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April 20, 2012

Road Traffic Accidents: How to claim

In the UK there are thousands of road traffic accidents occurring on our busy roads, which means there are a lot of claims for whiplash. Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries associated with road traffic accidents; what many people do not realise is that they can claim for compensation for suffering from a whiplash injury.

The law states that if you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligent actions you are entitled to claim for compensation and be financially placed back in the position that you would have been in if the accident had not occurred. On the injury side of things, we cannot take away the pain you have endured, but we can settle your case for a financial sum as compensation for the suffering you have endured. And so you should be able to – why should you suffer from the pain and inconvenience of whiplash just because of someone else’s negligent actions?

So how do you go about making a claim for compensation? Well, first of all, you need to find an expert personal injury lawyer who can guarantee you 100% of your compensation and provide a genuine no win no fee agreement. We here at The Injury Lawyers can do just that!
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April 17, 2012

Whiplash: Symptoms and Treatment

Whiplash: It is the bane of people’s lives when they have been injured in a road traffic accident. We have all heard about it – but what are the symptoms of whiplash and how do you treat it?

Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries we come across here at The Injury Lawyers. If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, no matter how minor or major the accident was, you probably will have whiplash. We deal with whiplash claims on a day to day basis so we are expert whiplash claims solicitors.

So you have been involved in an accident but how do you know if you have whiplash? Whiplash is often only associated with neck pain, but don’t be fooled; whiplash injuries can include back and shoulder pain as well, not mentioning the other side effects. Whiplash can include the following symptoms:
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April 17, 2012

How Much is My Compensation Claim Worth? Lawyers Advice!

This is one of the most common questions we are asked by our own clients just as much as the accident victims who ring us up for our expert advice and to find out more about our quality representation. As a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we are the best guys to ask to answer this question.

Unfortunately, we can’t quite answer it yet…

It all comes down to the nature of your injuries, suffering, and losses. The value of your claim is entirely dependent on the severity of your injuries and how much they have affected your life. For example, a fractured leg is generally worth more than a bruise to the leg. If you are suffering for six weeks as oppose to two weeks, your claim will likely be worth more. If you are a very active person who has been prevented from taking part in sporting activities as a result of your injury, this can be taken in to account in comparison with someone who doesn’t take part in any sporting activities and has generally been impaired by the injury less.
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April 13, 2012

Arm Injury Compensation: Lawyers Advice

Any injury can end up being debilitating – but when it’s a vital limb we use as part of our everyday lives, the things we are normally able to do can end up being severely restricted.

A trip over a dangerous hazard or a slip on a wet floor can leave you falling to the ground, and doing what we all do when we are falling – instinctively put out your arms to break your fall! Whilst this vital instinctive defensive mechanism can minimise the damage to your body, you are likely to suffer a hard knock at the very least, if not a break in any area of your arm caused by the impact of the fall.

The common injuries we see here are fractures and dislocations to the wrists, fingers, and elbows, unless you’re luck enough to escape with soft tissue damage instead. The soft tissue injuries you can get can be equally as damaging and may leave you feeling tender for quite some time. If you suffer from ligament damage you could be in an even worse position as many ligament ruptures can be impossible to repair, leaving you needing some from of reconstructive surgery.
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April 09, 2012

Compensation Claim Lawyers – The Process Explained

If you’re reading this article I’m guessing you are wondering what on earth the pre-accident protocol stage of my personal injury claim is?

The pre-accident protocol is designed to make straightforward PI claims quicker, easier and more cost efficient to settle, and avoid the necessity of going to court where possible. The protocol helps govern how claims are processed by the solicitor handling the claim until settlement or going to trial.

Once a lawyer is instructed to act on your behalf, and we have informed you that there is a good chance your claim will be successful, a letter of claim is sent to third party who we believe to be responsible for your injuries. This letter contains details of the circumstance of your accident, the allegations of what the party did wrong, the injuries you sustained in the accident, and that we are acting on a No Win, No Fee basis, and finally a list of documents they will need to provide us in the event the claim is disputed.
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April 04, 2012

PIP News – Are PIP Implants Dangerous?

The Commons Health Select Committee debated the question as to whether the PIP implants are actually classified as ‘unsafe’ remains unanswered. Two reviews are looking in to scientific evidence of any risk the implants pose, as well as assessing the regulation within the cosmetics industry, and also reviewing the reaction and steps that were taken following the notification that the implants were dangerous back in March 2010.

As many of you are fully aware, we have only really been finding out about all of this n the last few months – two years on from the initial notification!

The conclusions from the reports remain unclear. According to the Committee, there is “no evidence of likely long term negative health effects attributable to PIP implants.” However, the advice goes in to say that “the quality of evidence available does not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn.” Further research is therefore a requirement to confirm whether the use of the silicon in these implants poses any health risk to the victims who have them.
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April 03, 2012

Transplant Boss Having Her Implants Removed!

Yes – the clinic director who said that women were simply being “whipped into a frenzy” and claimed that the PIP Implants were not unsafe is now having her own set removed, according to sources from the Daily Mail. Mrs Beryl Atkins, the director of the Transform clinic, one of the big users of the implants, said there was “no evidence in the UK that PIP implants could rupture or cause cancer.”

In January this year she said “I have had PIP implants for five years and I’ve never had any problems. We’ve used them on a number of women and we haven’t had any complaints. People are being told they rupture and cause cancer but in the UK there’s no evidence for that. As a result there’s a mass panic. We have had no ruptures though.”

She added “it seems wrong that women with PIP implants are being whipped into a frenzy even though there’s no evidence they are dangerous.”
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April 02, 2012

PIP Clinics “Bullying” Victims in to Paying for Extra Surgery

pip compensation claimsWe are already aware that many clinics have not been too friendly or helpful with the PIP victims to date – our source of information on this is dead on as well; our very own clients. It also seems that the idea of legal waivers is not only a growing concerns amongst victims who want their implants removed as soon as possible, but also an increasing trend amongst the clinics according to our clients.

But what is just as hard to stomach as this whole scandal is the idea of any clinics taking advantage of the worried victims to increase their profit margins. According to British Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), some clinics are trying to bully the PIP victims in to further unnecessary surgery, sources from the BBC have confirmed.

Clinics are cross-selling other procedures and services to PIP victims using scare tactics to convince them that further treatment could be a necessity.
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March 27, 2012

Lawyers Advice: Effects of Whiplash Injury

Whiplash injuries can cause people much distress, pain and an inconvenience. Here at The Injury Lawyers we know too well about the terrible effect whiplash can have on our clients. The injury does not only affect your health, but it can also affect any aspect of your life which can sometimes cause great difficulties. If you have suffered or are suffering from whiplash I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about.

Most people do not realise that they can claim compensation for a whiplash injury, they just think that the pain will eventually go away and everything will be ok.

However, most of the time whiplash injuries can last up to 6 months and if you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligent actions you are entitled by law to claim for compensation.
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March 27, 2012

Road Traffic Accident Compensation Claim Lawyers

In April 2010 a new system to deal with road traffic accident claims was introduced and has made claiming quicker and more straightforward.  Before April 2010 the claims process could be a little bit slow – it could take nearly 4 months for the Defendant to admit liability in the most straightforward of cases, and then could take several more months, maybe a year or so, to get settled.  Now you could have your claim settled in just a few short of months!

Under the new system, if you have been involved in a relatively straightforward road traffic accident you will need to submit what is called a Claim Notification Form.  If you have the right injury lawyer on your side they will do this for you.  In any event it is quite straightforward and just outlines what happened in your accident and details those involved.

Once ready, this gets submitted online via the Ministry of Justice Portal to the Defendant’s insurer who has just one business day to acknowledge it.  The Defendant’s insurer then has a further 15 business days to come back with their position on liability – in other words, whether they admit or deny fault for the accident.  Compared to the old system which could take several months, this is a vast improvement.
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