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July 20, 2011

Theme Park Accident in Alton Towers

I was thinking today about accidents at theme parks in general – namely Alton Towers, as one of the UK’s largest and most popular theme parks. It’s actually quite close to where I live, and I’m thinking of heading down with some friends before the end of summer (which seems to be looming way too quickly). As I’m personally still suffering from my whiplash at the moment, I was wondering how this may effect it given it’s full of fast rides that will inevitably knock my neck around. But it got my thinking about the many theme park accidents there have been in the past.
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July 20, 2011

Britain’s ‘Compensation Culture’ in the News

OK – so there is this whole thing about a ‘compensation culture’ in the UK that has hit the headlines on numerous occasions. In reality, if you read the Lord Young / Jackson reports of late, the whole idea of a ‘compensation culture’ was deemed a media fuelled myth, of which there really is no issue.

The most recent headlines have been those of our former justice secretary Jack Straw whom, after investigating how one of his constituents details were sold around for money between claims companies and insurers to solicitors, hit out at the frivolous profit making industry of personal injury referral fees; something which we never pay and have always been against.

The insurers themselves were blamed for the increase in our car premiums as it was uncovered that it was the insurers themselves that are a party to the referral fee system, in which their own policy holder’s details are passed over to solicitors who are willing to pay huge referral fees of up to £1000 per claim. This has, according to recent news, been responsible for an increase in ‘frivolous’ claims that have not only driven our premiums up, but provided the insurers with a millions of pounds in profit from passing the details of accident victims over.
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July 20, 2011

Making a Claim for Whiplash – the Process Explained.

At The Injury Lawyers we tend to see whiplash most commonly from a road traffic accident – so, in this blog, I will be explaining the process of claiming for the same. Whiplash can be caused by a variety of accidents and not simply by a road traffic accident; so if this is the case with you, please see one of our other helpful blogs on that process – a good blog to take a look at is

The Process…

If your road traffic accident occurred after 30th April 2010 and is below the value of £10,000 it goes through a new, faster, more streamlined system set up by the Ministry of Justice.  This system is begun by completing a form called a Claim Notification Form. At The Injury Lawyers we take you through the form and assist you from start to finish in filling it in. Once this form has been signed by you, we can then send it off to the Defendant’s insurers.
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July 19, 2011

Road Accident Claims

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident and it was through no fault of your own, you may have a claim for compensation. If you are reading this blog you are likely to be in this situation and looking for a personal injury firm to take on your claim.

Choosing the right law firm for your claim…

There are many law firms and referral agencies out there vying for your business, so it is understandably hard to make that all important choice as to where to take your claim. I have therefore set out below some benefits which you should look out for when choosing a law firm to instruct for your claim:
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July 19, 2011

Untraced and Uninsured Compensation Claims

It is bad enough when you have been involved in a road traffic accident and your car has been damaged – particularly if your car happens to be your pride and joy, and getting it fixed is an absolute hassle.  It is worse though, where it is not just your car that is damaged, but where you have been injured in the accident as well. 

Where the accident was not your fault, you will often have a successful claim for compensation through the negligent drivers’ insurers if you wish to make one.  But, what if you have been injured and you wish to make a claim for compensation, but the other driver either fled the scene of the accident or was not insured.  How would you go about claiming compensation when the usual path is to seek it from the other side’s insurers?

Fortunately, you are not left in a scenario where you have no form of recourse.  Where the negligent party has not stuck around or has no insurance, you can still receive compensation; instead of receiving it from the other side’s insurers you will get it through an organisation called the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (‘MIB’).  It would be unpalatable if you were left uncompensated simply because the other side was not decent enough to stick around or did not abide by the law and pay for insurance.
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July 19, 2011

Your Medical Report for a Claim

If you are reading this blog then you may have had liability admitted on your claim and you are wondering where you will be going from here. Well, firstly, having liability admitted is the first successful step towards getting your settlement as the other side have admitted fault for your accident – so you should be pleased.

From liability being admitted, your solicitor will arrange for you to be medically examined by a suitable expert medical consultant. This medical examination should be arranged at a time and place convenient for yourself – at The Injury Lawyers we ask for the examination to be arranged with the closest consultant to you with the shortest waiting list.

Before attending your medical appointment we advise our clients to ensure they inform the medic as fully and as accurately as possible – including the full accident circumstances and the various effects the accident and injuries have had on their life. We advise this as the medical report goes into detail about these various effects and so forms the basis from which your claim can be valued.
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July 19, 2011

No Win No Fee Explained

You may think that you know what no win no fee means – i.e. it does what it says on the tin – you lose your claim and you do not have to pay a penny. But, what happens if you win your claim? Furthermore, how does it actually work?

Well I hope to shed some light on the above in this following blog:

If you lose your claim…
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shoulder neck injury chronic pain compensation
July 19, 2011

Is it worth claiming for whiplash compensation?

If you are reading this blog you may have just been diagnosed with whiplash and you may be wondering how much your claim may be worth, and if it’s worthwhile claiming at all. I’m here to give you an idea of how claims for whiplash are valued by a solicitor, and also to run you through some of the additional benefits you may receive by claiming:
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July 18, 2011

Your compensation claim explained

Quite a lot of people are aware that where they have been injured through no fault of their own they could be entitled to compensation.  As such, they seek to instruct a lawyer to act on their behalf.  What most people are not sure about is how claiming for compensation works.  Here is a quick guide to the claiming process for most general accidents, such as accidents at work or accidents in the street.

The very first step is getting in touch with your injury lawyer and providing them with as much detail as possible about your accident.  So, if you tripped over a piece of defective paving whilst you were out shopping, your injury lawyer will need to know the precise location of the defect.  For example, it could be outside the entrance of a shop, or if it was outside a house, the number of the house and name of the road would be useful.  Of course, taking pictures of the defect and the accident location is also particularly helpful.

Once we have all your details, the details of the accident, and we know who we are to pursue your claim against, we then compile what is called the Letter of Claim.  This gets sent to the negligent third party and outlines what has happened and why we believe they should compensate you for your injuries.  By law they are entitled to a period of 21 days in which to respond to this letter and acknowledge receipt.
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July 18, 2011

Whiplash Symptoms

At The Injury Lawyers we hear from our clients on a daily basis what a debilitating condition whiplash can be. This is why we treat it with the utmost seriousness and fight tooth and nail to maximise our client’s compensation.


Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolt to the head, causing the neck to move beyond its normal range. This in turn causes nerves, muscles and tendons in the neck to be damaged. This damage causes the symptoms of whiplash that I will discuss in the following blog.
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