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November 22, 2018

Ongoing NHS staff problems threaten patient safety

The ongoing NHS staff problems threaten patient safety, and the government need to act to avoid unnecessary litigation.

In an ideal world, we would have next to no need for victims of medical negligence to make claims for personal injury compensation. This can be achieved through a well-resourced and efficiently functioning national health service. But as we continue to see NHS staff problems to the point where it’s being seen as a “national emergency”, we’re likely going to see higher volumes of claims.

It really is a vicious cycle that needs to be stopped.

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nhs care in crisis
November 15, 2018

Cervical Screening Error hits 40,000 NHS patients

A cervical screening error is said to have affected around 40,000 patients in the UK after another blunder resulted in letters not being sent out.

The error included test results not going out to a number of patients, and it’s since been discovered that hundreds showed abnormal results.

The error has been blamed on Capita, who the NHS outsourced this work to. It’s not the first time Capita has been embroiled in blunders surrounding the work they do for the public sector. When it comes to the NHS, lives are literally at stake, and this cannot be allowed to happen.

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the nhs may be heading for a summer crisis!
November 08, 2018

Maternity unit closures an ongoing concern

It’s understood that a high volume of maternity unit closures are taking place as a result of staff shortages; potentially putting patients at risk.

Figures reportedly revealed that, last year, there appears to have been an alarming number of maternity unit closures caused by capacity issues. Reportedly, almost half of units across the country had to close their doors to new mothers at some point. Some of the units were also closed for longer than 24 hours as well.

An aging population of midwives and staff shortages is being blamed for the problem. When resources are an issue, quality of care can be badly affected.

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November 01, 2018

Serious personal injury claims lawyers

We are serious personal injury claims lawyers. Our focus is on serious and complex legal actions and litigations. It’s one of our primary specialisms.

Selecting the right lawyer to represent you for a serious personal injury claim is important. There are a lot of law firms out there, and you should ensure that you don’t just go for any old lawyer. A lot of law firms largely deal with just straightforward and low-value cases, but you need a specialist lawyer for a difficult or high-value case.

In this article, we’ll give you some key pointers as to what to look out for.

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driverless vehicles
October 25, 2018

Driverless car accidents pose danger for paramedics

Paramedics are being warned of the dangers of driverless car accidents and how to take care when assisting injured passengers.

Guidance issued by Waymo – a self-driving technology development company – says that paramedics should keep the door of the vehicle open. If they don’t, the self-driving car may drive off while they’re trying to help injured accident victims.

Further guidance also suggests ways of disabling the vehicle to stop it driving off as well.

So, how worried should we be?

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internet hoax
October 18, 2018

eBay and other slammed over fake cancer zapper sales

eBay, Argos and Sainsburys have been slammed over online sales of so-called cancer zapper machines that are deemed to be fake.

The idea that a cancer zapper can cure the life-threatening disease came from a Canadian author who died of cancer. The author reportedly claimed that cancer was caused by parasites, and the use of a zapper could kill the parasites and cure the disease.

Needless to say, this method of treatment has been widely discredited. However, desperate patients have been lured into buying the devices online.

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Dangerous Product
October 11, 2018

Online retailers and dangerous electrical appliances

According to a recent study, the online retail world is rife with fake items and dangerous electrical appliances. Consumers may be at risk of injury and property damage.

It’s thought that as many as one-in-three consumers may have bought a fake or counterfeit electrical item online. Popular sites like amazon and eBay are said to be full of them.

Third-party sellers who are out to dupe UK consumers appear to be getting away with it. Consumers are at risk of electric shock and fires caused by fake and dangerous electrical appliances bought online.

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October 04, 2018

Adult social care compensation advice

Inadequate quality of adult social care is a real problem at the moment. If care falls short and users are harmed, compensation can be an option.

As a result of increasing resource constraints caused by funding cuts, some people needing adult social care are reportedly not getting the service they need. Those with more complex needs can be the most vulnerable, and are often those with the greatest problems in accessing the care they need.

From people being left alone, to missed meals or just cold soup being left by beds, this is a growing problem that needs to be stopped.

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mesh implants pelvic mesh inquiry
September 27, 2018

Hernia mesh compensation

You may be entitled to hernia mesh compensation if you’ve suffered complications. There are growing concerns over the use of hernia mesh, and victims of negligence may be entitled to claim.

Hernia mesh complications can be severe. Patients may need to undergo revision surgery for either a removal or partial remove of the implanted mesh. In some cases, revision surgery can be incredibly complicated.

Our Medical Negligence Lawyers are here to help you claim hernia mesh claim. Read on for further advice.

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accident abroad
September 20, 2018

Accident abroad advice

If you need accident abroad advice, and info about your options for claiming compensation outside of the UK, our lawyers can help.

Although our legal jurisdiction extends only to England and Wales, there are circumstance where you can make a claim for an accident abroad with us. The most common form is where you are on a holiday and this was booked as a package. If the package falls within the scope of The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations, we could help.

We’re in the post-holiday month of September. Anyone who has recently returned from a trip abroad should read this advice.

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