accidents involving defective products, and in many cases you have to just laugh off the embarrassment; but on occasions you should be contemplating what legal action could be available for you to take if you are injured. By law, any goods purchased should be to satisfactory according to the Sale and Supply of Goods and Services Act.

The Sale and Supply of Goods and Services Act provides the legal basis for ensuring the safety of consumers in the UK. You can also look at the European Product Safety Directive which makes it much easier to pursue a claim against a manufacturer of a product which causes an injury.
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By Editor
June 06, 2012

Insurance Companies ARE To Blame for Hiked Up Premiums – NOT Personal Injury Lawyers; Referral Fee Saga Continues…

Most people falsely believe that the reason our car insurance is rising so rapidly is as a result of personal injury claims for compensation. We’ve been telling people for years that there are deeper, darker secrets in the insurance world that are truly responsible for the huge increases we have seen over the last few years.

We were delighted when former Justice Secretary Mr Jack Straw brought the insurance companies ‘dirty little secret’ to light about referral fees as the real reason why our premiums were constantly on the rise; and even more delighted that the papers were passed through parliament and we are set to see referral fees banned sometime next April.  Now we have another factor brought to light – again, something we have been fully aware of for a long, long time.

The Background of Referral Fees
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June 06, 2012

Psychological Injuries – Claiming for Compensation

The full extent of injuries sustained in an accident is often overlooked; even by the sufferer. Whichever the type of accident you have suffered, be it a road traffic accident, a slip or trip, or an accident at work, the chances are that you have probably suffered some type of psychological effect of the accident if the injury and circumstances are serious enough.

Whilst the pain and suffering of a whiplash injury is at the forefront of your mind following a road traffic accident, the effects of the accident can lead to travel anxiety and nervousness which in some cases can have just as much an effect on your daily lifestyle as a physical injury. But is this something to be ignored in the hope you will get over it?
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