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July 06, 2011

So, You Want To Make A Claim For Compensation?

personal injury compensation adviceI feel that there may be many blameless victims of accidents sat out there thinking that claiming for compensation is more hassle than it is worth. I am writing this blog to hopefully change this view and inform you of the benefits of bringing a claim, as they may go farther than you might think…


The most obvious reason why people begin claims for personal injury is for compensation for their injuries.  This compensation is meant to reflect the severity of the injury, the length of time the person has suffered, and the effects the injury has had on all areas of a person’s life.

Compensation is meant to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident never have happened. Therefore, you are also entitled to claim back any financial losses you have suffered as a result of the accident. More common types of losses can include a loss of earnings, or the cost of medical treatment.
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July 06, 2011

Accident at Work – What Your Employer Should Be Doing to Keep You Safe

accident at work claimsThere are, literally, loads of acts, rules and regulations that employers must abide by to ensure the health and safety of their staff is always maintained adequately. If your employers have good practices and procedures in place to ensure all of these are followed, there should rarely be any accidents or incidents taking place.

Your employers, for example, have a duty in the following common areas of regulation:

Traffic Routes (Floors, walkways, paths etc)

Your employer must ensure that all traffic routes and walkways are free from defects and hazards. To uphold this, there should be a regular system of inspection and maintenance in place to ensure that any defects are rectified or cordoned off, and any spillages or other material hazards are removed as quickly as possible. The simple example is that it must be someone’s job to look out for spillages on a regular basis, and make sure to cordon them off and clear them away as soon as they are spotted.  A regime should be in place to check for these – e.g. every half an hour for each area or so.
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July 06, 2011

Valuing Your Whiplash Claim

whiplash injuryHow much compensation is my whiplash claim worth? This is a common question that many of our clients ask here at The Injury Lawyers. To answer this question with any accuracy is extremely difficult at the early stages of a claim – although we can often give ball park figures using our extensive experience in the area of whiplash claims.

Valuing your whiplash claim…

The reason why valuing a whiplash claim can be difficult at this stage is due to the fact that we have to value a claim using a medical report which is obtained after liability has been admitted on your claim. This medical report not only assesses your injury, but also details the effects it has had on all areas of your life – areas such as professional, social, and domestic life.
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July 05, 2011

Whiplash – The Hidden Injury With Visible Pain

whiplash injuryIf you’re reading this blog then you may have recently been involved in an accident that has caused you to have an injury which you feel might be whiplash related. Whiplash is one of those injuries which can get a bad press, and one which many people (often those who have not suffered with it) can underestimate. I feel whiplash can be underestimated for many reasons – one of the main reasons being that it’s not so plain to see as a broken bone or laceration to the skin. At The Injury Lawyers, we have the exact opposite approach – we treat whiplash with the utmost seriousness as we hear from our clients on a daily basis the debilitating effect it can have on all areas of their life.


Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolt to the head and neck areas, which in turn causes the neck to move beyond its normal range. This movement causes muscles and tendons in the neck to be damaged; thus leaving the person with symptoms that I will discuss below. At The Injury Lawyers, we tend to see whiplash most commonly as a consequence of road traffic accidents. It can however be caused by anything which causes your neck to be forced beyond its normal range.
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July 05, 2011

Jack Straw Investigates The Whiplash Claims ‘Racket’

whiplash claims racketA hot topic in the news recently has been the issue of referral fees highlighted by Jack Straw – the issue of insurers selling their customer’s information to law firms for profit.  Now, you may be thinking – what has this got to do with the amount of compensation I will get for my whiplash claim? Well, if you read on, you’ll see that it may have everything to do with it!


If you haven’t caught this latest news, I will give you a brief outline:

A constituent of Jack Straw had an accident and was subsequently bombarded with texts and calls for offers to take his claim on. Upon being notified of this, Jack Straw made a bid to find out how these various companies got his constituent’s personal information, including his mobile number. Jack Straw met with two major insurance companies who admitted to selling their customer’s information for profit. This has created much controversy, and has been reported in newspapers as a ‘racket’ and even against the spirit of data protection.
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July 05, 2011

Factors To Consider When Valuing Your Whiplash Claim

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Injury LawyersIf you have sustained a whiplash injury through no fault of your own, but because of the negligence of a third party, it is highly likely that you will be entitled to compensation for your injury.  At The Injury Lawyers we realise that a lot of people who get in touch with us regarding making a claim for compensation want to know how much their injury is worth.  As always, we advise at the beginning of their claim for compensation it is almost impossible to put an exact figure on how much their claim is worth, as there are many factors which have to be taken into account in order to properly value your claim.  This is not to say that we cannot give you a general idea as to how much your claim is worth – We can!  According to statistics, for example, Minor Whiplash claims are worth, on average, £2,500.

But here’s the thing – this is a rough average, and normally, one person’s claim is never identical to another.  Each claim must take into account the facts of each case.  Here’s a quick guide as to what factors are considered when valuing your claim:

Pain and suffering: As a rule of thumb, generally, the longer your whiplash injury persists, and the worse it is, the more compensation you will likely be entitled to.  A moderate whiplash injury lasting one year is worth more than a moderate whiplash injury lasting nine months.
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July 04, 2011

Making A Whiplash Claim The Process Explained

make a whiplash claimEver wondered what you actually have to do to make a whiplash claim for a road accident? Here is a guide on the process, and what you should look for when making a claim for whiplash compensation.

Making a Claim – The Process

If your road accident happened after 30th April 2010, your claim will likely fall under the new Road Traffic Accident Protocol for personal injury claims if your injuries are not classed as too serious. This new process was brought in to play to make the process much quicker, and allow injury lawyers and insurers to exchange information over the Ministry of Justices’ secure online internet portal.

Your lawyers will complete an online Claim Notification Form and submit this to the other side. The other side then has 15 working days to accept liability for your accident for the claim to remain in the new, faster system. So long as the claim stays in the system (i.e. deadlines are met by both lawyers and insurers), your claim can be resolved in a matter of months. The claim may ‘fall out’ of this new faster system for a number of reasons. For example:
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July 01, 2011

Insurers – The Sale of Your Information for Profit!

It seems apt right now to write a blog on the actions of our insurance companies being slammed in the media. I say this as it is has been widely reported in recent days that insurers are selling information on to personal injury referral agencies and law firms for profit.

It is Jack Straw which has spurred on this issue and highlighted the conduct of our insurance companies after one of his constituents reportedly had an accident and was swamped with personal calls and texts to take on his claim; despite the fact that he was not even injured.

In response to this, Jack Straw, in a bid to discover how these companies had got hold of his constituents details, including his mobile telephone number, uncovered the fact that it is indeed insurance companies that had been selling on customers information.
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July 01, 2011

Claiming for Compensation

Did you know that if you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation? I would say that most of you are aware of this, given that there has been a lot of advertising on this matter in recent times.  However, are you aware that the compensation that you could be awarded does not solely relate to the injuries you have suffered? I would hazard a guess that most are probably unaware of this.  The reality is that if you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation that covers ALL of your losses. 

What do I mean by all of your losses

Well, here is a very quick example – if you have had to take time off work because of your accident, it may be that you have only been paid statutory sick pay, and that you have lost out on a certain amount of wages. Well, your lawyers can make a claim for this loss of earnings to make sure that you are put back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred.  So, what exactly can a claim for compensation incorporate?  Here is a quick guide:
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July 01, 2011

Whiplash Compensation

If you are reading this blog, you may have been involved in a road traffic accident, and are suffering the effects of whiplash. If you are keeping up with the latest news, then you may also be expecting to get some calls and texts from law firms or referral agencies saying that they would like to take on your claim.

I say this as this is what happened to one of Jack Straw’s constituents after he had suffered an accident.  It was subsequently found that insurers actually sell on the information of their customers who have been involved in accidents. We of course have known about this practice for years. The good news is that it’s now more out in the open!

Law firms can pay up to £800, or even £1000, as it was reported in the Telegraph, for a claim. So if a law firm has paid so much for your claim, the profits they stand to make from the claim are greatly reduced. In order to redress the balance, it can then mean that they reduce the amount of time they spend on your claim, and therefore give you a poorer service. This in turn could impact on the amount of compensation you receive if they are not willing to fight tooth and nail to negotiate you the highest amount possible.
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