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May 03, 2012

In The News – Newham Police Injured By Dog Attack

Newman Police recently attended a property to arrest a man for grievous bodily harm and Kidnap. On attending the offender’s property, five police officers were attacked by the offender’s dog.

Three of the five police officers have been serious injured, sustaining wounds to the hands and legs; one of the officers will potentially require a skin graft due to his injuries.

The offender has subsequently been charged with two criminal offences under the Dangerous Dog Act 1991
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May 02, 2012

PPI Compensation Claims – Payment Protection Insurance

Read this to save yourself some money! Like, 30% of your payout!

Unfortunately (or rather fortunately perhaps for you!), we do not deal with claims for miss sold PPI – HOWEVER, there is a very good reason as to why we don’t. For anyone who has had a claim or who has considered a claim, you may well know that a solicitor or claims company dealing with the case will be taking a percentage of your payout because they are unable to recover fees back from the other side.

So you do not receive 100% of your PPI compensation payout. According to some research we have looked at, as much as 30% will go to the solicitors or claims company running these cases on their No Win, No Fee agreements.
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May 02, 2012

Whiplash Compensation Valuations

One of the most common questions we get asked by people who come to us to see if they have a whiplash claim is how much their whiplash claim is worth.

The problem is that it is impossible to properly value your claim right at the beginning.  This is because as expert injury lawyers we do not know the exact nature of your whiplash injury and how long your symptoms will last.  At the end of the day, the value of your claim depends on how severe your injury is, how long it lasts for, and what losses you have suffered.  At the off, we don’t know the answers and therefore cannot value your claim.

As expert injury lawyers we are able to advise you that on average last year, whiplash claims statistically settled for around £2,500.00, and that a minor whiplash injury, the most common type, lasting for around 3-5 weeks, is worth approximately £1,000.00.  If you want to know a bit more about how your claim is valued it may be worth having a look at the Judicial Studies Board guidelines on whiplash injuries.  These give you guideline figures on what different whiplash injuries are worth.  But remember, these are only guidelines, and the amount of compensation you could get could well be different.
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May 02, 2012

How to Make a Claim for Road Accident Compensation

Making a claim for compensation for injuries you have sustained in a road accident is straightforward and certainly is not like it used to be. 

Before April 2010, the process was a bit drawn out, and it could take nearly 4 months just for the Defendant to admit liability, even in the most straightforward of cases.  The process has now been revamped.  Normally you will know whether the Defendant admits or denies liability within 2 weeks, and your claim could be settled in just a couple of months.  So, if you have heard things about the claims process being slow and not worth your while, you may wish to reconsider.

Under the new protocol for low value road traffic accident claims the process is simple and fast. 
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May 02, 2012

Limitation To Claim – England and Wales

The limitation date for your claim is one of the most important thing you need to know. This is because, if you ignore this date, it could mean that you are no longer able to bring a claim for compensation.

In most personal injury cases you are allowed three years from the date of your accident to make a claim for compensation.  If you go past this three year period, even if you have a great claim for compensation and would have been entitled to receive thousands of pounds in compensation, unfortunately, you will almost certainly not be able to make a claim, unless the Court’s discretionary power can be used.  It really is a strict deadline.

What can you do to make sure you can get the compensation you deserve?
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May 02, 2012

Product Liability Compensation Claims – Specialist Lawyers Advice

I was thinking the other day about product liability claims in general as we have a lot of claims for personal injury caused by products.

The official definition to say whether you have a claim for product liability is when damage, loss, and/or injuries are suffered as a result of a manufacturing or design fault or failure to inform of a defect in a product. This means that the person responsible for the retail or production of the item in question both have the responsibility of informing the consumer of any instructions on how to use the product safely and avoid danger, any restrictions there may be with regards to age, weight or height etc. to prevent this from happening. And if any defects arise, they must inform all who have purchased the products that could cause fault to try and stop anyone from coming to harm.
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May 01, 2012

Passenger Accident Compensation Claims

Giving advice to people who were injured as a passenger in an accident is normally very simple.  You almost certainly have a claim for compensation.  A passenger would have to do something extreme and unusual to have been at fault for the accident they were involved in – and no matter who was at fault for the accident, as long as it wasn’t them, they are entitled to compensation for their injuries.

Types of passenger claims where you can be compensated:

  • You are in a car and the driver loses control and goes off road, causing you injuries
  • You are in a car which is involved in a collision with another vehicle
  • You are on a bus which for no reason slams on its brakes throwing you out of your seat (perhaps the driver wasn’t concentrating and only saw the red traffic lights at last minute)

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May 01, 2012

Zebra Crossing Compensation Claims Advice

If you are a pedestrian and you are hit by a motor vehicle and injured, your claim for compensation still comes under the heading of a road traffic accident despite you not being in a car yourself. 

At The Injury Lawyers we are only too aware, despite the numerous hard hitting safety campaigns that are out there, that every day pedestrians are injured by negligent motorists.  This is still the case even though pedestrians have their own pathways and crossings.  In particular, accidents often occur on zebra crossings.

Motorists are under a duty of care to other road users, pedestrians and the passengers they carry in their vehicles.  Nevertheless accidents do happen and can happen on zebra crossings.  It appears that despite zebra crossings being clearly marked out on our roads and with warning signs on their approach, motorists do not heed their presence or consider that it is likely that pedestrians will be using them to cross from one side of the road to the other.
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May 01, 2012

Whiplash Compensation Valuations – Lawyers Advice

At The Injury Lawyers we are frequently asked about how much a claim is worth.  Thing is, everyone’s claim is different because no-one has the exact same symptoms and those symptoms do not last the same amount of time in every case.  For this reason, at the very start of your claim, we cannot give you an exact valuation, it is simply impossible no matter what anyone else may tell you.  That said, we can explain how whiplash claims are valued and value your claim at a later stage. 

Here’s how:

At The Injury Lawyers we are expert whiplash lawyers having dealt with thousands of whiplash claims over many years.  In fact, not a day goes by without one of our busy team progressing a whiplash claim towards settlement.  Due to this experience, we are able to give you a rough idea as to how much your claim may be worth. 
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May 01, 2012

Making a Claim for Compensation – Road Accident Lawyers

Nowadays, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident and have been injured through no fault of your own and you want to get compensation for your injuries, the process of doing so is actually straightforward and fast. 

A couple of years ago you could have been waiting a few months just for the other side to admit liability and your claim may not have been settled until a year down the line, but now, most claims can be settled in a few months.  This is because of a new protocol led by the Ministry of Justice being put in place, and I will quickly outline this for you:

The first thing you should do is instruct a quality injury lawyer who will recover their fees from the other side for their work and won’t seek to reduce your compensation payout in anyway.  They are best placed to do the legal work for you and make sure that everything goes smoothly. 
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