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January 10, 2012

Injured by Manual Handling

It is no exaggeration when I tell you that injuries caused by the incorrect lifting of objects, whether it be in the course of your employment or indeed otherwise, are some of the most common and worryingly easy to get.

It is important to understand that it doesn’t matter whether you are the utmost prime condition, or if you are like me, after somewhat overindulging through Christmas, you’re feeling a little snug around the midriff – lifting injuries are not dictated by how fit you are, it is all do to with how you position yourself before and during the process of lifting, and also, which is similarly important, how you place the object down after moving can also have identical repercussions on your back and spine if not carried out correctly.

With this in mind then, and if you have ever been asked to move around objects at work and have done so without ever really giving it a second thought (I know I have before), it is worth understanding that from your employers perspective it is a legal obligation to ensure that, before any carrying of any kind is carried out, a course of sufficient and reasonable training and practice is compulsory to show all employees how to lift in a way which ensures a good centre of gravity over the object at all times, and covers all bases and precautions which must be undertaken before any lifting is attempted.
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January 10, 2012

Roundabout Claims

Driving can often be stressful – and these days most people use the convenience of their own vehicle to travel around. With lots of stressed and tired road users, this can cause lots of problems on the roads; one negligent action can cause serious problems and worst of all injure an innocent victim.

Here at The injury Lawyers we know all too well about the effects of negligent drivers as we help countless innocent victims get the maximum compensation that they deserve after being in road accidents.

Some of the most common road traffic accidents occur on roundabouts. Roundabouts can often seem manic and stressful anyway – Well, for me they are anyway! You sometimes can never tell who has right of way, when someone is actually going to go for it and pull out, or if someone is going to slow down and stop! Anyone can get caught up in a road traffic accident on a roundabout and innocent victims should not suffer in silence; here at The Injury Lawyers we are here to help you, in any way possible, with your vehicle damages or hire car needs, private medical treatment to help you to get back on your feet again, and most important of all, getting you the maximum compensation that you deserve.
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January 04, 2012

Whiplash Claims 2009

Whiplash claiming is dead easy – especially if you have an expert injury lawyer on your side.  If you have been injured and you are suffering from whiplash, in accident that wasn’t your fault, you probably have a successful claim for compensation.  What’s better, you could be compensated fast! 

Before April 2010, getting hold of the compensation you deserved for your whiplash injury could have taken longer than you wanted – but now, thanks to a new system we have in place, you can get compensation in just a few short weeks or months.  Let me explain how

If you had been suffering from whiplash from a car crash a couple of years ago, getting compensation could have taken a year or more.  This was because the insurers for the person who caused your whiplash were allowed a period of almost four months to simply admit that the accident was their fault (this was a stator investigation period length they had), and then after this it could take several more months to get medical evidence and settle your claim. 
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By Author
January 04, 2012

Whiplash Injuries Blog

If you have been a in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, and suffered injuries as a result of that accident, you are entitled to claim for compensation, and you should always get the maximum amount of money that you deserve.  Here at The Injury Lawyers, our aim is to do exactly that; and more.

So, what sort of injuries do people get if they are involved in a road traffic accident?  Whiplash is the most common type of injury, and one of the most frequent types of injury we see here at The Injury Lawyers.  It can affect anyone – men, women and children. But what exactly is whiplash? What are the symptoms of whiplash? How can you recover from whiplash? Is there any treatment or medication to help your recovery? As we are experts in whiplash personal injury claims, we are here to help you. Here is a quick guide to the ins and outs of whiplash:

What is whiplash?
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By Author
January 04, 2012

Whiplash – The Injury

Whiplash is a word that for many of us has become part of our daily vocabulary – but what is whiplash and how is it caused?

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by or related to a sudden jolting of the neck and / or head area. One of the most common causes of whiplash is as a result of being struck from behind which causes the body to move forward, and in turn the neck to be thrown backwards.  Usually whiplash injuries are common in road traffic accidents, particularly where a person has been in a vehicle which was struck in the rear; although the injury can also be as a result of other accidents or contact sports.

The injury occurs as the body is initially pushed forwards with the head, as a result, going backwards. This movement causes the ‘whiplash’ type effect. The movement in a person’s neck can stretch and/or tear some of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck. These injuries may result from an impact coming from any direction, moving the head backwards and forwards or sideways.
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By Editor
January 04, 2012

Nightclub Injury Claims

Well, I do hope that you have all had a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I can’t believe how quickly it has come and gone; but we all say this every year, and I doubt it will ever get any slower!

Anyway, if there’s one time of the year that we all generally like to go out to our favourite clubs, pubs, and bars, it’s over the festive and New Year season. New Years Eve is a big night for any club – and it tends to be one where people go a little crazy as well. We tend to find that there are a fair few injuries in nightclubs, pubs, and bars over the festive season; so, what can you do about it?

If you have been injured in a nightclub, it’s likely one of the following happened to you:
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December 28, 2011

How Much Compensation Will I Get?

How much compensation will I get?’ This is a phrase that is known all too well here at The Injury Lawyers. And so it should be; it is important to determine a rough amount of how much compensation you are likely to receive. After all, you deserve the compensation and are entitled to it as you have sustained injuries in an accident that was not your fault. But often it can be difficult to determine how much your claim is worth from the outset. Calculating how much compensation you are entitled to involves a number of different factors. 

So, how do we determine the amount of compensation that you deserve? 

The law is clear – if you have sustained injuries because of a negligent third party you are entitled to compensation in order to put you back in the position you would have been if the accident had not occurred. You can receive compensation for not only your injuries but also for any other losses you have incurred directly as a result of the accident and your injuries – placing you back in the position you would have been in financially.
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December 23, 2011

Treatment for Whiplash

Whiplash is the most common type of road traffic accident injury. That’s why we here at The Injury Lawyers are specialists in whiplash injury claims.

Not only are we experts in obtaining you the maximum amount of compensation, but we understand the importance of getting you feeling fit and healthy again as quickly as possible. We appreciate that everyone has busy lives and we can’t afford to be unwell – that’s why we take your whiplash recovery very seriously.

Often after your road accident you will start to feel the effects of your injuries maybe 6 – 12 hours after your accident; however, this can vary. Some symptoms may include neck, back and shoulder pain, stiffness and aches, headaches, dizziness, a shooting pins and needles sensation down your arms, jaw pains, or even fatigue. Upon feeling these symptoms of whiplash, you should visit your GP who should help you out with some medical advice. They will often advise you to take pain killers and recommend that you may benefit from a course of specialist treatment, such as physiotherapy.
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December 22, 2011

Whiplash Claims Injuries

I don’t think I am making any ground shaking revelations when I tell you that Christmas is quite possibly the most stressful period of the year. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day! We appear to spend most of our time between work and trawling through endless shops looking for gifts for our family members and friends. With the weather worsening over the colder seasons, road accidents increase; and with the increase in road accidents comes the increase in people needing to make claims for whiplash over the festive period. Suffering from whiplash is a further stress during this busy time!

So, what is it that causes whiplash?

Whiplash occurs as a result of being jolted forward from the impact; however as you are wearing your seatbelt, the jolt from the impact in most circumstances is on the neck. The full extent of your whiplash injuries does often not become apparent until sometime after the accident.
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By Editor
December 22, 2011

Accidents on Stairs

Research studies have shown that in the UK alone approximately 1000 deaths occur as a result of falling down a flight of stairs. This is a scary statistic! In light of this it will come as no surprise then that, as an injury on stairs is worryingly easy and common to do, the legal responsibilities are quite rightly significant to ensure that any person or company that is responsible for maintaining a stairway must do so to a high standard to ensure no one is ever hurt through the use of stairs.

It is important to realise that those who fit or manufacture stairways are under a legal obligation to ensure that their stairs are free from any defect or hazard that could cause a person an injury; say, a bump, or a protrusion. As well as preventing defects, they must ensure that each step is of the correct height and width for its intended use. Handrails and appropriate support must be in place for the obvious reasons.

In addition to designers and manufacturers, it is similarly important to understand that employers are under a legal obligation to ensure that the working environment is safe for their employees, keeping accidents on and around a staircase to a minimum at all times.
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