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February 07, 2012

Car Accident Compensation Claim Lawyers – The Big Freeze Hits 2012!

I’m sure most of you reading this have gathered we are getting hit my the inevitable; I’ve always felt that after the incredible snow storms we weathered through in 2010 that it was only a matter of time we would see the worst of the seasons weather return.

The weather is dangerous – and accidents are likely.

Friday was when the midlands (or at least where I live!) was hit by the snow, and it laid very fast. I’d say there has been a good four or five settled inches which has largely survived the weekend of trampling footsteps and flattening car wheels. But waking up this morning to news of travel chaos and problems all across Britain’s travel infrastructure as planes are grounded at Heathrow, and motorists being urged to take extra care on the roads, is far too reminiscent of that insane November in 2010.
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February 03, 2012

Expert Whiplash Injury Claim Lawyers

Most people have heard of whiplash, but a lot of those people are not 100% sure what whiplash is.  Here’s a quick guide:

What is whiplash?

It’s a soft tissue injury to your head/neck/shoulder area.  What I mean by this is the damage caused by a strain to the muscles/tendons in those parts.
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February 03, 2012

Passenger Injury Compensation Lawyers

Have you been injured when you were a passenger in a car or on a bus?  Good news – you have one of the best chances of a successful claim for compensation

Passenger injury claims are one of the easiest to assess because it is highly unlikely you were to blame for the accident.  Really, unless you pull the handbrake or were severely distracting the driver at the time of the accident, you cannot be at fault for the accident.  Say you were the passenger in a car when someone drives into the back of that car, how can you be at fault?  You can therefore be compensated for any injuries you get as a result.

Here are a couple of examples of good passenger claims.  You are on a bus which is involved in a crash, the crash is not your fault, you can seek compensation from whoever was at fault, e.g. the bus driver or the third party driver.  You pop out to the shops with a friend and someone drives into the rear of your friend’s car whilst you are waiting at traffic lights and you get whiplash, you can claim compensation for this whiplash.
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February 03, 2012

Work Equipment Accident Lawyers

Depending on your choice of profession, you may find yourself exposed to all sorts of weird, wonderful, and potentially dangerous equipment that is necessary for you to use to carry out your job. If you’re mainly office based like me, the only equipment I use other than my computer is a phone, a pen, and a stapler now and then! So there isn’t much danger in it for me – although if you are computer based, make sure you’ve done your Display Screen Equipment tests…

Alternatively, those of you working on a construction site will be using power tools, ladders, cement mixers, plant machinery, and all sorts of potentially lethal things; so it goes without saying that adequate training and supervision is needed for the use of this kind of work equipment…

The Law
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February 03, 2012

Uninsured Drivers – Compensation Claim Lawyers

If you have been injured in a car crash because of someone else’s negligence, you will usually get your compensation from their car insurer.After all car insurance is there so that if things go wrong cars can be repaired and injured people can get compensation. 

But what happens if the negligent driver doesn’t have insurance?  Don’t worryYou can still be compensated for your injuries

The difference is that you will be compensated by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) instead of the negligent drivers’ insurance company.  Let me explain more…
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February 02, 2012

Supermarket Accident Compensation Claim Lawyers

You know, when you really think about it, supermarkets can actually be pretty dangerous places. Shelves stacked full of all sorts of soft foods and liquids that can easily become a slipping hazard when spilt, or the sheer number of items on sale falling off shelves becoming a tripping hazard. What about the fact that they are usually crammed full of people doing their shopping all at once – especially on a Saturday or Sunday daytime! And with their kids as well!

Accidents in supermarkets are not uncommon at all; we are used to helping people out who have been injured through no fault of their own at the local supermarket. I know there’s the initial embarrassment and the feeling like you need to quickly disappear after you slip or trip in front of so many people, but in reality, you could have a claim for compensation for any injuries you receive.

Had a Supermarket Accident? Can You Claim?
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February 01, 2012

Claiming Compensation for Injuries

If you are ever unfortunate enough to suffer an injury which you believe is a direct result of someone else’s negligence, you have every chance of claiming compensation by making a personal injury claim; and we at The Injury Lawyers can assist you in this to ensure that the process is as hassle free and straightforward as possible, allowing you the time and opportunity to focus your attentions on the most important priority – your recovery.

The protocol surrounding most personal injury claims is as follows –

Upon receiving details of your claim, we will send a letter of claim to the defendants which outlines the details of your accident and injuries, and how we believe them to be liable. From here we give them a period of 21 days to respond to our letter, informing us that they have acknowledged our claim and have forwarded the details over to their representing insurers.
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By Editor
February 01, 2012

Pre Med Offers

If you are claiming for compensation and the insurers representing the other side have admitted liability (i.e. agreed to pay out for your claim), it is quite common these days to receive a pre-medical offer – or pre-med as they are commonly referred to.

What is a pre-med offer

It is an offer of settlement, without the evidence and sight of a medical report, put forward by the third party insurer to the legal representative of the claimant. In today’s economic climate, for some individuals this may be quite tempting to accept at the early stage of an injury claim.
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By Editor
January 31, 2012

Man Responsible for the P.I.P. Implants Epidemic Arrested

The founder of Poly Implant Prothese (P.I.P), Mr Jean-Claude Mas, has been arrested in France following the investigation in to the low grade silicon and poor quality of implant manufactured by his company that has the potential to cause serious injury and harm to the suspected 400,000 women around the world who have had the P.I.P implant used in surgery.

According to sources from the BBC ( Mr Mas has been taken in to custody in Marseilles, where his lawyer has told a news agency that “he is not well, he is tired and he is waiting for his doctor.”

Investigations that date back to May 2010 in France confirmed that the company P.I.P had been using low grade silicon that is commonly used for industrial purposes in the production of mattresses and pillows, and is not to the standard of the European CE Mark approved gel that had originally been used. The silicon has the potential to cause irritation, and may even affect the victims DNA if ongoing tests conclude such dangers.
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January 31, 2012

Work Accident Compensation Claim Lawyer

We are The Injury Lawyers – and we think our name says it all. We are THE INJURY LAWYERS, meaning we only deal with personal injury compensation claims, so we can offer you a more specialist service and a lawyer with specialist experience and skills. To narrow it down a little more, we specialise in all forms of personal injury claims; with work accident compensation claims making up a large percentage of our client base.

So, if you’ve had an accident at work, and you’re looking for a work accident compensation claim lawyer, look no further, and take note of this three part guide that will fill you in on what you need to know.

1. Your Position and Employment is Protected
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