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September 13, 2011

Insurer Referral Fees to be Banned!

The referral fees involved in personal injury claims is a topic we have blogged about and condemned on so many occasions. We, as in independent firm of specialist personal injury lawyers who hate the concept of referral fees where middlemen profit from injury victims in return for passing details around, are proud to have never been a part of it.

Just in the last few months we were ecstatic to hear that our former Justice Secretary Mr Jack Straw had exposed what has been called the insurance industries “dirty little secret” when he investigated how the details of one of his constituents was passed around for profit following a road accident. We were overjoyed to hear the investigations concluded that the real reason for insurance premiums being driven up was a symptom of the referral fees rackets.

Now, it appears we are finally making some headway in ridding the country of the referral fee disease.
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September 12, 2011

How Much Compensation Will I Receive?

One of the most common questions people ask when they make a claim is ‘how much will I receive from my claim?’ If you have been injured as the result of an accident that was not your fault, you are entitled to claim compensation. In the majority of cases, financial compensation is the only remedy available and it is only natural for claimants to want to know how much they will receive.

There are two types of compensation, or ‘damages’ as they are formally called – ‘special damages’ and ‘general damages’.

Special damages are those paid to compensate the claimant for the actual financial losses caused as the result of an accident.  The aim of a personal injury claim is, as far as is reasonably possible, to put the injured person back in the position that they would have been in had the accident not have occurred.
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September 12, 2011

Claims Against Taxis

Injured in a road traffic accident whilst a passenger in a taxi?

Have you been involved in a road traffic accident whilst travelling as a passenger in a taxi, and as a result of this sustained injury and/or incurred losses, you are not sure of your rights, or you are contemplating submitting a claim but do not know the process?

As a passenger you are seen to be an innocent party as you are not the driver of the vehicle and you are likely not at fault. You are entitled to submit a claim for compensation up to three years from the date of the accident whether it was the taxi driver at fault or another driver involved.
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September 12, 2011

Injuries at Work

Accidents at work are one of the most common types of personal injury claims. It is not just people in dangerous jobs or those involving high risk activities who suffer accidents at work. The most common accidents involve ordinary people doing everyday tasks.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is an independent watchdog that monitors job-related health and safety as well as illnesses that are caused by work.  The latest figures from the HSE show that in 2000/10, 28.5 million working days were lost because of work-related ill health. 5.1 million of these were caused by accidents at work.

If you have an accident at work, you should make sure that you report the accident using the reporting procedure available in your workplace. Your employer is required to keep a record of any workplace accidents by law. Your employer must also report any serious accident to the HSE.
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September 08, 2011

Making an Accident Claim

There are several ways of making compensation claims, and there are several companies you could enlist to help you. In fact, the world of compensation claiming can be made so confusing when you have no idea what to do or where to turn.

So – to help you out, read this guide on the best ways of making a claim, and what to look out for when deciding who should represent you.

At the end of the day, you’ve been injured at no fault of your own, and you are legally entitled to recover compensation for your injuries and losses (losses such as lost earnings or medical expenses).
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September 08, 2011

Compensation Claim Time Limit

Yes – there is a time limit in which to make a claim for compensation. The limit your claim will fall in to depends on a number of general factors; so really, the best thing you can do is speak to an injury lawyer direct to find out when the limit runs out for your claim.

As a general rule – THE QUICKER YOU CLAIM, THE BETTER! Events will be fresh in your mind, and you can get access to private medical care to help you recover quicker with a good injury lawyer on board.

How Long Do You Have to Claim?
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September 07, 2011

Claims Referral Fees Scam

At The Injury Lawyers we have never paid a referral fee for any of our client’s claims.  In fact, there are no circumstances under which we would pay a referral fee for a claim.  It is simply not how we operate.

A referral fee is a fee paid to a third party in return for an accident victims details where this person has been involved in an accident and likely has a potential claim for compensation.  Usually a solicitor will pay an insurer or claims management company and they will give them contact details so that they can hopefully get the victim on board to make a claim, and in the long run make money from doing so.

Typically a referral fee will cost anywhere in the region of £200 to £1,000.  By paying a referral fee a solicitor has demonstrated that they are wanting to act on your behalf to make money.  For example, your case could be worth £10,000 to £20,000 to your solicitor who has paid £1,000.  As you can see, a good profit can be made and it is in their interests to get hold of your claim at this price so that they can benefit in the future.
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September 07, 2011

What Happens after a Workplace Accident

When we refer to an accident at work, most people think only of a severe incident which has resulted in broken bones or worse – but accidents do not have to be as major as this and can also be psychological as well as physical.  If you have had an injury at work, it should be reported to a manager or senior within the company as soon as possible.

It is the responsibility of your employer to ensure that all staff know the health and safety rules within the workplace, and what the procedure is in the event that an accident occurs.

There should be a qualified first aider within the work place who attends to the injury, and unless the business is a very small concern, there should also be an accident book where all injuries occurring within the work place are recorded.  Employers are also responsible for reporting certain accidents/injuries to the Health & Safety Officer, and you as the employee have the right to receive sick pay if you are entitled to it.
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September 06, 2011

What Does a No Win, No Fee Agreement Mean?

The cost of making a claim can run into thousands of pounds; but this should not put you off making a claim. Although your solicitor can give you an idea of whether your claim will be successful, it is rarely possible to be 100% certain unless you have been hit in the rear by another vehicle whilst stationary, or you were a passenger in a road collision.

Legal aid for most personal injury claims was abolished in 2000 and a different way of funding these claims was introduced – the no win, no fee agreement.

This is an agreement that means that, if your claim is not successful, you will not have to pay a penny to your solicitor for their fees. Under this agreement, if the claim is unsuccessful your solicitor will do the work for your claim without any payment from you for their fees;.  The way that claims are now funded means that solicitors can charge an additional fee to the defendant – a ‘success fee’ –  when they win. This extra amount is used to pay for those claims that aren’t successful. This means that there is no reason for a solicitor to charge you for their costs whether you win or lose and you should always avoid using a solicitor that will take any money out of your  compensation.
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September 06, 2011

Why You Should Make a Claim for Compensation

Should I make a claim for compensation? This is a common question asked to us when we are advising people about the merits of any potential claim they think they might have. Ultimately, it’s your life, and therefore your decision – no one can take that away from you, or force you in to making a claim.

So, as the decision is entirely yours, here are a few positive reasons why making a claim for compensation is a good thing.

Compensation Payout
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