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January 11, 2012

Whiplash and Personal Injury Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we deal solely with claims for personal injury.  We are experts in our field having dedicated many years of practice to this area of law, and can therefore deal with almost any injury claim no matter how bizarre you may think it is.

That said, despite having dealt with a fair few ‘unusual’ claims, the claim that we deal with most often is one for whiplash.

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that affects the neck and shoulder area, and is often associated with the innocent victims of road traffic accidents.
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January 11, 2012

Claiming for Whiplash

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident since April 2010 and you are thinking of making a claim for compensation for the injuries you have suffered, then good news – the whole process if now faster and more efficient. 

Prior to April 2010 you could have been waiting a few months for an admission of liability from the other side, and then a couple more months to get your compensation payout sorted.  Thankfully the whole process has been overhauled and you could have your whole claim settled in just a few weeks or a couple of months.

You are now required to submit what is known as a Claim Notification Form via the Ministry of Justice online portal.  This is straightforward – especially with the right expert injury lawyer on your side.  The form will take roughly 20 minutes to complete and your injury lawyer should go through this with you. 
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January 11, 2012

The Silent Killer

It is no exaggeration when I pronounce that asbestos can quite rightly be defined as a silent killer. Thousands of people in the UK alone suffer from an asbestos related disease of some form or another – and what is most poignant is that, unlike other life threatening diseases which may more often than not be brought about by an hereditary consequence, in most circumstances, diseases which are either directly as a result of asbestos or where asbestos has acted as a catalyst in the diseases growing can be prevented by carrying out relatively simple safety precautions and exercises.

In light of this then, it is not unreasonable to say that, should you be the victim of an asbestos related disease as a result of negligent exposure to it by another party, you are well within your rights to claim compensation to cover any loss or injury.

But when can you claim?
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January 11, 2012

Slipping Compensation Claims

It is a sad fact that on too many occasions, when an individual has an accident in a building or office which is open to the public, more often than not the natural reaction is one of uncontrollable panic and embarrassment – it is not enough that you have slipped over on the floor, but when it’s in front of everyone as well! It is important to understand however that it is at this point where you are at your most vulnerable; as such it is not uncommon for people to just want to forget about the situation and move on as quickly as possible.

In light of this, I cannot stress enough that this is the wrong decision to take, if you are ever unfortunate enough to suffer an injury either at work or in a public building as a result of slipping on some poorly maintained surface or flooring which is a direct result of the occupier or employers negligence. You may very well be able to claim for personal injury and your losses which, although may never be able to fully make up for the embarrassment a fall brings, will certainly hope to bring a quiet sense of justice and satisfaction for you.

It is important to realise that establishments such as supermarkets and public houses are all under a legal obligation to ensure for their patrons that their time spent in their establishment is not only a pleasant one, but also one that is safe and without negative consequence. Because of this, it is considered a legal requirement that regular inspections regarding the entirety of the establishment are carried out as and when required, providing assurances that any potential defects or hazards are dealt with as swiftly and efficiently as possible to ensure that visitor accidents are always kept to a minimum; therefore protecting the appropriate occupiers from any legal repercussions.
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By Editor
January 11, 2012

Effects of Whiplash Injury

Whiplash injuries can cause people much distress, pain and an inconvenience. Here at The Injury Lawyers we know all too well about the terrible effect whiplash has on our clients. The injury does not only affect your health, but it can also affect any aspect of your life which can sometimes cause great difficulties. If you have suffered or are suffering from whiplash, I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about.

Whiplash is often only associated with neck pain, but it also can affect your shoulders and back, and sometimes may cause discomfort to your arms or the rest of your body. Whiplash injuries can include stiffness, pain and loss of movement. It can also cause headaches, muscle spasms, and sometimes the pain can run down through the shoulders and arms which causes a lot of stress and hassle.

Whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the body backwards, forwards or sideways. This rapid movement damages the ligaments and tendons in the neck, shoulder and back areas which causes the severe pain and immobility. For example, when you have been involved in a road traffic accident and you were correctly proceeding in your vehicle, a sudden impact from a negligent vehicle colliding into your vehicle will cause you to jolt forwards, backwards or sideways as your seatbelt will stop you from continuing forward; therefore causing you to sustain whiplash injuries.
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January 11, 2012

No Win, No Fee Claim

The term No Win, No Fee is pretty common nowadays. But what does it actually mean? What are the terms of a No Win, No Fee agreement, and what happens if you win?

Sadly, the term No Win, No Fee doesn’t quite give you the full heads up now does it? But fear not – here’s a guide as to how it all works.

There are MANY Forms of No Win, No Fee
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January 10, 2012

Whiplash Compensation – How Much?

How much could you get for a whiplash compensation claim?

This is one of the most common questions we get here when we are advising people about their potential claims for compensation. The thing is, for the majority of people suffering from whiplash, they have been in a relatively straightforward road accident that was caused through no fault of their own.

Perhaps you have been hit in the back of your car, or perhaps someone pulled out from a side road in to you, or hit you on a roundabout; it’s relatively easy to establish who is at fault for the accident, so the majority of people who enquire with whiplash injuries know they have a definite guaranteed claim for compensation.
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January 10, 2012

Whiplash Compensation Calculator

If you have a quick look on this blog you will see The Injury Lawyers’ very own whiplash compensation calculator, which does exactly what is says on the tin – it instantly values your claim.

To find out how much your whiplash injury claim could be worth, all you have to do is click on the body part which you have injured, select your injury, and answer three dead easy questions about your accident, and you will be provided with an instant claim valuation. 

So, if you have whiplash, then you would select the neck injury image, choose the severity and answer the three questions to get your valuation.
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road traffic accident claims
January 10, 2012

Car passenger accident claims

A common question which is always asked here at The Injury Lawyers is “If was a passenger in a car accident, will this affect my chance of a claim for compensation?”

The answer to this, as I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know, is no – not in the slightest!
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By Editor
January 10, 2012

The Injury Lawyers – Why Choose Us!?

Aside from our unique Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement that unlike most other law firms actually guarantees in writing that you cannot be charged, and the private medical care we offer at no charge to our clients, or the fact that we are expert injury only lawyers, there is another reason why we believe we are the right people to handle your claim for compensation.

It’s not top secret and it’s not some Jedi mind trick; in fact, it’s something so simple that we are a little confused as to why other lawyers don’t do the same thing.

Simply put – we are nice to our clients!
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