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November 29, 2011

Bus Accident Claims – What to Do!

Public Transport Accidents Rise with Petrol Increase.

Despite the recent statement by the government to scrap the 3p rise on fuel duty planned for January, families continue to struggle with the higher petrol prices we are subject to every day. As a result, more and more people are turning to public transport.

With the increase of usage of public transport, there is a noticeable rise of road traffic accident claims involving passengers on public transport.
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November 29, 2011

Road Accident Claims

Have you been in a road traffic accident? Did your accident occur after 30th April 2010? Did the accident occur in England or Wales? If you have answered yes to all three questions here, you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries as a result of your accident through the Road Traffic Accident Protocol.

The Road Traffic Accident Protocol is a more efficient and effective procedure to get the compensation you deserve. The Road Traffic Accident Protocol uses a Claims Notification Form which provides the Defendant insurers with all the circumstances surrounding your accident, and is submitted through an electronic portal to speed the process up.

We all would like claiming for compensation to be as simple and easy as possible – well now it is! All you need to do is ensure that you have all the following information and give us a call today and we can get your claim moving on that very same day!
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November 28, 2011

Slip on Wet Floor

Slipping on a wet floor has been both the butt of slapstick humour as well as a common stereotype for claims for personal injury for countless years. But for those who have ever slipped on a wet floor and hurt themselves, it’s no laughing matter.

Slipping due to a floor being wet, or having some article or debris on the floor causing the surface to become slippery, is one of the most common forms of accidents we advise people about and represent victims for claims for compensation. In reality, you can end up slipping anywhere whilst out and about for a whole host of reasons. You might slip on some spilt food or drink in a supermarket, a wet floor in a shopping mall entrance, or at work after your colleague has mopped up the floor.

But – can you claim for compensation after slipping due to a dangerous or wet floor?
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November 25, 2011

Whiplash Injury Compensation Lawyers

Whiplash is a pretty painful injury to suffer with. I’m recovering from it myself – and if you are reading this as a whiplash sufferer, or if you have recovered from a whiplash injury, you will know where I am coming from!

The symptoms can actually be a lot more complicated and a lot more varied than most people think. The symptoms that are generally associated with whiplash are:

  • Pain in the neck, and / or back, and / or shoulder areas. Affected areas can be sore, stiff, or ache.
  • Reduced movement in the affected areas
  • Headaches, and sometimes dizziness and sickness
  • Pins and needs in the arms
  • Tingling sensations in affected areas

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November 25, 2011

Uninsured Driver Claims Advice

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and you are to obtain compensation, this will in almost every instance be provided by the negligent drivers’ insurance company

This is one of the reasons why it is compulsory to have motor insurance; if something does go wrong, it can be sorted out as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately though, there are over 1 million drivers in the UK who drive illegally without insurance.  So – what happens if you are injured in an accident caused by an uninsured driver?  Where would you get your compensation from?

Obviously it won’t be from their insurer – so, does the negligent driver themselves have to compensate you? Well that is a possibility, but it is unlikely because they probably don’t have the money to pay out.  Ok, so does that mean they get away with it, and an injured victim cannot be compensated? Fortunately not!  This is where the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’) can step in.
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November 25, 2011

Cycling Accident Claim

It was only last week that I wrote about the potential perils of cycling.  It is sad then to hear of the death of two cyclists in London in the space of just a few weeks.  BBC news has reported that a lorry driver has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving after a 34-year-old woman was killed in Bow on Friday, following the death of a 58-year-old man who was killed in a collision with a tipper truck last month.  According to BBC news, Transport for London has said it is ‘sorry’ about the recent deaths and the London Cycling Campaign has insisted that the design of some of London’s roads be looked into with a view to redesigning them to make it safer for cyclists. 

Such is the frustration of London’s cyclists, that this weekend, approximately 300 took to the roads to highlight the dangers of cycling in the capital.  Despite recent events, Transport for London has stated that there has been a near 20% fall in cyclists being killed or seriously injured in London in the past 10 years.

At The Injury Lawyers we are of the opinion that one death, or even one serious injury, is one too many.  Action must be taken to make our roads safer for cyclists.  If you have been unfortunate enough to have been involved in a road traffic accident whilst cycling and you have sustained an injury as a result, no matter how small, get in touch and we can see if we can help put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have happened by getting you the maximum compensation you deserve, and the medical treatment you need fast.
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November 24, 2011

Shopping Accident Claims

Shopping has become part of our everyday lifestyle.  Times have changed since the shops specialised in a particular product or item. These days most of our shopping is done at our local supermarket, which is probably at the end of the high street.

All supermarkets employees should be trained to a certain standard to ensure that the shop floors are kept clean and tidy, and the shelves are stocked up regularly with products for us to purchase.  Ultimately it is the responsibility of the employer and the employees to make sure that the premises are safe for customers and staff alike.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and accidents occur from time to time when they could not have been prevented.
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November 24, 2011

Compensation for Sporting Injuries

In the United Kingdom, if you have been injured as a result of somebody else’s negligence, you are able to obtain compensation from the negligent party to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have happened. 

At The Injury Lawyers, we typically deal with injuries that arise from road traffic accidents and accidents at work, or those out and about in your local town centre –  but so long as you have been injured through someone else’s negligence, claiming for compensation is not confined to these types of accident.

A further type of injury claim is one for injuries that people have sustained whilst playing sport.  However, there are many things to consider when assessing the prospects of success of a sporting injury claim.  Firstly, what you have to realise is that, when you play sport, you are accepting the inherent risks of injury involved with that particular sport.  For instance, if you are a boxer, you are accepting that you will get punched in the face and might end up with a black eye or a broken nose.  In rugby, you are accepting that you are going to face some tough, heavy challenges for the ball, which carries an inherent risk of injury in doing so. 
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By Author
November 24, 2011

Passenger Injury Compensation

Did you know that if you were a passenger injured in a road traffic accident that you have one of the best prospects of making a successful personal injury claim?

It does not matter whether you were the passenger in the car whose driver is at fault for the accident, or the passenger in a vehicle which has been involved in a collision with a negligent third party – so long as the blame for the accident cannot be attributed to you (which is, as a passenger, highly unlikely), you almost have a definite guaranteed claim for compensation

This is because you have sustained injuries through no fault of your own, and the law allows you, as the innocent party, to obtain compensation for these injuries.  Road users owe other road users a duty of care to ensure their safety and wellbeing; the same applies to drivers who owe their passengers the same duty of care.
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November 23, 2011

Road Traffic Accidents Involving Uninsured Drivers

Road traffic accident claiming is straightforward – especially where the other driver has insurance as the usual route is to claim compensation from the insurance company.  However, it has been suggested that there are over one million uninsured drivers in the United Kingdom

So, how do you make a claim for compensation against an uninsured driver? After all, pursuing the driver themselves may not be fruitful as they will in all likelihood not be worth suing.  Does this mean that you cannot be compensated for the injuries you sustained at the hands of a negligent uninsured driver? No.

Over five decades ago, in 1946, an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau was set up to compensate the innocent victims of negligent uninsured drivers.  A compensation fund was started with roughly £15 to £30 of everyone’s yearly insurance policy being contributed.  This has meant that millions of innocent victims of negligent uninsured drivers have been able to obtain compensation for their injuries and vehicle damages.  It would be unjust if they could not be compensated simply because the negligent third party has broken the law – the Motor Insurers’ Bureau is able to deal with the claim and provide compensation like an insurer would.
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