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mobility issues
April 19, 2018

Overworked care home staff linked to increased patient abuse

Overworked care home staff problems have been linked to increased levels of patient abuse, according to recent studies into abuse taking place, and staff feeling “burnout” in the job.

According to the results of the studies, neglect and abuse can be more common in care homes where staff are struggling to cope with increasing demands.

With staff from almost 100 care homes – around 15,000 employees in total – responding to requests for data, only one care home apparently reported not seeing or partaking in abuse whatsoever. This data, when cross-referenced with data on how staff are coping in their roles, shows a concerning – but perhaps rather obvious – trend.
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nhs care in crisis
April 12, 2018

NHS crisis worsens as patient care reportedly deteriorates…

The NHS crisis worsens, according to the latest information from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), which is a huge worry for increasing medical negligence claims. It’s thought that more than two-thirds of staff believe patient safety has declined over the past year since the last time key questions about the state of the NHS were asked.

Around 1,500 NHS employees were asked the same questions they’d been questioned about last year on the conditions they’re working in and the quality of care available, and some 80% are reportedly worried about the ability to keep patients safe, with 84% citing demoralised staff as a result of increased pressure on the NHS.
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doctor papers
April 05, 2018

GP practices reportedly being “paid” to NOT refer patients to hospitals

According to media sources, GP practices in five areas of the country are offered agreements where they can be paid from the savings amounted from not referring patients to hospitals.

This incredibly controversial “profit share” system could allow GPs to cash in from not referring patients to hospitals, which leads to serious concerns over the quality of care and advice that may be given.

If doctors have the power to put profit before people, it may only be a matter of time before a patient is not referred to a hospital and suffers as a result.
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drone accident claims
March 29, 2018

Drone accidents and liability – where do we stand?

In the same way there are a lot of unanswered questions over the liability and indemnity for autonomous vehicles, the same questions are also plaguing the growing use of drones.

You can buy outdoor drones and use them with barely any restrictions, but let’s face it; they can be dangerous and are known to come down unexpectedly or end up out of control.

With companies like Amazon wanting to use them for delivering parcels, we can safely say that the insurance and liability ought to rest with them; but what about the drones being used for personal use causing someone some serious damages?
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self-driving car kills pedestrian
March 22, 2018

First pedestrian killed by a self-driving car

Given there are clearly a number of outstanding safety issues and concerns over autonomous and self-drive cars, we have done a number of blogs about them in recent weeks and months.

Although there have been several accidents involving self-drive cars so far, we now have the first incident of a pedestrian killed by a self-drive car as well.

A self-drive Uber SUV that was in autonomous mode reportedly struck a 49-year-old woman earlier this week, fatally injuring her. The incident has once against called in to question the safety of self-drive vehicles that our own government are pushing to be on our roads in the next few years.
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confusion over compensation for self-driving car accidents
March 15, 2018

Self-driving vehicles and legal claims for compensation

In the next few years, the government wants autonomous vehicles – including self-driving lorries – on Britain’s roads. The problem is what happens when there is an accident, as well as how accidents can be stopped when a vehicle is essentially being controlled by a potentially fallible computer.

There have already been a number of incidents and fatalities with self-drive vehicles involved, so how can we be assured that they’re completely safe on our roads? If something does go wrong, how do we nail who is liable between a “driver” who may still be in the seat, and the manufacturer.
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e-cigarette compensation claims
March 08, 2018

E-cigarette compensation claims

Is an e-cigarette safe? Is “vaping” causing more damage to us than smoking? Is it a suitable alternative to smoking?

We’re not medical experts, but it’s clear from reports that those of us who “vape” need to err on the side of caution in some respects. Although the long-term health benefits / risks appear to have not yet been fully established, there have been numerous incidents reported of e-cigarette batteries exploding.

For the victims, there may be a way to claim for personal injury compensation.
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choosing the correct solicitor
March 01, 2018

Suffered a permanent injury and need more specialist legal advice?

We represent victims suffering from a permanent injury on a No Win, No Fee basis, and we don’t offer the typical service that a lot of standard lawyers offer.

There is a huge difference between a standard No Win, No Fee injury lawyer, and what we do for permanent injury claimants.

It is absolutely imperative that a victim who has suffered a permanent injury instructs a specialist injury lawyer, and we will briefly tell you why in this blog. It’s far more than just recovering a few thousand pounds when the injury is going to be there permanently.
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medical negligence
February 22, 2018

Why should victims of medical negligence settle for an apology?

We were recently made aware that some chiefs in the NHS believe that medical negligence victims should settle for an apology and nothing more. There was also a suggestion that many would.

It all comes down to cutting the legal costs that the NHS is facing; but denying a victim’s rights to fair and reflective justice is not the way forward for this. Many of these headlines burst from the press pages and they often paint the lawyers in the worst kind of light.

Here are some reasons as to why this theory of just saying sorry to a victim of medical negligence is fundamentally flawed.
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By Editor
February 15, 2018

Supreme Court blames local authority for child abuse inflicted by foster parents

Last October, the U.K.’s top judicial body, the Supreme Court, held a local authority vicariously liable for the abuse suffered by a foster child.

Nottinghamshire County Council was responsible for organising the fostering of a child between the ages of seven and 18 in the 1980’s. During her placement in two different foster homes, the child suffered physical, emotional and sexual abuse by her foster parents.

After a lengthy legal battle, the Supreme Court has found a local authority vicariously liable for the abuse.
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