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ladder injury at work claims
November 08, 2011

Ladder accidents and injury claims advice

For some people, using a ladder can be a pretty scary thing – fear of heights is a pretty common phobia. For others, working up ladders is your bread and butter; builders, window cleaners, roofers, etc. In reality, we are all probably aware that working up a ladder comes with its inherent dangers. That’s the reason why there is important legalisation in place that is designed to ensure that accidents from ladders do not occur.

According to the HSE, there were around 3,350 major incidents at work that were caused by falls from height; of further concern, there were 46 fatal incidents…
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November 08, 2011

Building Site Injuries

Site Safety, Protective Equipment, Work Equipment, Private Residences / Small Builders

Building sites are dangerous places – it’s the reason why the health and safety rules and regulations are so tight for people who have to either access them or work on them. The standard “hard hats and safety boots” are usually on signs dotted around various entry points to sites to make sure the basic protection is provided; but there is of course much more to it than that.

Site Safety
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November 03, 2011

Have I Got a Claim?

This is one of the most common questions I hear here at The Injury Lawyers – you’ve been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, and you want to know if you have the right to make a claim for compensation.

The answer is simple – find out by calling us today, and we can usually tell you within minutes if you have a claim or not. However, if you are not quite sure about calling us yet (although there’s nothing to worry about – our advice is on a no obligation basis, and we certainly don’t bite!), read this little help article for you below and we may be able to answer some of the questions you have relating to whether you have a claim for compensation of not.

When Can You Make a Claim for Compensation?
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By Author
November 02, 2011

Workplace Accidents – What Next?

If you have been injured as a result of an accident at work, you may be entitled to claim compensation. The latest government figures for 2010 show that 147 people were killed whilst at work, and over 121,000 other accidents happened at work that were serious enough to need reporting to the governments Health and Safety Executive.

If you are injured whilst you are at work or because of your work, your employer may be responsible for paying you compensation if they have failed to meet their legal responsibility to keep their employees safe.

In the vast majority of cases, the claim will be dealt with by the employer’s insurance company. It is a legal requirement for all employers to have insurance in place to cover the risk of employees being injured at work.
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November 02, 2011

Roundabout Accident Claims

At The Injury Lawyers we take on countless numbers of road traffic accidents on a daily basis, and we have successfully obtained compensation for thousands of victims of third party negligence. 

The most common road traffic accident we come across is where a negligent third party driver has collided with the rear of an innocent victim’s motor vehicle.  Other common road traffic accidents involve head-on collisions, or where a vehicle has emerged from a side road and collided with the side of another vehicle.  The purpose of this blog is to discuss another common type of road traffic accident; those which occur on roundabouts.

For most people, dealing with roundabouts is fairly straightforward, especially the smaller ones.  For others, it is a traumatic experience.  Nevertheless, it is both confident and nervy drivers who get caught up in road traffic accidents on roundabouts through no fault of their own. 
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By Author
November 01, 2011

Making a Claim – Step By Step Guide

The step by step guide of pursuing a claim for personal injury with The Injury Lawyers

If only I had a pound for every time I hear the words “Well liability has been admitted, so why hasn’t my claim settled yet?” then I’d be a very rich person indeed! The answer to that is that there are a number of steps involved in pursuing a claim for personal injury that need to be resolved aside from just liability.

So, I thought I would give you a brief oversight of the claims process to assist you in understanding it and to give you a full picture of the goings on in a claim for personal injury.
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By Author
October 31, 2011

Forklift Truck Accidents

At The Injury Lawyers we are proud to say we are experts in the field of personal injury law.  We deal only in personal injury law, and we have years and years of experience between our expert injury lawyers.

Each day we get numerous calls with potential new claims and we are extremely happy to look into each potential claim to see if it is something we can help you out with.  Our clients are our lifeblood; they are who we work for, and for each and every one we genuinely fight tooth and nail to get them the maximum compensation they deserve.

Over the years we have had some particularly interesting cases and some particularly unusual ones.  Today, I will be writing about forklift truck and pallet truck accidents; a category of accident claim that I would class as potentially fairly regular…
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By Author
October 31, 2011

What to do if you are Involved in a Car Accident

As more and more people drive cars and our roads become increasingly crowded it is a sad fact that the chances of you being involved in a road traffic accident are higher than ever before.

If you are involved in a road accident, it is important to try not to panic. If the accident is serious, you should call the emergency services and offer any help and assistance to the injured people that you can safely provide.

If anyone was injured in the accident it is always a good idea to call the police to the scene. They will advise you whether it is safe to leave and also make a report of the accident that could be useful later on.
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By Author
October 28, 2011

Cyclist Accident Claims

A large number of personal injury claims are caused by slips and trips by pedestrians because of defects or hazards on the footpaths, and road traffic accidents involving collisions between various road users.

However, over the last few years as people try to keep fit, save money, or help the environment, there have been an increasing number of cyclists on the roads. Although the government has introduced various measures, such as cycling lanes, to make using a bicycle safer and more convenient, it is unfortunate that the roads remain a dangerous place for cyclists.

The two most common types of accidents that result in personal injury to cyclists are the result of being hit by a vehicle whilst on the road, or because of a defect in the road or pavement surface.
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October 28, 2011

5 Things You NEED to Know about Making a Claim!

The wonderful World Wide Web is an absolute wealth of useful information. I honestly don’t know how I’d live without it!

There are literally hundreds – if not, thousands – of websites, blogs, news articles, and resources that give you information about making a claim for compensation, and what you should do. So, to help you out, here is a concise guide containing the 5 essential things you need to know about making a claim for compensation. Hopefully this should answer all of your queries!

1. You’ve had an accident, what should you do!?
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