In the United Kingdom, if you have been injured as a result of somebody else’s negligence, you are able to obtain compensation from the negligent party to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have happened.
At The Injury Lawyers, we typically deal with injuries that arise from road traffic accidents and accidents at work, or those out and about in your local town centre – but so long as you have been injured through someone else’s negligence, claiming for compensation is not confined to these types of accident.
A further type of injury claim is one for injuries that people have sustained whilst playing sport. However, there are many things to consider when assessing the prospects of success of a sporting injury claim. Firstly, what you have to realise is that, when you play sport, you are accepting the inherent risks of injury involved with that particular sport. For instance, if you are a boxer, you are accepting that you will get punched in the face and might end up with a black eye or a broken nose. In rugby, you are accepting that you are going to face some tough, heavy challenges for the ball, which carries an inherent risk of injury in doing so.
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