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road traffic accident claims
March 23, 2012

Passenger compensation claims – Injury Lawyers advice

If someone asked me what I considered to be a ‘dead cert’ for a claim for compensation, I would say a passenger claiming compensation for injuries they received whilst involved in a road traffic accident

A passenger would have to do something highly unusual, possibly extreme, to be considered to be at fault for causing an accident on the road.  Under current law, you can be compensated for any injuries you have got through no fault of your own, which is why passenger accident claims are often the most straightforward.
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March 23, 2012

Accepting compensation offers without medical evidence

I expect that not everyone reading this blog will know what a pre-medical offer is, let alone have ever received one. Let me quickly explain.

The claims process is quite structured…  Your injury lawyer will submit a ‘Letter of Claim’ which outlines your accident and injuries to the Defendant at the beginning of your claim and the Defendant will be allowed to make investigations. 

Once liability is admitted, you will be asked to attend a medical appointment so that a medical report can be compiled which provides a diagnosis and prognosis. 

With your permission, this is then disclosed to the Defendant along with any details of other losses you may have, and offers of compensation are invited. 

A pre-medical offer therefore is an offer that is made by the Defendant in respect of your injuries prior to you disclosing or even obtaining a medical report.
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March 23, 2012

Roundabout Accident Compensation Claim Lawyers

Most people in the United Kingdom drive.  Some are more confident drivers than others, but I think it is fair to say that there is always an aspect of driving that people least prefer.  For some people, the use of roundabouts can be terrifying, or at least, not particularly pleasurable.  Unfortunately accidents on roundabouts occur daily.  But it is not just those people who dislike roundabouts and are nervous when approaching a roundabout that cause the accidents, people who are overconfident often cause accidents too.

There are several types of accidents which happen on roundabouts.  Here are a few examples:

  • You are waiting to get onto the roundabout and are queuing in traffic on the approach when a vehicle fails to heed the presence of your vehicle and slow down in time and goes into the rear of your vehicle
  • You are proceeding round the roundabout when someone pulls out onto the lane in front of you mistakenly thinking they have enough time to do so and collides with your vehicle
  • You are proceeding round the roundabout when someone realises they are in the wrong lane, and without noticing that you are in the lane, they want to be in changes lane and collides into your vehicle

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March 23, 2012

Whiplash Compensation Advice Guide

Whiplash is one of the most common types of injury we come across here at The Injury Lawyers.  This is because the most common type of accident claim is a road traffic accident claim. 

At the end of the day there are millions of cars on our roads, and humans make mistakes – meaning accidents happen.  If you are unfamiliar with whiplash or want a bit more information about whiplash, I have prepared this short guide for you.

What is whiplash?
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March 23, 2012

Injured At Work Lawyers Advice – Reporting your accident

One of the most important things in helping to bring a successful claim for compensation if you have had an accident at work is to ensure that you have reported your accident.  If you do this there is a hard record of your accident and there should not be any disputes later on as to whether the accident happened or not.  Reporting your accident really is an excellent staring point.

Naturally, if you require urgent medical attention this you should be the first thing you seek.  At the end of the day, nothing is more important than your being okay.  But, once you have sought medical attention, make sure to get your accident recorded in the accident book at work and to inform your Manager of what has happened.

It is important to know that all employers are required by law to have an accident book and you should be made aware as to where it is kept.  You should also know that all accidents should be reported in the accident book, and near misses should be reported as well. 
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March 21, 2012

PIP News Update – PIP Patients are being FAILED by their Medical Groups

Since this whole scandal came to light, we have spoken to countless victims of the PIP implant problem and taken on a significant number of compensation claims over the last few months.

Our Specialist PIP Compensation Team have been growing increasingly concerned over the sheer number of people who are reporting that their medical groups and clinics have been treating them entirely inappropriately.

It’s fair to say that a good 99% of the people we speak to have all shared their horror stories of how their clinic has failed them in some way.
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March 13, 2012

Injury Lawyers Advice: Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries that unfortunately, people obtain as a result of being involved in a road traffic accident. Most people that have been involved in a road traffic accident do not actually realise that they have whiplash.

Often the shock of being involved in a collision diverts people’s attention from their injuries. Most people think that they feel fine and the pain will go away, but if you are not medically trained, how can you tell if you have a whiplash injury? Here at The Injury Lawyers we are expert whiplash solicitors – so we know everything to do with whiplash.

Following a road traffic accident, the symptoms of whiplash often take a while to develop; it can take up to 6 – 12 hours for them to surface, and sometimes even longer. The pain and stiffness associated with whiplash if often a lot worse the day after the accident and still may continue to worsen for several days later. If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, I am sure that you know all too well about what the pain and suffering is like.
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March 08, 2012

Roundabout Accident Compensation Lawyers

My experience tells me that some people find using roundabouts daunting.  Roundabouts can be of varying size – some have traffic lights on them and some are busier than others.  Because of this some people get nervous on approaching a roundabout and some people go further than this and take a route which avoids roundabouts altogether. 

This uncertainty or ‘fear’ of roundabouts can unfortunately cause accidents and at The Injury Lawyers we have successfully dealt with many roundabout accident claims.  If you were not at fault for your accident, you could well be entitled to compensation.

One of the most common problems with roundabouts, particularly those drivers are not familiar with them, is that people are unsure which lane they should be in and start to hesitate or make rash decisions.  This can cause accidents because you either get cut up by someone switching lanes or if someone suddenly stops someone else may go into the back of this vehicle. 
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March 08, 2012

Tripping at Work Compensation Lawyers

Given that work takes up such a huge amount of our lives nowadays, we expect to be safe when working; i.e. not running in to any hazards whilst we get on with our jobs. Health and Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance, and employers must adhere to loads of rules and regulations to make sure employees do not come to harm whilst in the workplace.

Whilst differing rules and regulations apply more to varying areas of employment, one of the most basic areas of health and safety law that applies to any employment situation is tripping hazards!

We get a lot of enquiries from people looking to make compensation claims for tripping injuries at work. At the end of the day, it’s so easy to get caught out. A tile on the floor becomes raised and isn’t inspected or maintained regularly enough by the employer, and you have yourself an employee tripping over an obvious and dangerous defect. A colleague leaves some bags in a corridor and you walk straight in to them; the likelihood is you ending up on the floor, humiliated, and injured.
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March 01, 2012

Pre-Medical Offers – Lawyers Advice

It’s not unusual to receive a pre-medical offer nowadays.  A pre-medical offer is an offer made in respect of your injuries before you get a medical report.  The usual claims process is for you to attend a medical appointment with a medical expert once liability for your accident has been admitted so that a legal medical report can be obtained. 

If you are happy with this, it will be disclosed to the Defendant and they will have a period of 21 days to make you an offer of compensation and negotiations can go from there.  More often now, we are coming across Defendant’s making offers to settle your claim prior to you getting a medical report.

Is this a problem?
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