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August 01, 2011

Road Traffic Accidents on a Roundabout

Many people can find roundabouts difficult to navigate. This is usually because the person may not know exactly where they are going and which exit off the roundabout to take – this can cause accidents and thus cause roundabouts to be one of the biggest accident hotspots.

I have listed below some of the most common reasons for accidents occurring on a roundabout:

  • Negligent drivers cutting across lanes to take their exit, thus causing panic in other drivers as well as collisions.
  • Negligent drivers not taking heed of traffic coming to a stop in front of them, causing a rear end shunt at the entrance to the roundabout.
  • Negligent drivers entering a roundabout without making the necessary checks that the path ahead of them is clear, thus causing a collision.
  • Negligent drivers not giving priority to traffic entering the roundabout to the right of them, thus causing a collision

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August 01, 2011

Making a Road Accident Claim – The process

Claiming for compensation where you have been injured in a relatively minor road traffic accident can be quite a straightforward and fast process.  A couple of years ago your claim could have taken well over six months; but, since April 2010 the time taken to get your compensation is now estimated at a couple of months.  This is because a new protocol for low value personal injury claims arising from road traffic accidents has been introduced which has considerably speeded up the compensation process for any accidents occurring on or after 30th April 2010.

Once you have instructed a quality and expert injury lawyer who regularly deals with road traffic accident claims, and has years of experience with winning them, a Claim Notification Form will be submitted online on your behalf to the other side’s insurers.  The Claim Notification Form is a straightforward document which notes your details, the details of the vehicles involved, outlines the accident and the injuries you received as a result, and the reasons why we are alleging fault for a claim.  If you are unsure how to complete this at any time, do not worry – your injury lawyer will be on hand to help you and guide you through filling it in.  Once completed, it is submitted electronically to the other side who have one business day to acknowledge receipt.

Once the other side’s insurers receive the Claim Notification Form they are allowed a period of 15 business days in which to formally admit or deny liability.  At The Injury Lawyers we only take on claims we genuinely believe will be successful, so in this 15 day period we fully expect an admission of liability.  What’s better, even though the other side have 15 days to respond, they could well admit liability within 1 or 2 days, meaning you are even closer to quickly obtaining the compensation you deserve.  Under the old system, the other side had a period of 21 days to acknowledge your claim and then a further 3 months to investigate it.  Now, they have just over two weeks to admit or deny liability.  This is why your claim for compensation is far from arduous and can be over in a few short simple weeks.
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August 01, 2011

Occupier’s Liability Claims

The term Occupier’s Liability may sound complex, but its meaning is fairly simple to explain. There are two Occupier’s Liability Acts; the one relevant for our discussions in this blog is the Occupier’s Liability Act 1957.  It is this act which offers protection to the ‘lawful visitors’ of premises rather than trespassers with which the other Act deals. The act states that the Occupier has a duty to ensure its visitors will be reasonably safe when visiting its premises. Contrary to how the name sounds an Occupier need not actually occupy the premises as such; an occupier is simply the person(s) who have overall physical control over the premises. A good way to illustrate this is with the following examples of Occupier’s liablity claims:

  • An item falling on you from a poorly stacked shelf in a supermarket – this may be a strong claim for personal injury and would be directed against the supermarket.
  • Slipping on a spillage in a night club – if you have been injured as a result, this too may be a claim and would be directed against the nightclub.

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July 29, 2011

Claiming for your Reasonable Losses

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, and you have been injured as a result, you may have a claim for compensation.

Another term for compensation is ‘damages’ and there are two types of damages for which you can claim – these are General Damages and Special Damages. General damages is the compensation for your injuries – i.e. for the pain and suffering you have endured and the effects those injuries have had on your life.  Special damages are the quantifiable financial losses which you have suffered as a result of your accident – these will be the topic of the following blog.

There are many types of losses which you can recoup and claim back from the other side – I have listed some of the more common types below:
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July 29, 2011

Accident Claims Scotland

If you have had an accident in Scotland, you may be surprised to know that there are variances between England / Wales law and Scottish law that could mean the difference between incurring a deduction from your compensation and not being charged at all.

In England and Wales, for most claims for compensation, your injury lawyer has the ability to recover all of their legal fees directly from your opponent. For example, if you claim for compensation from the insurance of the driver at fault for a car accident, your lawyers should have no problems recovering their legal fees straight from the insurance as well.

With a good injury lawyer, you will never have a percentage taken away, and you will never end up having to pay a penny if you win. These are things you should check beforehand as there are lawyers out there willing to charge, but you don’t have to be charged with the right lawyer!
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July 28, 2011

Accident Claims Calculator

We, like many other lawyers out there, have our own personal injury calculator on our website that has been there to help accident victims get an idea as to what they could be entitled to claim for in compensation for years.  Whilst the calculator can be useful, it has its numerous limitations – so, here’s a quick guide to fill you in on how it works:

How Does it Value My Claim?

Well, firstly, it’s important to understand that I’m basing this on our own calculator – as many others out there could be different. Out calculator provides you with brackets and figures based on official guidelines that we, as specialist injury lawyers, actually use when we value our own clients claims. The figures come from the JSB (Judicial Studies Board) Guidelines, which are guidelines set out to assist lawyers and insurers when it comes to agreeing settlement for a claim.
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July 28, 2011

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE as it is more commonly known, is equipment which can be used or worn to protect you from risks to your health and safety. PPE can come in all shapes and sizes, and so can be anything from safety boots, to ear defenders, to anti vibration gloves.

It is the duty of your employer to provide the necessary PPE, and to cover the full costs of the equipment. Once you are provided with the PPE you should also be trained in its use, your employer should be able to evidence this training with documentation.

Employers must also ensure that the PPE itself does not cause a risk to health and safety, For example, there should be no risk of the PPE getting trapped in machinery or the user overheating due to it.
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July 28, 2011

Whiplash Claims Guide

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in whiplash claiming, and so are fully aware of the debilitating effect it can have on a person’s life. That is why we treat the condition with the seriousness that it deserves, fighting tooth and nail to get our client’s the best possible amount of compensation they are entitled to receive.


At The Injury Lawyers we tend to see whiplash most commonly as a result of road traffic accidents as the injury is commonly caused through a jolt to the head / neck area. It is common for people not to report injury at the scene of an accident, but to suffer whiplash later on as the symptoms, which I will discuss below, usually become apparent a few hours later, or even the following day or sometimes longer.
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July 28, 2011

Road Traffic Accident Claiming

At The Injury Lawyers we have a great deal of experience in road traffic accident claiming. For clients that have suffered an accident after 30th April 2010 and whose claim is within a certain value, we are pleased to inform them that their claim can be run through a fast track system that can be much quicker than other common compensation claims.

The Process…

This fast track system is begun by completing a Claim Notification Form. This form is the first correspondence the other side will receive on your claim and sets out the accident circumstances in full, together with the necessary information required for your case to be investigated thoroughly. Once this is completed, it is submitted via an electronic portal over the internet, which means that all correspondence is sent and received simultaneously, therefore making the claiming process much faster and more streamlined. After this is submitted, the other side have one business day to acknowledge the claim, and 15 business days to provide their response regarding liability. This is in stark contrast to the system of old which allowed the other side nearly 4 months to respond.
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July 27, 2011

Work Accident Claims

If you have been injured at work through no fault of your own, you may well have a successful claim for compensation.

Your employers have an important duty to ensure that your health and safety is maintained at all times whilst you are at work, and there are a number of rules and regulations that they must abide by. If your accident and / or injuries were caused because your employers failed in this important duty of care that they have for you, their insurance should cover you and compensate you.

So – how do you make a work accident claim, and what does it entail?
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