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December 16, 2011

Claiming After a Car Accident

If you have been involved and injured in a road traffic accident which occurred after the 30th April 2010, and you wish to seek compensation for the injuries you sustained, the good news is that the claims process is very straightforward and quick, meaning you can be compensated fast! 

Prior to the 30th April 2010, claiming for compensation for injuries resulting from a road traffic accident could get a little tedious; especially given that the majority of cases were straightforward.  The reason I say this is because it could take up to 4 months for the other side to simply admit liability, and that meant your claim could take over a year to settle. Even in the easiest of cases, insurers would take their time to accept liability for the accident. However, the process has had a radical overhaul which now means that you should receive an admission or denial of liability within just a couple of weeks, and your claim could be settled in just a couple of months!

Under the new system, the Claimant, i.e. the person making the claim for compensation, must submit a Claim Notification Form online via the Ministry of Justice portal.  Don’t worry if you are unsure what this is – with an expert injury lawyer on your side, they will go through this with you and make sure everything is fine and that it can be submitted to the Defendant.  The Claim Notification Form outlines your accident and details those involved.  It provides the Defendant with notification that you wish to obtain compensation for your injuries.  Once this is admitted, the Defendant has 1 business day to acknowledge the Claim Notification Form and a further 2 weeks to admit or deny liability.  Whereas previously it could take 4 months for the Defendant to admit liability, it now takes 2 weeks!
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December 16, 2011

Zebra Crossing Law and Claims

Road traffic accidents do not just involve those in motor vehicles; they can also involve innocent pedestrians who are struck by those driving motor vehicles.  At The Injury Lawyers we are only too aware of the number of pedestrians who have been involved in road traffic accidents, have dealt with numerous pedestrian accident claims.  Although there have been plenty of vigorous safety campaigns, it would appear that some motorists neglect to consider the harm their actions may have on pedestrians. 

Despite pedestrians having their own routes, normally paths and crossings, they can still be caught up in collisions with motor vehicles.  This blog focuses on accidents at zebra crossings.

Too many accidents occur on zebra crossings.  It would seem that some motorists do not heed the presence of a zebra crossing nor take into account the likelihood that a pedestrian will be using that zebra crossing to get from one side of the road to the other and end up hitting the pedestrian, causing them injury.  It may be that one of the reasons there are accidents at zebra crossings is because there are no traffic lights and the pedestrian is relying on the fact that a motorist should give way to them.  Either way, motorists have a duty to slow when approaching a zebra crossing to ensure that they are able to give way to any pedestrian waiting to cross, and that they are not to proceed until the pedestrian has fully reached the other side of the road.
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December 15, 2011

Amount for Whiplash

What’s the amount you get for a whiplash injury?

This is one of the most common questions I am asked when I am advising people about what they can expect from a Whiplash Claim with a firm of specialist injury lawyers like us. It’s a question that almost all whiplash sufferers want the answer to.

Unfortunately, there is no way I can tell you personally as a reader of this blog how much your whiplash claim is worth. There’s too much I don’t know about you that needs to be taken in to account. I can however guide you as to what you could expect based on statistics, averages, and official guidelines we here use to value Whiplash Claims.
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December 15, 2011

Whiplash Claims 2011

  • What’s going on?
  • Who do you turn to?
  • What will eventually happen?

Whiplash Claims Today

The process and understanding of whiplash claims has changed so much over recent years. Whiplash claims are naturally one of the most common personal injury claims as it’s the standard injury you end up with in the vast majority of road accidents. The motion of your neck being jerked thanks to a collision or a sudden stop damages the muscles and tendons in the neck, shoulders, and back area, causing this extremely common injury.
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December 09, 2011

Receiving Treatment for a Whiplash Injury

Luckily for you, I’m not just speaking as an expert Whiplash Claims Advisor here; I’m speaking to you as a suffer of whiplash myself – so I know a thing or two about how to get the right treatment when suffering from a whiplash injury, and I know how best to access such treatment.

So, if you are suffering whiplash after being involved in an accident – likely a road accident – read on for some key information you will be very happy to learn about.

Whiplash Treatment NHS
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December 09, 2011

Whiplash Definition

Whiplash is one of the most, if not the most, frequent injury types we hear of at The Injury Lawyers.  Although we are specialists in all types of personal injury law, injuries arising from road traffic accidents are the most common and whiplash is the most complained of symptom.  Here is a quick guide to whiplash and whiplash claiming:

Whiplash Definition:

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that affects the neck and shoulder area of your body.  It is caused by an often violent and sudden jerking/jolting of this area.  For example, you are correctly proceeding in your motor vehicle when it is hit at speed from the rear – your body, in particular your head / neck, will be suddenly thrown forwards; your seatbelt will then kick in and then your head will be thrown backwards.  It is this type of sudden and violent movement that causes whiplash.
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December 09, 2011

Rear End Shunt

Yep, it’s that time of year again – winter! Cold nights and frosty mornings, and the need to wear layer upon layer of clothes just so you don’t freeze. And worst of all, the pain of having to drive somewhere.

Driving in the winter can be a nightmare. Waiting relentlessly to defrost your car, making sure your tyres are winter proof, stocking up on de-icer; we all know the feeling. But worst of all are the icy roads – one negligent move from a third party vehicle and you have them colliding into the back of you, causing a road traffic accident, or worse still, causing you to sustain injuries as a result of the accident that wasn’t even your fault.

If anything goes by last year’s events of heavy snow and icy roads, here at The Injury Lawyers we are preparing ourselves for these types of accidents to come pouring through our help lines. If you have been in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, you could have a successful claim for personal injury – so don’t hesitate to call for some free legal advice.
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December 09, 2011

Hairdresser – Claiming Compensation

We have helped many clients claim for compensation for a range of injuries and problems that have been caused by the negligent actions of a hairdresser. We place a lot of trust in a professional whose job is to ultimately use sharp implements and chemicals on our heads! That, and the fact that many of us out there pride ourselves on our hair.

You can end up injured in a whole host of ways, and many people do not know about their rights to claim for compensation. Here’s a breakdown of scenarios where we have successfully claimed compensation for our clients:

Cuts and Lacerations
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December 09, 2011

Slip and Trips – At Work, or Out and About

Every year, as Christmas draws nearer, my inner child is always awakened with the first fall of snow. Let’s be honest; our country has never been renowned for its white Christmases. Having said this, over recent years Mother Nature has attempted to give us some snowy cheer, and whilst we all love a bit of snow, the harsh reality is that claims for personal injury that are caused directly by snow go on the rise.

In a working environment, it is important to realise that employers are under a legal obligation to provide working conditions which are safe and free form reasonable danger for their employees. Keeping this in mind when thinking of snow, ice, and harsh wintry conditions, from a legal perspective, you have to take in to account employees wading through the snow and bringing water in to the workplace from the soles of their footwear.

Now, your employer has the duty of care to ensure that all walkways are safe and free of hazards; something that needs to be reviewed even more closely during harsh weather conditions. They must ensure that all floors are kept suitable to walk on- cornering off any unsuitable areas with warning signs and deterrents, or perhaps ensue to dry and water or moisture from the floor as quickly as possible. In light of this, if you have had an accident at work as a result of poor weather conditions or otherwise, and you believe that your employer failed to provide adequate warning or deterrent to prevent your accident, there is a high possibility that you may be able to claim for compensation.
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December 08, 2011

Passenger Injury Claims

At The Injury Lawyers, we provide hours of free legal advice each day to prospective new clients.  Our dedicated claims team with their own direct claims line telephone number are on hand every week day between 9am and 10pm, and weekends between 9am and 5pm to help you out with any potential claim you may have.

We come across a whole host of different types of claims, some of which are harder than others to advise on; however, as a specialist firm of injury lawyers, we are sure to be able to answer all your questions.  Our job is made a whole host easier though when people ring up or enquire on our website about potential injury claims where they have been a passenger in a motor vehicle – you almost have a definite claim for compensation, and there is simply not a lot more we can do other than just getting the ball rolling on your claim should you want us to do so on the very same day.

The reason you have an almost guaranteed claim is straightforward – Those who use the road owe other road users a duty of care not to injure them.  For example, as a driver you have a duty of care not to negligently cause an accident.  So, if you are a passenger in the vehicle, both the driver of the car you are in has a duty of care not to cause you injury, and any other driver owes you the same duty of care as well.
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